FDTC Minutes of October 19, 2014

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Minutes – Sunday, October 19, 2014 at 7 PM

Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.

1.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jeffrey Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Jeanne Eversley, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Christopher Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid,  Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: none. Associate Members: none. Guests: Wade Blackman, Robert Cassidy, Matt D’Amico, Andrew D’Amico, Maeghan Welford.

2. Candidate/Guest Forum: no candidates were present.

·         The Framingham Green Initiative:  Matt D’Amico, a Framingham High School senior, presented information regarding the initiative, which will be voted on by the Town Meeting as Article 10. He was accompanied by his father, Andrew.  The initiative seeks to ban the sale in Framingham of single use PET-plastic water bottles of less than and including 1 liter in size.  The bottles may leach toxic substances into the water, and are discarded into the environment. Only 23% of these bottles are recycled. The Town of Concord, MA passed a similar ban recently.  There were many questions from the audience.

·         Wade Blackman asked for volunteers to assist with the GOTV efforts for the Coordinated Campaign.  The election is only two weeks away.  Volunteers are needed for making phone calls and canvassing.   This is the only way Democratic candidates will win! Norma Shulman noted that there are many different tasks that volunteers can assist with.

3.  9/14/2014 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                            Approved unanimously

    10/11/2014 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                           Approved unanimously

4. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                            Approved unanimously

A total income of $60.34, less total expenses of $ 1,500, decreased the 9-14-2014 balance of $3,901.11 to 2,461,45.  Only five members have yet to pay their dues for 2014-15.

Mel reported that $1,000 was the maximum contribution to candidates permitted under state law.  $1,000 has been sent to the Coakley-Kerrigan campaign and $500 to the Massachusetts Democratic State Committee for use by the Coordinated Campaign.  Of the $2,000 dispersal authorized by the FDTC members at the 10/11/2014 meeting, $500 remains to be donated.  Mel and Chairman Desilets will determine how to proceed.

5. Reports:

·         Coordinated Campaign and Rally: Norma Shulman reported there has been a terrific response. Martha Coakley herself, along with many others, canvassed in Framingham yesterday after the Rally.  Norma requested that experienced telephoners / canvassers be available to teach new volunteers.  In addition, some items are still needed for the Campaign Office on Rt. 9; Norma has the list. The Hub Dialer demonstration she held before tonight’s meeting was very informative.

            Chairman Desilets offered his thanks to all who participated in yesterday’s Coordinated Campaign Rally: Martha Coakley, William Galvin, Katherine Clark, Chris Walsh, Tom  Sannicandro and many local candidates were present. Particular thanks are due to members of the Laborers International Union of North America for their presence and strong organizing efforts.

·         Program Subcommittee: Bev Hugo reported that one of the most popular suggestions for future programs was to hold an event at Jack’s Abby Brewery.  She will arrange something – stay tuned.  Our Holiday Party will be held December 7, 2014, and our annual Breakfast meeting will be on March 8, 2015.  A February 2015 program will be needed, since the MA Democratic Caucus date has been moved.  Jeff Cox suggested that we could use that date to present the “Democrat of the Year” Award, perhaps to Gov. Deval Patrick.

6. Charitable donations:  Tonight’s donations are for the Pathways and Pearl Street Shelters. The charity for the November 9 meeting will be the Curtis Family Thanksgiving dinner. Tax deductible checks may be made out to the “United Way – Curtis Family Thanksgiving dinner”.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary