FDTC Minutes of March 13, 2016

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

  Minutes – Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 10 AM 

Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 10:04 AM.

1. Attendance: Members: Lori Bornstein, Chris Broyles, Jeanne Bullock, Jerry Desilets, Maureen Dunne, Patrick Dunne, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Beverly Hugo, Mike Hugo, Steve Joyce, Barbara LeDuc, Jack Lewis, Chris Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Ilma Paixao, Joan Rastani, Cindy Rubin, Elliot Schmiedl, Margareth Shepard, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully-Stoll, P. Nandi Varis,  Parwez Wahid, Rep. Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: Jerry Desilets, Betty Muto, Phil Ottaviani.  Associate Members: none. Guests: Brad Bauler, Rebecca Broody, Deborah Butler, Patrick Callahan, Robert Cassidy, Kevin P. Crotty, Jim DeSimone, Linda Dunbrack, Liz Fideler, Barbara Fontes, Rep. Carmine Gentile, Phil Jack, Ann Jeffris, John Kahn, Barry Kelleher, Pat Kelleher, George King, Ohad Klopman, PeterKoutoujian, Mike LeDuc, Stephen Malchman, Debra Mascott, Laurie Medrano, Bob Merusi, Cesar Monzon, Victor Ortiz, Stephen Rochis, Mike Rossi, Rep. Tom Sannicandro, Mort Shuman, Eric Silverman, Sam Silverman, Charlie Sisitsky, Donna Smith, Larry Stoodt, Sheri Thomas, Carlos Valadares, Joel Winett, Ruth Winett, William Wray.

2. 1-10-2016 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                             Approved unanimously

3. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw                              Approved unanimously

A total income of $ 20.75, and expenses of $1469.78 decreased the 1-10-16 balance of $4977.40 to $3528.37.  The expenses reflect reimbursements to support the Democratic State Committee meeting held at Framingham High School.

4. FDTC reorganization:  Jerry Desilets, speaking as the convener for the Nominations Committee, read a list of Democratic Party values, and then announced the slate of Officers recommended by the Nominations Committee.  The recommendations are: Beverly Hugo, Chairman; Jim Stockless, Vice Chairman; Margareth Shepard, Treasurer; Barbara LeDuc, Secretary; Outreach Officer, Jack Lewis.  Jerry inquired whether there were any further nominations from the floor.  Hearing none, a motion was made and seconded to approve the slate as read.  The vote was unanimous for election to office. 

5. Bev Hugo thanked the members for their vote of confidence and announced that the meeting would reconvene for candidates’ statements in 45 minutes after breakfast.

6.  The meeting reconvened at 10:45.  Norma Shulman reminded members that there will be caucuses on Apr. 9 to determine who will be delegates to the national Convention in Philadelphia in late July.  Norma is running as a Hillary Clinton delegate and Chris Lorant will be running as a Bernie Sanders delegate.  The Sanders caucus will be in Malden, the Clinton caucus will be in Watertown.

Candidate statements:

7. Tom Sannicandro, who is not running for reelection, noted that he has been honored to serve the people of Framingham, and that we have four strong candidates to replace him.  Rep. Chris Walsh (running for reelection) noted he has been proud to serve with Tom. Also, Rep. Carmine Gentile (running for reelection) noted his thoughts on working with the MetroWest delegation.

8. The following candidates introduced themselves to the meeting and spoke for two minutes:

Candidates for State Representative for 7th Middlesex District: Ilma Paixao, Jack Lewis, Phil Jack.

Candidates for Middlesex County Sheriff: Barry Kelleher, Rebecca Brodie, Peter Koutoujian.

Candidates for Framingham Selectman: Charlie Sisitsky, Cesar Monzon, Deborah Butler.

Candidates for Planning Board: Victor Ortiz

Candidates for School Committee: Eric Silverman, Rick Finlay.  (Rick Finlay sent a statement to the   meeting, which was read to the members by Mike Hugo.)

Candidates for Keefe School Committee: Chairman Desilets conveyed a statement from John Kahn.

Candidates for Housing Authority: Robert Merusi.

Candidates for Library Trustee: Ruth Winett, Steve Malchman, Elizabeth Fideler, William Wray.

Jerry thanked the incumbents for their years of service to Framingham, and thanked the newcomers for their interest.

9.  Candidates for Charter Commission: Brad Bauler, Adam Blumer (statement read by Chairman Desilets), Jeanne Bullock, George King, Deborah Butler, Laurie Medrano, Joel Winett.

10. A forum will be held on the Charter Commission tomorrow evening at 6:30 PM in the Blumerroom of the Memorial Building.

11.  Change of Meeting Dates:  After a five minute break, motions were made and seconded to change the dates of the April and June meetings to April 3 and June 5.  The motions passed unanimously. (These changes were necessitated by the schedules of the newly elected FDTC Officers.)

Jerry and Bev thanked Jeanne Bullock and Mike Hugo for their organization of and cooking for this breakfast meeting!  Thanks also to Kathie McCarthy for the great St. Patrick’s Day decorations, Irish music & Irish food, and a special thank you to all of our members who brought such delicious breakfast goodies. Great food this year!! 

Mel Warshaw wants to gently remind members that dues are payable now! Dues are $20 for Members and $15 for Associate Members.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary