FDTC Minutes for March 8, 2015

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

MINUTES — Sunday, March 8, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.

 Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the Annual Breakfast meeting to order at 9:05 AM.

1.  Chairman Desilets announced that Brian LeFort has accepted a new position with the Stateside Association, a political consulting firm in Washington, D.C., and would be resigning from the FDTC, effective today. Congratulations to Brian, and MANY thanks for his past hard work for us!

2.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Brian LeFort, Christopher Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Farooq Mirza, Betty Muto, Ram Raagas, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, John Stefanini, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: Phil Ottaviani.  Associate Members: Craig Broyles. Guests: Zaheer Ali, John Aroya, Irwin Blumer, Robert Cassidy, Jim Kelly, Jack Lewis, Brendan Sheehan, Jim Stockless.   

3.  1/11/2015 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                                  Approved unanimously

4. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                                  Approved unanimously

A total income of $365.41, with no expenses, increased the 1-11-15 balance of $2,189.84 to $2,555.25.  Annual dues (2015-6) will become payable in April ($20 for members and $15 for associate members).

Special thanks are owed to Parwez Wahid for donating his copy of our Yes We Can Cookbook for display in Sen. Markey’s Washington, D.C. office in exchange for a generous contribution to the FDTC on behalf of the Markey Campaign.

5. After discussions, Parwez announced that the Framingham Democratic Caucus will be held Sunday, May 17 at the Community Room at the Framingham Green.  Doors will open at 6PM for registration, and elections of delegates to the state convention will begin at 7 PM. The Massachusetts Democratic Convention will be held September 19 in Springfield.

6.  Announcements:

·         Parwez announced that the Middlesex & Worcester Democratic Coalition Annual Brunch will be held in Hudson on April 26.  Tickets are $25; please notify Parwez if you are interested in attending.

·         Joan Rastani offered a coffee toast to Sen. Markey for sponsoring the Daylight Savings Time bill when he was in the US House of Representatives.

·         Norma Shulman mentioned that on Sunday, 3/15, there will be a program for High School students at 10:30 AM in Shrewsbury. Jason Palitsch is a candidate for State Representative from the Westborough / Shrewsbury District.  The special election will take place on March 31, and Jason could use some volunteers from Framingham.  Contact Norma if you can help.  Also, MassDems is holding a series of regional organization meetings.  The MetroWest meeting will be Monday 3/16, in the Costin Room Framingham Library, from 5:30 – 7 PM. In addition, please remember that library bricks are still available for individuals to purchase 

7.  Reorganization: Norma Shulman described the process.

The Democratic Town Committee members are elected on the Presidential Primary Ballot, as are two state committee (DSC) members for our senate district.  We may form a slate of up to 35 candidates for FDTC membership.  Candidates may indicate their interest in a place on the slate by contacting the chairman, Jerry Desilets.  Names may be listed in alphabetical order or in another order.  There may also be separate slates of candidates or candidates may run individually.  The chairman must notify the state party by Aug. 3 as to the number of members (we currently have 35, the maximum number permissible).  On Aug. 4, the nomination papers will be ready.  The chair will receive the papers and notices in the mail.  Aug. 18 is the last day for registering as a Democrat in order to run for DTC membership.  November 18 is the deadline for turning in the nomination papers for DTC membership. 

Our current senate district ballot seat DSC members are Sen. Karen Spilka and Phil Jacks. Our current senate district caucus DSC members are Norma Shulman and Paul Yorkis.  The add-on DSC members from Framingham are Parwez Wahid, Ilma Paixao & Tom Barbera.

Jerry Desilets noted that he, John Stefanini, Betty Muto will become life-members at the end of this term (the date of the MA Presidential primary, approximately March 1, 2016), thus freeing up 3 more slots for new members. 

Regarding future FDTC membership: Jerry will inquire as to which of the present members wish to continue on the committee, and ask the publicity chair to send a special notice to Framingham Democrats in July. (Some current members may wish to continue as Associate Members.)  There will also be outreach to special populations, and we will need to recruit new members.  Norma suggested we remind prospective candidates that there are attendance and political activity expectations inherent to FDTC membership.

8. Legislative Report

Rep. Chris Walsh reported on the start of the Legislative Session.  The Governor’s new budget is most interesting, containing many instances where funding is increased or decreased to achieve balance.  The list of committee memberships is now completed: Rep. Tom Sannicandro remains Chair of the Joint Committee on Higher Education,  Sen. Karen Spilka has become Chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Carmen Gentile has been appointed to membership on the House Ways and Means and Environmental Committees, and Rep. Walsh is the Vice-Chair of the Joint Public Services Committee (overseeing pensions) and member of the Joint Transportation (i.e. MBTA), Financial Services and Ways and Means Committees.

Breakfast Break: FDTC members took a break for a delicious breakfast prepared by Jeanne Bullock and the Breakfast Subcommittee.  Thanks to all for the great food!

9.  Candidate Forum:

·         School Committee: candidates Bev Hugo (current School Committee Chair) and Jim Kelly discussed their priorities and took several questions from the members.

·         Planning Board: candidates for re-election Stephanie Mercandetti and Tom Mahoney detailed their accomplishments as members of the Board, and answered members’ questions.

10.  Election of new FDTC member:

Jack P. Lewis was nominated for FDTC membership from the floor.  Jack is Executive Director of OUT MetroWest and a former member of the Wellesley DTC.  He was elected unanimously.

·         Another opening on the FDTC will become available in April to replace Brian LeFort.

·         The position of Outreach Officer still open; this position will be advertised in the local media. Betty Muto inquired as to whether there was a job description in state party documents.

11.  Reports from the Subcommittees:

∙  Civics Education Subcommittee: Jerry Desilets will appoint a convener.

∙  By-Law Subcommittee: Mike Hugo reported that the first draft of the new By-Laws will be

   available soon, and will be discussed at the April 12 meeting.

∙  Legislative Subcommittee: Mel Warshaw will send a report electronically prior to our

   April 12 meeting.

∙  Programming Subcommittee: Bev Hugo requested suggestions for a program for next

   month’s meeting.  Several suggestions were offered by the membership.

12.  Regarding the Middlesex Norfolk Worcester Democratic Alliance:

∙  Jerry notes he believes the FDTC should encourage participation & regionalization.  Framingham

    has belonged to the Alliance since 1996.

∙  Norma noted the correct current By-Laws have been sent to members.  Previous sets of By-Laws

    are no longer valid.  Some Democratic Town Committees are more active than others; we

    should teach by example.

∙  Rob Cassidy mentioned that Framingham is not required to belong to the Alliance; three

    state senatorial districts are involved. 

∙ The FDTC currently has slots for 3 voting Alliance members which are filled; however, two alternates

    should be named in case the regular voting members cannot attend.

∙  Norma will forward the agenda to FDTC members.  The Alliance meets monthly at Restaurant 45

    in Medway on the first Monday of each month: 6PM for dinner, 7PM for the meeting.

    Meetings usually conclude around 9PM.

13. Charitable donations:  Tonight’s charity donations were for the Pathways and Pearl Street Shelters.  The charity for our April 12 meeting will be the United Way Food Pantry in Framingham. Bev will get a list of needed items, but in general, donations of non-perishable food items are always appropriate. Jerry will find out if there is a way to write tax deductible checks to donate funds.  Members are asked to bring suggestions for future donations to the May meeting.

 The next FDTC business meeting will be on April 12, 2015.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary