Minutes Jan 28, 2024

Meeting Attendees:  All FDC members listed, those in BOLD were present


Members: Lori Bornstein, Christopher Craig Broyles, Tracey Bryant, Jeanne Bullock, Jerry Desilets,  Patrick Dunne,  Mary Kate Feeney,  Barbara Fontes,  Adam Freudberg,  Kurt Fusaris, Linda Fields, Danielle Gregoire,  Audrey Hall, Jim Hansen , Brooke Harvey, Rosamond Hooper-Hamersley,  Shahid Khan,  Doug Lawrence, Barbara LeDuc,  Caraline Levy, Chris Lorant, Jack Patrick Lewis, David Magnani, Thom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Amanda Northrup, Phil Ottaviani,  Isabella Petroni, Cindy Rubin, Margareth ShepardNorma Shulman,  Priscila Sousa, Yvonne Spicer,  Adam Steiner, John Stefanini, Cesar Stewart-Morales, Jim Stockless,  Larry Stoodt, Cheryl Tully-Stoll,  Parwez Wahid,  Mel Warshaw, Leslie White-Harvey


Associate Members:  Rob Adamson, Kalee Balde, Stephanie Deeley, Maureen Dunne, Ricky Finlay, Karen Garafolo, David Gordon, Brooke Harvey, Tilia Klebenov Jacobs, Heather Klish, William LaBarge, Samantha McGarry, Katherine Murphy, Brandale Randolph, Joan Rastani, Pamela Roberts, Meghan Todd, Cynthia Villanueva, Brandon Ward, Joel Winett 



The Legislative Subcommittee of the Democratic Committee has requested this special meeting

to facilitate a vote of the Democratic committee to authorize committee outreach to legislators

in support of certain legislation:

7:06 PM  Meeting called to order by C.S. Morales, Chair 

The chair determined that we have a quorum present.

7:08 R. Hooper-Hamersley read the FDC Mission Statement

7:09 Audrey Hall, Chair of the Legislative Subcommittee was recognized.

Audrey mentioned that our advocacy is urgent as bills not reported out of subcommittee at the State House by the 7th February will be delayed by 2 years.  The subcommittee met and felt that it was important to advocate for 3 bills, and so we bring them urgently before the full committee for vote.    Bills favorably voted by the FDC membership will result in letters of advocacy being sent to our legislative delegation in the next few days.

S.2561 An Act Relative to Archaic Laws (attached) – Mel Warshaw spoke in support of the Bill.   The bill will establish processes to remove archaic laws such as prohibition of blasphemy.

Motion to support S.2561 – Mel Warshaw 

Seconded by Joel Winett

Passed Unanimously – 17-0-0

Mel will draft the letter for the legislature for Exec Comm review.

H.3852 An Act Supporting Electrical Load Aggregation Programs in the Commonwealth(attached) H3219 An Act Supporting Local Aggregation Programs (attached)

Larry Stoodt spoke in favor of the 2 bills which enable environmental benefits of electric aggregation legislation in Massachusetts towns and cities.

Motion to support H.3852 – Move that the FDC endorse both bills.  Motion by Larry Stoodt, seconded by Kathie McCarthy.

Passed Unanimously – 17-0-0

Larry will draft the letter for the legislature for Exec Comm review.

7:34 Motion to Adjourn:  Moved: K. McCarthy, Seconded L. Stoodt     Unanimously approved.