FDTC Minutes of February 26, 2012

MINUTES – Feb. 26, 2012  After Caucus


  1. Call to Order: Chair: Tom Mahoney
  2. Attendance: Secretary, P. Nandi Varris

Elsa Aviza, Carmen Chico, Nancy Coville-Wallace, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Beverly Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Shahid Khan, Tom Mahoney, Stephanie Mercandetti, Joan Rastani, Pam Roberts, Norma Shulman, John Stephanini, Cheryl Tully Stoll,,  P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw,

  1. Minutes of  Jan. 8, 2012 and Nov. 20, 2011                                                                           Approved
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Beverly Hugo                                                                              Waived
  3. Unfinished Business: Chair: Tom Mahoney
    • Cook book update: Beverly Hugo We have 175 Recipes and will accept more recipes until deadline of May 1st.  Pre-order forms are available for $10 before Massachusetts Democratic Convention however, at the Convention; our Cookbook will sell for $20. There was a suggestion to sell cookbooks at the Fall Session of the Framingham Town Meeting.
    • Community Support Project: Thanks to all who brought goods for “A Place to Turn”.  Project for March is “St. Bridget’s Pantry”,
  4. Resolution: FDTC joined others in supporting Bill #S772 a Resolution to OPPOSE Corporate Citizenship.  (see note below)
  5. Next Meeting – March 11th 10am , FDTC Breakfast at the Framingham Green
  6. Adjourn – Chair: Tom Mahoney


NOTE: Framingham Democratic Town Committee resolution  “…opposes the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Constitution in Citizens United regarding the constitutional rights of corporations, and supports amending the Constitution to provide that corporations are not entitled to the entirety of protections or “rights ” of natural persons, specifically so that the expenditure of corporate money to influence the electoral process is no longer a form of constitutionally protected speech, and calls on Congress to begin the process of amending the Constitution….”

As Written by the Natick Democratic Town Committee on their Blog page, Feb. 27 2012, http://natickdems.wordpress.com/blog/