FDTC Minutes for January 11, 2015

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Minutes – Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 7 PM

Order: Vice-Chairman Beverly Hugo called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.

1. Candidate/Guest Forum:

 Remembering Mary Murphy:

Beverly Hugo called for comments in remembrance of longtime FDTC member Mary Murphy.  Bev read statements from former state representative Pam Richardson and FDTC Chairman Jerry Desilets.  Bob Dodd spoke about his recollections, and showed FDTC members some of his collection of flyers and photographs of Mary’s political activities.  Mel Warshaw and Jack Duffy added their recollections.  Sen Spilka recalled Mary’s days as a driving force in reactivating this committee to increase its political participation.

Sen. Spilka and Rep. Chris Walsh spoke about the new legislative session beginning this week.


·         Jim Kelly, candidate for one of the two seats for Framingham School Committee, spoke about his priorities and qualifications for office.

·         Stephanie Mercandetti, candidate for re-election to the Framingham Planning Board, spoke about the tasks of the planning board.  She mentioned that Tom Mahoney, who was unable to attend tonight, will also be a candidate for re-election.  There are two seats available.

·         Bev Hugo, currently Chairman of the Framingham School Committee. will be a candidate for re-election.  Bev detailed some of the challenges facing the School Committee.

2.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jeffrey Cox, Jack Duffy, Maureen Dunne, Patrick Dunne, Jeanne Eversley, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Christopher Lorant, Stephanie Mercandetti, Betty Muto, Ram Raagas, Cheryl Tully-Stoll, P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: none. Associate Members: none. Guests:  Annabelle Dodd, Bob Dodd, Jim Kelly, Jack Lewis, Sen. Karen Spilka.                            

3.  11/9/2014 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                            Approved unanimously

4. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                            Approved unanimously

A total income of $60.43, less total expenses of $96.08 decreased the 11-9-2014 balance of $2,225.49 to $2,189.84.  All members’ dues are now marked as paid.  Dues (2015-6) will become payable in April.

In the past year, the Treasurer has filed with the OPCF three Campaign Finance Reports and three more detailed Income and Expense Statements.  One more of each will be filed with the OPCF this week.

5. Reports from the Subcommittees:

– By-Law Subcommittee: Mike Hugo

Other Democratic Town Committees in the area have more comprehensive By-Laws than the FDTC. Also, efforts need to be made to bring our By-Laws into agreement with the state Democratic party Charter.  Mike is soliciting comments from everyone concerned. It will likely be 2-3 months before the first draft of changes / updates to the By-Laws is completed.  Executive Committee and membership criteria may be added.  After FDTC approval, the document must go to the State party for ratification.

– Legislative Subcommittee: Mel Warshaw

Rep. Jay Kaufman (D – Lexington) has filed a bill on instant run-off voting for city / town elections which the FDTC may choose to support.  It is hoped Rep. Kaufman can join us at a future meeting, as there are some questions about implementation of the bill.  Rep. Chris Walsh has again filed a bill to remove obsolete / unconstitutional laws from the Massachusetts books. This bill has been filed in the past, but action not taken.  Considerable discussion ensued.  Rep. Walsh noted that he is posting all bills filed by him online.

– Programming Subcommittee: Bev Hugo

The Programming Subcommittee will meet again at our Saturday Morning Over Coffee meeting at Panache Coffee on Saturday January 31 at 10 AM.  The FDTC will host a party to watch President Obama’s the State of the Union Address on Tuesday, January 20 from 7 – 10PM in the Community Room of the Framingham Green.  The charity for our February 8 meeting will be our local shelters.

6. Report from the Middlesex Norfolk Worcester Democratic Alliance meeting: Bev Hugo

The Alliance will hold a “Candidate College” during the last two weeks of February. This will be an all-day training session for Democratic candidates.  Paul Yorkis will send more information shortly. There was also a request that members contribute $5 monthly to the state party.  Officers elected for the new year are: Paul Yorkis, Chairman; Phil Jack, Vice-chairman; Anne Manning, Secretary; Dylan Hayre, Treasurer.  Rep. Jeff Roy spoke about the recent legislators’ trip to Israel.

7. Announcements / Discussions

·         A motion was made, seconded & unanimously approved to authorize the purchase of a large (8″X8″) paving brick, to be inscribed “Dedicated to equal access & opportunity for all” for the new McAuliffe library walkway in the name of the FDTC.  Funds to cover the purchase for this were raised by private pledges from FDTC members.

·         A motion was made, seconded, and approved to change the name of the newly formed “Public Education Subcommittee” to the “Civics Education Subcommittee”, as the new name better reflects the stated purpose of the subcommittee.

·         Jeff Cox has resigned from the FDTC, as he has accepted a new position in Germany. An announcement of the vacancy on the FDTC will be sent by the Secretary.  Our sincere (but sad) congratulations to Jeff on his new job!

8. Charitable donations:  Tonight’s donations were for local Veterans’ needs.  Contributions  tothe Veterans’ Acupuncture Center or to Veterans Yoga were accepted.

Thanks again to Jeanne Bullock for the delicious refreshments!

The next FDTC business meeting will be on February 8, 2015.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary


FDTC Minutes of November 9, 2014

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Minutes – Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 7 PM

Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. 

Jerry thanked all of the members who assisted with the recent campaigns, and most notably Norma Shulman and Anne Manning, for their many hours of hard work! Framingham did very well (as did Natick) for the Coakley campaign, but all of the towns to the west of Framingham voted for the Republican candidate.  We must now start building a foundation for the Presidential campaign.

1.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jeffrey Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Patrick Dunne, Jeanne Eversley, Adam Freudberg, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Steve Joyce, Lloyd Kaye, Barbara LeDuc, Christopher Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Ilma Paixao, Ram Raagas, Norma Shulman, P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid,  Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: none. Associate Members: none. Guests: Robert Cassidy, Kate Donaghue, Maria Lucia Evangelista, Robin Lin, Anne Manning, Brenda Sheehan, Donna Smith,       Sheri Thomas.

2. Candidate/Guest Forum:

·         Sen. Karen Spilka thanked the FDTC for all of the work done by committee members.  She reminded the members that the TEA party is still present in MA, and thus our future activities should include minorities and youth education. 

·         Bob Cassidy spoke on behalf of Treasurer-elect Deb Goldberg to thank Framingham for the 61% vote (equaling 10,955 votes), and thanking the Framingham coordinators: Phil Ottaviani, State Rep. Chris Walsh, and Chris Lorant for their hard work.

·         Jerry Desilets congratulated our local officials, all of whom were re-elected: Rep. Chris Walsh, Rep. Tom Sannicandro, and Sen. Karen Spilka.

3.  10/19/2014 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                          Approved unanimously

4. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                            Approved unanimously

A total income of $20.34, less total expenses of $276.62 decreased the 10-19-2014 balance of $2,461.45 to $2,225.49.  Two members have yet to pay their dues.

Thus far this year, the Treasurer has filed three Campaign Finance Reports and three more detailed Income and Expense Statements with the Office of Political and Campaign Finance.

5. Report on Election Results:

·         Jack Duffy noted that democrats do well with GOTV, but we need to focus on voter education.

·         Norma Shulman stated there were substantial differences between Framingham precincts, for example Precinct 17, which was heavily canvassed. (A table appears below listing the unofficial gubernatorial votes in Framingham precincts [thanks to Stephanie Mercandetti]).

·         Anne Manning reported that Coakley won in Natick by 61 votes.

·         Bev Hugo attended an Advocacy meeting on Saturday with Chris Horan of Horan Communications, an advisor to Mayor Menino. He recommended that all town committees have a Communication Subcommittee giving weekly output.

·         Other comments regarding the campaign:

·         The Democratic Party nominating process needs changing; we need to add an education arm to this committee.

·         A lot of PAC money came into MA to provide misinformation; there was no response to it by democrats.

·         A new political party, the United Independent Party, has plans to put forward progressive candidates in MetroWest, and will compete with Democrats for votes.

·         The Coakley campaign was disorganized, but only lost by 1.8% of the vote.

·         To learn for the future, we need to distinguish between shortcomings of the candidates and the shortcomings of the campaign management.

Motion: Mel Warshaw made a motion to create a Public Education Subcommittee with the purpose of educating voters about government and politics. The motion was seconded, discussed, and passed unanimously.  FDTC members Carmen Chico, Jeff Cox, Pat Dunne, Jack Duffy, Bev Hugo, Mike Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Barbara LeDuc, Kathie McCarthy, and Mel Warshaw volunteered to serve on this subcommittee. An invitation to additional FDTC members will be sent by the Secretary.

6. Report on Outreach:

·         Karen Spilka reminded the committee that 16 and 17 year-olds can now be registered to vote, although they cannot vote until they are 18 years old.

·         Bob Cassidy noted that consistently only 14% of 18-25 year-olds actually vote.

·         Jeff Cox has found difficulty getting responses from Party officials.  Kate Donaghue offered to assist.

·         Anne Manning suggested that many colleges now use TurboVote to remind students to vote.

·         Ilma Paixao has had several meetings with the Brazilian community

7. Subcommittees:  Mel Warshaw will convene a meeting of the Legislative Subcommittee after this Wednesday. Members should speak to Mel after tonight’s meeting.

8. Announcements:

·   The Holiday Party will be held December 7.  The time will be changed to 5-8PM, as it is more convenient for members and elected officials. Volunteers to assist Jeanne Bullock with planning the party are Parwez Wahid, Norma Shulman, Mike and Bev Hugo, and Mel Warshaw.  Additional volunteers (and cooks!) are welcome.

·   Kate Donahue invited FDTC members to the Westborough Holiday Party on Dec. 14.               Sen. Warren has promised to attend if her staff permits.

·   Saturday morning over coffee will be held on Nov. 22.

·   Barbara LeDuc asked if any members were interested in pledging money to buy a brick for the new McAuliffe Library, to be donated by the FDTC. Bricks cost $100 or $250 depending on size.  An email will be sent to determine interest and solicit pledges.

9. Charitable donations:  Tonight’s donations are for the Curtis Family Thanksgiving Dinner. (Tax deductible checks may be made out to the “United Way – Curtis Family Thanksgiving Dinner”). The charity for the December Holiday Party is to be announced. For 2015, several charities were suggested; Bev Hugo will compile a list.

Thank you to Jeanne Bullock for her work on Hospitality!

The next FDTC business meeting will be on January 11, 2015.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary


Unofficial vote tally, Framingham by precinct:

Precinct            Coakley            Baker

1                      756                   765

2                      775                   774

3                      662                   529

4                      785                   805

5                      749                   672

6                      723                   709

7                      620                   619

8                      697                   541

9                      453                   379

10                     346                   233

11                     794                   817

12                     389                   267

13                     514                   318

14                     332                   165

15                     436                   201

16                     222                   101

17                     263                   58

18                     308                   203


total                  9824                 8156


FDTC Minutes of October 19, 2014

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Minutes – Sunday, October 19, 2014 at 7 PM

Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.

1.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jeffrey Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Jeanne Eversley, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Christopher Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid,  Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: none. Associate Members: none. Guests: Wade Blackman, Robert Cassidy, Matt D’Amico, Andrew D’Amico, Maeghan Welford.

2. Candidate/Guest Forum: no candidates were present.

·         The Framingham Green Initiative:  Matt D’Amico, a Framingham High School senior, presented information regarding the initiative, which will be voted on by the Town Meeting as Article 10. He was accompanied by his father, Andrew.  The initiative seeks to ban the sale in Framingham of single use PET-plastic water bottles of less than and including 1 liter in size.  The bottles may leach toxic substances into the water, and are discarded into the environment. Only 23% of these bottles are recycled. The Town of Concord, MA passed a similar ban recently.  There were many questions from the audience.

·         Wade Blackman asked for volunteers to assist with the GOTV efforts for the Coordinated Campaign.  The election is only two weeks away.  Volunteers are needed for making phone calls and canvassing.   This is the only way Democratic candidates will win! Norma Shulman noted that there are many different tasks that volunteers can assist with.

3.  9/14/2014 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                            Approved unanimously

    10/11/2014 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                           Approved unanimously

4. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                            Approved unanimously

A total income of $60.34, less total expenses of $ 1,500, decreased the 9-14-2014 balance of $3,901.11 to 2,461,45.  Only five members have yet to pay their dues for 2014-15.

Mel reported that $1,000 was the maximum contribution to candidates permitted under state law.  $1,000 has been sent to the Coakley-Kerrigan campaign and $500 to the Massachusetts Democratic State Committee for use by the Coordinated Campaign.  Of the $2,000 dispersal authorized by the FDTC members at the 10/11/2014 meeting, $500 remains to be donated.  Mel and Chairman Desilets will determine how to proceed.

5. Reports:

·         Coordinated Campaign and Rally: Norma Shulman reported there has been a terrific response. Martha Coakley herself, along with many others, canvassed in Framingham yesterday after the Rally.  Norma requested that experienced telephoners / canvassers be available to teach new volunteers.  In addition, some items are still needed for the Campaign Office on Rt. 9; Norma has the list. The Hub Dialer demonstration she held before tonight’s meeting was very informative.

            Chairman Desilets offered his thanks to all who participated in yesterday’s Coordinated Campaign Rally: Martha Coakley, William Galvin, Katherine Clark, Chris Walsh, Tom  Sannicandro and many local candidates were present. Particular thanks are due to members of the Laborers International Union of North America for their presence and strong organizing efforts.

·         Program Subcommittee: Bev Hugo reported that one of the most popular suggestions for future programs was to hold an event at Jack’s Abby Brewery.  She will arrange something – stay tuned.  Our Holiday Party will be held December 7, 2014, and our annual Breakfast meeting will be on March 8, 2015.  A February 2015 program will be needed, since the MA Democratic Caucus date has been moved.  Jeff Cox suggested that we could use that date to present the “Democrat of the Year” Award, perhaps to Gov. Deval Patrick.

6. Charitable donations:  Tonight’s donations are for the Pathways and Pearl Street Shelters. The charity for the November 9 meeting will be the Curtis Family Thanksgiving dinner. Tax deductible checks may be made out to the “United Way – Curtis Family Thanksgiving dinner”.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary


FDTC Minutes of October 11, 2014

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Coordinated Campaign Office, 303 Worcester Rd. Framingham, MA 01701

Minutes – Saturday, October 11, 2014 at 9 AM Special Meeting

Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 9:02 AM.  The specific and sole purpose of this meeting was to authorize expenditure of a part of our funds to assist Democratic candidates for election in November.

1.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Tom Mahoney, Stephanie Mercandetti, Farooq Mirza, Ram Raagas, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: none. Associate Members: none. Guests: none.

2. Chairman Desilets asked Treasurer Mel Warshaw for the status of our FDTC funds.  Mel replied that we had almost $4,000 in our checking account.

3. Chairman Desilets asked Norma Shulman to describe her recent conversations at the Sudbury and Wayland DTC meetings, and to report their efforts toward assisting Democratic candidates for the   Nov. 4 election.

Norma replied that the Coakley gubernatorial campaign was in urgent need of funds. The Sudbury DTC has made a donation. The Wayland DTC has made a donation to Dylan Hayre, candidate for State Senate, and has sent an additional contribution to the Coakley campaign.  In addition, it is planning to purchase advertising in the MetroWest Daily News and the Town Crier.  Also, the Ashland DTC has contributed funds to cover the cost of WiFi and telephone hookups for the Coordinated Campaign office.

Norma reported that, in Framingham, there had been interest in purchasing additional Coakleylawn signs, but she did not know if this would be possible.

Chairman Desilets suggested we leave the language of any expenditure motion as flexible as possible, in order to allow himself and Mel to keep the contributions in accord with state laws.

Norma made a motion that we authorize Mel and Jerry to allocate up to $2,000 toward the election as follows: up to $1,000 to the Coakley / Kerrigan campaign or to MassDems, and up to $1,000 to the MetroWest Coordinated Campaign.

Mike Hugo offered a friendly amendment to the motion to donate directly up to $1500 to the Coakley / Kerrigan campaign, since several other campaigns were unopposed. Mel and Jerry will oversee accordance with any legal restrictions. The remaining up to $500 will be held for additional campaign-related expenses such as hosting a rally / fundraiser, or donations to other candidates. Donated amounts should be adjusted so that our FDTC funds should not drop below $2,000.

Jack Duffy asked that such potential expenses be further discussed at our regular FDTC meeting next Sunday, Oct. 19.  Bev Hugo asked that we consider hiring someone to keep the campaign office open for additional hours.  Mel Warshaw volunteered to keep the office open at some additional times on Mondays and Fridays.

A vote was held on the amended expenditure motion, which passed unanimously.

4.  Announcements: 

There will be a rally with Martha Coakley and Katherine Clark at 11AM on Sunday Oct. 19 on the steps of Framingham’s Memorial Building.  Visibility will begin at 10 AM. Bring your friends!!!

This will be followed by the Kate Donaghue Birthday canvass.

·         Bev Hugo announced that President Clinton will appear on Thursday with Martha Coakleyat 2PM at Clark University in Worcester. Tickets may be still available.

·         Parwez announced that there will be a fund-raiser for Martha Coakley next Saturday in Newton.

·         Jerry announced there will be a fundraiser for Rep. Carolyn Dykema of Holliston on this Friday (17th) at 8 AM at the Bowditch & Dewey Office, 175 Crossing Blvd., Framingham 01702.

·         There will be a fundraiser for Sen. Richard Moore on Wed. Oct. 22 at 8 AM at Bowditch & Dewey.

·         Canvassing will be held today at 1PM and tomorrow at 11 AM from the Framingham office.

·         Hub Dialer is available Monday and Thursday at 6 to 9 PM, and Sundays from 4 to 7 PM. 

·         The campaign office is open from 11 to 8 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, plus additional times as needed.

·         Additional Coakley lawn signs are becoming available for well-travelled roadways.

Thanks to Parwez for today’s bagels & cream cheese!

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary


FDTC Minutes of September 14, 2014

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Minutes – Sunday, September 14, 2014 at 7 PM

Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.

1. Candidate/Guest Forum: The following candidates and officials offered comments (limited to two minutes), followed by questions from FDTC members / attendees:

·         Deb Goldberg, Democratic nominee for Massachusetts State Treasurer.

·         Marian Ryan, Democratic nominee for District Attorney of Middlesex County.

·         Tom Sannicandro, candidate for re-election as State Representative, 7th Middlesex District.

·         Carmine Gentile, nominee for State Representative,13th Middlesex District.

·         Chris Walsh, candidate for re-election as State representative, 6th Middlesex District.

·         Juanita Love Davis introduced Paula Costa, the MetroWest Field Organizer for Martha Coakley, who spoke on behalf of the Coakley / Kerrigan campaign.

·         Lauren Fowler, Field Organizer, spoke on behalf of Katherine Clark, nominee for re-election to the US House of Representatives, 5th District of Massachusetts.

·         James Arena DeRosa spoke on behalf of the Coordinated Campaign.

·         Norma Shulman spoke on behalf of Maura Healey, nominee for Attorney General of MA.

·         Tom Barbera, a Democratic State Committee member who recently moved to Framingham, introduced himself to the FDTC members.

2. Update on the Coordinated Campaign:

Sen. Ben Downing (Berkshire, Hampshire and Franklin District) and Matt Fenlon (Executive Director, MA Democratic Party).

Sen. Downing noted that the coordinated campaign had worked over the summer to contact voters who previously had voted only in Presidential elections.  Now, they will be working to extend that group of voters.  There will be at least two more “Weekends of Action” before the general election; the first will be next weekend. There will be a volunteer summit meeting on the 28th in Worcester.  In addition, they will be opening as many campaign offices as possible: the Framingham office will be on Route 9 at the location previously used by the Markey campaign.  Sen. Downing reminded the FDTC that Massachusetts has been first in job creation under Democratic governors, while the state ranked 47th under Republican governors.

Matt Fenlon discussed the positions of the Republican candidate: Charlie Baker opposes universal pre-school and earned sick time.  He laid off about 5 thousand employees, while earning $1.7 million yearly, and cut the DCF budget when he was Secretary of Health & Human Services of MA.  Defeating Charlie Baker will require many hours of volunteer work.

Committee members noted additional differences between the positions of the parties such as support for mass transportation, support for various ethnic groups, elder affairs, and economics (blue states have the best economies).  Furthermore, the Republican Lt. Governor nominee is a TEA party advocate. 

3.  Attendance:  Members: Tom Barbera, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jeffrey Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Patrick Dunne, Adam Freudberg, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Steve Joyce, Lloyd Kaye, Barbara LeDuc, Brian LeFort, Christopher Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Stephanie Mercandetti, Betty Muto, Ilma Paixao, Ram Raagas, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully-Stoll, Parwez Wahid,  Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: none. Associate Members: none. Guests: Wade Blackman, Robert Cassidy, David Cepone, Paula Costa, Juanita Love Davis, James Arena DeRosa, Ben Downing, Matt Fenlon, Michael Foley, Lauren Fowler, Carmen Gentile, Deb Goldberg, Brian Lynch, Anne Manning, Marian Ryan, Donna Smith, and Sheri Thomas.

4.  6/8/2014 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                              Approved unanimously

5.  Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                           Approved unanimously

A total income of $316.04, less total expenses of $ 304.22, increased the 6-8-2014 balance of $3,889.29 to 3,901.11.   Several members paid their current dues. The Committee voted to authorize the Treasurer to reimburse Wade Blackman for expenses related to the cookout. 

6. Reports from the subcommittees:

Program Subcommittee: Bev Hugo announced that the subcommittee had met on Aug. 7 at “Saturday Morning Over Coffee”.  Both the cookout and the District Attorney candidates’ debate are completed.  On October 6 in the Blumer Room of the Framingham library there will be a panel discussion examining both the pro and con positions of each of the four ballot initiatives. Secretary of State Bill Galvin will make the introductions.  Bev also submitted a list of potential program topics developed by the committee, in order to gauge the topics of greatest interest.

Legislative Subcommittee: To avoid distracting from the election, the subcommittee will not meet until after the general election on November 9.  The last day to file new legislation for this term is Jan. 15, 2015.  Upcoming topics include instant runoff voting, and unconstitutional laws. All members who wish to have input on topics are encouraged to email Mel Warshaw.

By-Law Subcommittee:   Mike Hugo announced that the subcommittee held its first meeting prior to the FDTC meeting, and produced many good suggestions for updating our By-laws.  Further information will be forthcoming.

7.  Announcements:

·         Parwez announced that next year’s State Convention will be held on September 19 in Springfield.  This is a substantial change in the scheduling. This will also move the caucus window for electing delegates; the DSC Rules Committee will announce the new caucus window in due time.

·         Norma Shulman announced that the election results are detailed in today’s MetroWestDaily News. The first coordinated campaign canvass will take place on Sunday, Sept. 21, starting from the Rte. 9 office.

·         Barbara LeDuc announced that the report from last month’s Alliance meeting will be distributed electronically.

8. Charitable donations:  Tonight’s donations are for A Place to Turn, a food bank which serves MetroWest families; the donations will be delivered by Norma Shulman.  The Pathways and Pearl Street Shelters will be the charities for  the October 19th meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary