FDTC Minutes for October 18, 2015

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Minutes – Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 7 PM 

Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.

1. Representatives of Presidential campaigns:

Chris Lorant spoke on behalf of the Bernie Sanders for President campaign and described two recent very successful rallies.  Supporters are encouraged to visit MetroWest for Sanders 2016 on Facebook.

Norma Shulman spoke on behalf of the Hillary Clinton for President campaign. Supporters can visit the MetroWest for Hillary Facebook pages or sign up to visit NH or make phone calls.

2.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Tom Barbera, Jeanne Bullock, Jerry Desilets, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Adam Freudberg, Beverly Hugo, Mike Hugo, Steve Joyce, Lloyd Kaye, Shahid Khan, Barbara LeDuc, Jack Lewis, Christopher Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Sarah Micciche, Farooq Mirza, Betty Muto, Ilma Paixao, Norma Shulman, Jim Stockless, Cheryl Tully Stoll, P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Rep. Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: none.  Associate Members: Cindy Rubin, Margareth Shepard Guests:LeVarr Brewster, Elliot Schmiedl, Sheri Thomas.

3.  9-12-2015 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                            Approved unanimously

4. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                             Approved unanimously

A total income of $413.65, with expenses of $104.21, increased the 6-14-15 balance of $2,427.23 to $2736.67.  (Many members have not yet paid their annual dues.)

5. Election of new member: The election had to be postponed until our November meeting since notice of this election, although submitted to local news outlets, was not printed.  Public notice of such elections is required under Massachusetts Democratic Party guidelines.

Several residents interested in becoming full or associate FDTC members were present, and each spoke for a few minutes to introduce themselves to the current membership.  The prospective members were Margareth Shepard, Cindy Rubin, Elliot Schmiedl, and LeVarr Brewster.

6.  Reports of the Subcommittees:

Bylaws Subcommittee: Mike Hugo: no report at this time.

Legislative Subcommittee: Mel Warshaw: no report at this time.

Civics Education Subcommittee: Chairman Jack Duffy will report at a later meeting.  

Programming Subcommittee: Chairman Bev Hugo listed the following dates:

            Oct. 31: Sat. morning over coffee, then traveling to Worcester for Joe Petty for Mayor

            Nov 1: Fund-raiser for Jim McGovern; 9AM at O’Connor’s, 1160 W. Boylston St. Worcester, MA                                    01606.  Donation: $25 / person.  

            Nov. 3: GOTV

            Nov. 15: our regular meeting

            Nov. 21: smoc (Saturday Morning Over Coffee) at B. Sisters coffee shop.

            Dec. 6: our Holiday Party from 4-7PM. (Natick’s party will be from 1-3 PM on the same day.)

            Dec 12: National Delegate Workshop at the downtown Framingham Library (Costin Room) from                            1-3 PM.

            Jan 10, 2016: Regular meeting & Presidential Inaugural

            Jan. TBA: Politics & Pizza party to watch Pres. Obama’s last State of the Union address

            March 1: Presidential Primary

            Mar. 13: 10AM, Candidates’ Forum

            Apr. 10: Annual Meeting: elections & reorganization

            May 15: 7PM; Delegate Briefing (bring Asian Food)

7.  Volunteers for this years’ Holiday Party Committee are: Elsa Aviza, Linda Fields, Bev Hugo, Mike Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Betty Muto, Cindy Rubin, Mel Warshaw. Additional members interested in volunteering can contact Barbara LeDuc or Bev Hugo.

8. Announcements:

·         Jerry Desilets mentioned that there will be a need for members to volunteer to go to NH to promote the Democratic candidate after the Presidential Primary on Mar. 1.  Framingham members helped in NH in the last Presidential election, and assistance by Mass Democrats made a big difference in the NH outcome.

·         Jerry noted also we will need a transition team for the transition of the current FDTC officers to the next officers. This will take place sometime after the election on March 1, 2016.

·         Shahid Khan reported on his recent activities of fundraising on the national level for former Sec. Hillary Clinton, Sen. Richard Blumenthal of CT, and Sen. Ed Markey, amongst others.

·         Tom Barbera announced that Mushtaque Mirza, one of the first Muslim members of the DSC, passed away recently.  He was a great friend, and will be missed! 

·         Rep. Chris Walsh is running for the Democratic State Committee.  Norma had his signature forms, and asked everyone to sign before leaving the meeting.

·         Norma announced that the January 26, 2016 meeting of the Democratic State Committee will be held at Framingham High School.

·         Norma announced that FDTC had 29 delegates attend the convention in Springfield.  Delegates had excellent seating on the floor, probably due to our multiple requests for accessible accommodations. Also, this year there were a number of excellent breakout sessions; please send your recollections to Norma and she will compile them for distribution.

·         Tom Mahoney noted that he had an opportunity to speak with Tom McGee at the convention.  Chairman McGee stated there will be no more taking attendance by hand at future conventions; attendance will now be taken by bar code.  Hooray!

9. Charitable donations:  Tonight’s charity donations are for the Pathways Shelter.

The next FDTC business meeting will be on November 15 at 7 PM and the November Charity will be the Curtis Family Dinner – to support Thanksgiving Dinner for so many Framingham residents. 

Contributions (cash or checks made out to Curtis Family Dinner / United Way) can be brought to the meeting and we will hand-deliver them to United Way of Tri-County, 46 Park St. Framingham, MA 01702.

Please note: The charity for December will be for toys for the children at Framingham’s shelters, so please start your shopping early!!

The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary


FDTC Minutes for September 12, 2015

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Minutes – Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 10 AM

Call to Order: Vice-Chairman Beverly Hugo called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. As there were a number of visitors for the pre-convention briefing, introductions were conducted. A delicious bagel breakfast was served.

1.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jack Duffy, Patrick Dunne, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Jack Lewis, Christopher Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Farooq Mirza, Betty Muto, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully Stoll, P. Nandi Varis, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: none.  Associate Members: Chris Broyles, Pam Roberts. Guests: Susan Anderson, Auli Batts, Lori Bornstein, Mary Dalton, Maria Davis, Jeffrey Hoffman, Lorraine Horn, Sue Kennedy (DSC), KG Narayana, Cindy Rubin, Sheri Thomas.   

2.  6/14/2015 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                            Approved with 1 correction

3. Treasurer’s Report:  The full report will be given at the Oct. 18 meeting

4. Bev Hugo offered a moment of silence in fond memory of our FDTC member Ram Raagas.  We will miss him deeply.

5.  Announcements:

·         Election of all FDTC members will take place in March 2016.  Chair Jerry Desilets is determining which current members are interested in continuing.

·         The FDTC is seeking a new Affirmative Action / Outreach Officer to replace Jeff Cox, who was transferred to Germany. We will vote on the position at the Oct. 18 meeting.  Also on Oct. 18, we will hold a vote to fill the vacant FDTC member position.  Please notify Jerry Desilets if you know of a suitable candidate.

·         The charity for the next meeting will be the Pathways Shelter. Bev Hugo will inquire as to their special needs for the month.

·         A special celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act will be held at the Hanover theater in Worcester on Oct. 15.  Tickets are $25, and the State Committee is asking each town committee to sell 10 tickets or more, if possible.

·         The Framingham DTC is hoping to host the Tuesday, January 26, 2016 meeting of the Democratic State Committee at a site to be determined.  To do this, we need to raise money, and provide volunteers.

·         Cheryl Tully Stoll announced that, if needed, a Framingham preliminary primary election would be held on the same day as the Presidential election.

·         Auli Batts, Chair of the Wellesley DTC, announced that Attorney General Maura Healey will speak at the Wellesley Library on Oct. 28, starting at 7 or 7:30 PM. All are invited.

·         Jack Duffy  conveyed an invitation from Herb Chasan to the fund-raiser for Hoops and Homework, a Framingham after-school program, on Nov. 9 at the new Jack’s Abby Restaurant & Brewery. Tickets are $50 and include beer and great pizza from the new brick ovens!

·         Very special thanks to Jeanne & Parwez for organizing the “bagel breakfast” for today’s meeting, and to the many folks who brought loads of goodies and juice!

6.  Program: Sue Kennedy and Parwez Wahid, DSC members:

Sue and Parwez presented their slide show of instructions and suggestions for delegates to the State Convention next weekend; many helpful hints were mentioned.  Please bring your cell phone and charger, a small flashlight and a pen.  Since it is likely the concession stands will be closed, try to bring snack bars.  Bring only small bags (all bags will be searched).  There are two parties on Friday evening, and the Labor Breakfast will be at the Mass Mutual Center on Saturday morning at 8AM.  District Attorney Marian Ryan will be receiving an award.  Break-out sessions will be held from 1-2 and 2-3PM.  The schedule of those sessions is listed on today’s handout.

During the Q&A period following the presentation, several members described difficulties endured by delegates with disabilities attempting to attend past state Democratic conventions.  Sue noted that the state party has heard these concerns, but has not made progress in resolving them.

·         Mike Hugo made a motion (seconded by Jack Duffy): “the FDTC should bring a resolution to the floor requiring that accommodations be made so that persons with disabilities can sit with their respective delegations.” 

The motion passed on a vote of 15-0-1.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary


FDTC Minutes for June 14, 2015

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Minutes – Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 7 PM 

Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM.

1.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Maureen Dunne, Patrick Dunne, Beverly Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Christopher Lorant, Betty Muto, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, John Stefanini, Parwez Wahid, Rep. Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: none.  Associate Members: Chris Broyles. Guests: Thalita Dias, Sen. Jamie Eldridge, Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier (D-Pittsfield), Rep. Carmen Gentile, MargarethShepard (Brazilian Women’s Group), Ines Fonseca Soares (Brazilian Embassy), Sheri Thomas, Natalicia Tracy, Laura Wagner.

2.  Program: panel discussion: H. 3285 Safe Driving: Presenters: Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Sponsor H. 3285, Thalita Dias (MA Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition: MIRA), NataliciaTracy (Brazilian Immigrant Center), Laura Wagner (Unitarian Universalist Mass Action Network). 

H3285 would allow for Mass. residents to obtain a learner’s permit or license to operate a motor vehicle even if they are unable to provide a Social Security number (if they are ineligible for one) or evidence of immigration status.  The bill would further require that they obtain liability insurance, and might mandate additional training in MA / USA driving laws.

Rep. Farley-Bouvier opened the discussion.  All drivers should be properly trained and carry liability insurance.  License applicants would need to pay the test and renewal fees as do other residents.

Thalita Dias: This bill has been passed in 10 other states, including CT & VT.  In CT, the bill was heavily supported by the auto insurance companies.

Laura Wagner: The licenses would provide real ID compliance. It is not evidence of citizenship, cannot be used to acquire benefits or buy a gun, and, although it can be used to board a plane, residents can do that without the license. The present bill would provide licenses identical to the licenses currently in use.  She believes a different form of the driver’s license, which has been proposed in the past, is potentially dangerous, in that it identifies the carrier as undocumented.

Natalicia Tracy: The bill would require  applicants to provide 2 forms of ID & proof of 3 months residency in MA.  Additionally, the bill requires driver training, licensure testing, and auto insurance. Passage of the bill would be good for the economy, as it would allow more of the affected residents to work; they now fear driving.

Reps. Walsh and Gentile noted that there over 30K driving deaths annually in the US.  All possible steps to reduce this number by increasing driver training should be taken.  Rep. Walsh does not believe the bill will pass in the MA House of Reps.

Jack Duffy made a motion to endorse HR 3285 (seconded by M. Warshaw).  The motion passed with a 15-0-3 vote.

3.  Report on the current status of the budget: Reps. Walsh and Gentile, and Sen. Eldridge.

The budget is in Conference Committee, having gotten a slow start this year because of disagreements amongst the leadership. (The future of joint legislative committees (House plus Senate) is in jeopardy.) For the budget items where the Senate and House agree, passage seems certain, but when the two houses disagree, negotiations continue.

Additionally, some legislative items worth watching are:

·         Criminal justice Reform: & Drug Minimum sentences.  Some of these may get overturned, as too many people are incarcerated.

·         Progressive Taxation: should be addressed.  Raise up Mass is promoting budget priorities.

·         Housing courts: there is pending legislation to develop these in MA

·         Care Act: to provide more in-home care.  In-home care is cheaper for the taxpayer and often better than in many health care facilities.

4.  4/12/2015 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                            Approved unanimously

5. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                             Approved unanimously

A total income of $258.46, with expenses of $508.71*, decreased the 4-12-15 balance of $2,677.48 to $2427.23.  (* This includes return of a $250 check originally written from a PC account, rather than a personal account, as ordered by the OCPF.) Members who have not paid their annual dues are urged to do so after tonight’s meeting.)

6. Report from the MNW Alliance meeting: / We the People Act (H. 3127)

Norma Shulman gave the report on the Alliance meeting and their consideration of the We the People Act.  In summary, the MA legislation calls on Congress to propose an amendment to the Constitution that would affirm that

·         Constitutional rights are rights of human individuals only;

·         Congress and the states shall place limits on political contributions. Spending money to influence elections is not protected free speech under the first Amendment;

·         Further, if congress does not propose this constitutional amendment within 6 months of the passage of this bill, then this bill calls for a Constitutional Convention, pursuant to Article V of the US Constitution, when 2/3 of the states have applied for a Convention.

·         (Note:  Sen. Spilka and Reps. Sannicandro, Walsh, and Gentile are co-sponsors of this legislation.)

 There was considerable and widespread discussion of this Act.  John Stefanini questioned the wisdom of the third section which might permit a “runaway convention”, particularly in view of the current party makeup of the congress, and Republican domination in parts of the US. Vigorous discussion ensued.

Norma Shulman made a motion for the FDTC to become a supporting organization (B. LeDucseconded) of H. 3127.  The motion passed with a vote of 9-7-0.

7.  Reports of the Subcommittees:

Programming Subcommittee: Chairman Bev Hugo listed the following dates.

            8-16: our BBQ

            9-19: MA Democratic Convention in Springfield

            10-18: Suggestions for the topic are welcomed.

            11-15: Suggestions for the topic are welcomed.

            12-6: Holiday Party

            The 2016 dates are 1/10, 2/21, 3/13, 4/10, 5/15, 6/12, and 9/18.

Civics Education Subcommittee: Jack Duffy will convene the committee shortly.

By-laws Subcommittee & Legislative Subcommittee: no reports at this time.

9.  Announcements:

·         Rush Ashton announced that this year is the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act.  On August 6, there will be a celebration at the Hanover Theater in Worcester.  Tickets are $25.  The MA. State Party is hoping DTCs will buy tables of 10 seats for $250.

·         (Note added later: this event has been rescheduled to October 15.) 

10. Charitable donations:  Tonight’s charity donations were for the Pearl Street Shelter. 

 The next FDTC business meeting will be on September 12 at 10 AM.  PLEASE NOTE the time and day change. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary


FDTC Minutes for April 12, 2015

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

MINUTES — Sunday April 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.

 Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.

1.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Patrick Dunne, Linda Fields, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Jack Lewis, Christopher Lorant, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully Stoll, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members:none.  Associate Members: Chris Broyles. Guests: Robert Jubinville, Mort Shuman, Jim Stockless, Sheri Thomas.    

2.  3/8/2015 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                                    Approved unanimously

3. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                                  Approved unanimously

A total income of $122.23, with no expenses, increased the 3-8-15 balance of $2,555.25 to $2,677.48.  Mel noted that some receipts from the Annual Breakfast have not yet been reimbursed, and would appear next month.  Annual dues (2015-16) are payable tonight. ($20 for members and $15 for Associate Members.)

4. Caucus planning: Norma Shulman outlined plans for our Framingham Democratic Caucus on Sunday, May 17, at the Framingham Green.  Doors will open at 6PM for registration, and elections of delegates to the state convention will begin at 7 PM. The Massachusetts Democratic Convention will be held September 19 at the Mass. Mutual Center in Springfield. Framingham needs to elect 34 delegates and 6 alternates; we will need to recruit people.  We will be focusing on the Presidential Primary.  Candidates must have been registered as Democrats by the Jan. 31, 2015 deadline in order to be nominated.

Members indicating an interest in being delegates were: Barbara LeDuc, Bev Hugo, Mel Warshaw, Stephanie Mercandetti, Chris Lorant, Jack Duffy, Carmen Chico, Elsa Aviza, Mike Hugo, Linda Fields, Chris Broyles, Jeanne Bullock, Joan Rastani, Jack Lewis, and Jim Stockless.  Jerry Desilets will be the 34th delegate.

Volunteers for the Caucus Subcommittee were Parwez Wahid, Stephanie Mercandetti, and Linda Fields.  Any other members interested should contact Norma Shulman.

5.  Election of a new FDTC member: Jim Stockless was nominated and the nomination seconded. Jim was elected by a unanimous vote.

6.  Councillor Bob Jubinville presented his report on the Governor’s Council.  This is the first time in history that such a report has been prepared and distributed publically.  The General Assembly meets weekly; also there have been 88 formal Hearings. (CouncillorJubinville has a 100% attendance record.)  Furthermore, this is the first year that hearings have been held outside of the statehouse, specifically in Pittsfield, Greenfield, and Springfield.  While these meetings are unofficial, they are designed to gain a sense of the opinions of the electorate. It is hoped there will be such a meeting in MetroWest next year.  Councilor Jubinville brought copies of the written report for distribution to FDTC members and the general public.  Please contact the Secretary if you would like a copy. Mel Warshaw commended the Councilor for his efforts to publicize the serious problems that result from minimum mandatory sentencing laws and judges considering drug addicts as criminals belonging in jail.

7.  Reports of the Subcommittees:

By-laws: Mike Hugo noted that the revisions to the By-laws would be reported next month. A member noted that the revisions should reaffirm the concept that town elections are non-partisan.

Legislative: 1) Mel Warshaw noted that Rep. Jay Kaufman had responded earlier to an invitation to speak to the FDTC.  A time will be scheduled.  2) On behalf of the subcommittee, Barbara LeDuc offered a motion to the FDTC to support a Resolution to request that the legislature increase the starting salaries and make tuition loan repayments for Assistant District Attorneys in Massachusetts.  Currently, new ADAs have a starting salary of $37,500 year, one of the lowest salaries in the U.S., and their tuition loan indebtedness is between $140,000 and $160,000.  After being seconded, the motion passed unanimously.  3) The subcommittee is continuing to explore a mechanism to have voter registration and driver’s license renewal occur simultaneously, as it does in the state of Oregon, where a person must opt out of registration instead of opting in.  4) On behalf of the subcommittee, Mel Warshaw proposed a motion to support a bill filed by Rep. Walsh and others which would repeal several unconstitutional and/or unenforceable laws, namely M.G.L. Ch. 272, Sec. 36 (Blasphemy – Misdemeanor), M.G.L. Ch. 71, Sec. 31 (Requiring bible reading in the public schools), M.G.L. Ch. 272 Sec. 14 (Crime of Adultery – Felony), M.G.L. Ch. 272, Sec. 18 (Fornication – Misdemeanor), M.G.L. Ch. 272, Ch. 26 (Immorality in Restaurants and Taverns – Misdemeanor), M.G.L. Ch.272, Sec. 29 (Disseminating Obscenity – Felony), M.G.L. Ch. 272, Sec.34 (Committing abominable and detestable crime against nature – Felony), M.G.L. Ch. 272, Sec. 35 (Committing unnatural and lascivious acts – Felony  The motion passed with no votes opposed and one abstention.  Mel indicated that the subcommittee would follow-up on these issues with press releases and other appropriate action.

Programming: There were several suggestions for Program topics for the June 14 meeting (carbon charge, Trans-Pacific Partnership, Rep. J. Kaufman). Our Annual Barbecue will be held in August, and the State Convention in September.

Civics Education: Jack Duffy will convene the committee.

8.  Report from the MNW Alliance: The 3 voting members to the Alliance are Bev Hugo, Norma Shulman, and Tom Mahoney. Anyone interested in being considered for an alternate position should contact Jerry.  Rep John Fernandes, House Chair of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary, presented on the process of hearing hundreds of bills that come before them each session.  There was a lengthy discussion about the PAC money coming into MA to target 20 House Reps in the past election. This flood of PAC money continues. We need get donations to the MDP to counter some of this.  David Rosenberg, a member of the Alliance, talked about the “We the People Act”, H3127. The official text of the bill is at https://malegislature.gov/Bills/189/House/H3127.  http://www.wethepeoplemass.org has more information. The Alliance will consider a motion to endorse this bill at the May 4 meeting.

9.  Announcements:

·         The Middlesex & Worcester Democratic Coalition Annual Brunch will be held on April 26.  Tickets are $25; please notify Parwez if you are interested in attending.

·         Voter Registration, part of the “1965 Project” was held on Saturday April 11 at the main library and was very successful; a number of new citizens registered to vote or were given mail-in forms. 

·         The “Library Brick” project is complete.  After donating the first brick, there were sufficient funds to purchase a second brick “In memory of MARY E MURPHY”. 

10. Charitable donations:  Tonight’s charity donations were for the Pearl Street Cupboard.  The charities for the May caucus will be the Pathways and Pearl Street shelters.

 Our caucus is on May 17; the next FDTC business meeting will be on June 14, 2015.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary



Legislative Subcommittee,

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

WHEREAS, Assistant District Attorneys (ADAs) in Massachusetts have a minimum of a four-year undergraduate degree and a three-year JD degree followed by the completion of an intensive Bar Review course leading to successfully passing the Massachusetts Bar Exam;

WHEREAS, the average ADA in Middlesex County carries the burden of unpaid college loans in the amount of $160,000;

WHEREAS, the starting salary for ADAs in Massachusetts is a mere $37,500;

WHEREAS, the unconscionably low salary opportunities for ADAs are evidenced by a high turnover rate and an overall degree of inexperience that contributes to a degradation of the criminal justice system.

WHEREAS, higher salaries and incentives are necessary to recruit and retain talented ADAs;

WHEREAS, many states have had the foresight to pay higher salaries and institute Loan Forgiveness Programs for ADAs;

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Massachusetts Legislature pass legislation that would provide livable wages for ADAs and establish a Student Loan Repayment Program for eligible ADAs.

higher salaries and incentives are necessary to recruit and retain talented ADAs;


FDTC Minutes for March 8, 2015

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

MINUTES — Sunday, March 8, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.

 Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the Annual Breakfast meeting to order at 9:05 AM.

1.  Chairman Desilets announced that Brian LeFort has accepted a new position with the Stateside Association, a political consulting firm in Washington, D.C., and would be resigning from the FDTC, effective today. Congratulations to Brian, and MANY thanks for his past hard work for us!

2.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Brian LeFort, Christopher Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Farooq Mirza, Betty Muto, Ram Raagas, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, John Stefanini, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: Phil Ottaviani.  Associate Members: Craig Broyles. Guests: Zaheer Ali, John Aroya, Irwin Blumer, Robert Cassidy, Jim Kelly, Jack Lewis, Brendan Sheehan, Jim Stockless.   

3.  1/11/2015 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                                  Approved unanimously

4. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                                  Approved unanimously

A total income of $365.41, with no expenses, increased the 1-11-15 balance of $2,189.84 to $2,555.25.  Annual dues (2015-6) will become payable in April ($20 for members and $15 for associate members).

Special thanks are owed to Parwez Wahid for donating his copy of our Yes We Can Cookbook for display in Sen. Markey’s Washington, D.C. office in exchange for a generous contribution to the FDTC on behalf of the Markey Campaign.

5. After discussions, Parwez announced that the Framingham Democratic Caucus will be held Sunday, May 17 at the Community Room at the Framingham Green.  Doors will open at 6PM for registration, and elections of delegates to the state convention will begin at 7 PM. The Massachusetts Democratic Convention will be held September 19 in Springfield.

6.  Announcements:

·         Parwez announced that the Middlesex & Worcester Democratic Coalition Annual Brunch will be held in Hudson on April 26.  Tickets are $25; please notify Parwez if you are interested in attending.

·         Joan Rastani offered a coffee toast to Sen. Markey for sponsoring the Daylight Savings Time bill when he was in the US House of Representatives.

·         Norma Shulman mentioned that on Sunday, 3/15, there will be a program for High School students at 10:30 AM in Shrewsbury. Jason Palitsch is a candidate for State Representative from the Westborough / Shrewsbury District.  The special election will take place on March 31, and Jason could use some volunteers from Framingham.  Contact Norma if you can help.  Also, MassDems is holding a series of regional organization meetings.  The MetroWest meeting will be Monday 3/16, in the Costin Room Framingham Library, from 5:30 – 7 PM. In addition, please remember that library bricks are still available for individuals to purchase 

7.  Reorganization: Norma Shulman described the process.

The Democratic Town Committee members are elected on the Presidential Primary Ballot, as are two state committee (DSC) members for our senate district.  We may form a slate of up to 35 candidates for FDTC membership.  Candidates may indicate their interest in a place on the slate by contacting the chairman, Jerry Desilets.  Names may be listed in alphabetical order or in another order.  There may also be separate slates of candidates or candidates may run individually.  The chairman must notify the state party by Aug. 3 as to the number of members (we currently have 35, the maximum number permissible).  On Aug. 4, the nomination papers will be ready.  The chair will receive the papers and notices in the mail.  Aug. 18 is the last day for registering as a Democrat in order to run for DTC membership.  November 18 is the deadline for turning in the nomination papers for DTC membership. 

Our current senate district ballot seat DSC members are Sen. Karen Spilka and Phil Jacks. Our current senate district caucus DSC members are Norma Shulman and Paul Yorkis.  The add-on DSC members from Framingham are Parwez Wahid, Ilma Paixao & Tom Barbera.

Jerry Desilets noted that he, John Stefanini, Betty Muto will become life-members at the end of this term (the date of the MA Presidential primary, approximately March 1, 2016), thus freeing up 3 more slots for new members. 

Regarding future FDTC membership: Jerry will inquire as to which of the present members wish to continue on the committee, and ask the publicity chair to send a special notice to Framingham Democrats in July. (Some current members may wish to continue as Associate Members.)  There will also be outreach to special populations, and we will need to recruit new members.  Norma suggested we remind prospective candidates that there are attendance and political activity expectations inherent to FDTC membership.

8. Legislative Report

Rep. Chris Walsh reported on the start of the Legislative Session.  The Governor’s new budget is most interesting, containing many instances where funding is increased or decreased to achieve balance.  The list of committee memberships is now completed: Rep. Tom Sannicandro remains Chair of the Joint Committee on Higher Education,  Sen. Karen Spilka has become Chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Carmen Gentile has been appointed to membership on the House Ways and Means and Environmental Committees, and Rep. Walsh is the Vice-Chair of the Joint Public Services Committee (overseeing pensions) and member of the Joint Transportation (i.e. MBTA), Financial Services and Ways and Means Committees.

Breakfast Break: FDTC members took a break for a delicious breakfast prepared by Jeanne Bullock and the Breakfast Subcommittee.  Thanks to all for the great food!

9.  Candidate Forum:

·         School Committee: candidates Bev Hugo (current School Committee Chair) and Jim Kelly discussed their priorities and took several questions from the members.

·         Planning Board: candidates for re-election Stephanie Mercandetti and Tom Mahoney detailed their accomplishments as members of the Board, and answered members’ questions.

10.  Election of new FDTC member:

Jack P. Lewis was nominated for FDTC membership from the floor.  Jack is Executive Director of OUT MetroWest and a former member of the Wellesley DTC.  He was elected unanimously.

·         Another opening on the FDTC will become available in April to replace Brian LeFort.

·         The position of Outreach Officer still open; this position will be advertised in the local media. Betty Muto inquired as to whether there was a job description in state party documents.

11.  Reports from the Subcommittees:

∙  Civics Education Subcommittee: Jerry Desilets will appoint a convener.

∙  By-Law Subcommittee: Mike Hugo reported that the first draft of the new By-Laws will be

   available soon, and will be discussed at the April 12 meeting.

∙  Legislative Subcommittee: Mel Warshaw will send a report electronically prior to our

   April 12 meeting.

∙  Programming Subcommittee: Bev Hugo requested suggestions for a program for next

   month’s meeting.  Several suggestions were offered by the membership.

12.  Regarding the Middlesex Norfolk Worcester Democratic Alliance:

∙  Jerry notes he believes the FDTC should encourage participation & regionalization.  Framingham

    has belonged to the Alliance since 1996.

∙  Norma noted the correct current By-Laws have been sent to members.  Previous sets of By-Laws

    are no longer valid.  Some Democratic Town Committees are more active than others; we

    should teach by example.

∙  Rob Cassidy mentioned that Framingham is not required to belong to the Alliance; three

    state senatorial districts are involved. 

∙ The FDTC currently has slots for 3 voting Alliance members which are filled; however, two alternates

    should be named in case the regular voting members cannot attend.

∙  Norma will forward the agenda to FDTC members.  The Alliance meets monthly at Restaurant 45

    in Medway on the first Monday of each month: 6PM for dinner, 7PM for the meeting.

    Meetings usually conclude around 9PM.

13. Charitable donations:  Tonight’s charity donations were for the Pathways and Pearl Street Shelters.  The charity for our April 12 meeting will be the United Way Food Pantry in Framingham. Bev will get a list of needed items, but in general, donations of non-perishable food items are always appropriate. Jerry will find out if there is a way to write tax deductible checks to donate funds.  Members are asked to bring suggestions for future donations to the May meeting.

 The next FDTC business meeting will be on April 12, 2015.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary