FDTC Minutes of May 15, 2016

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Minutes – Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 7 PM 

Call to Order: Chairman Beverly Hugo called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM and thanked Parwez Wahid and Norma Shulman, DSC members who gave a preconvention review for delegates attending the state convention for the first time.

–       Welcome back to Betty Muto who is recovering from an orthopedic injury

–       Welcome again to long time former member Rosalie Cotton

–       – Charity for tonight is “Hoops & Homework”.  Herb Chasan described the program and its         needs for school supplies (chairs, puzzles, snack foods) and thanked FDTC members for their support & donations.

1. Attendance: Members: Elsa Aviza, Lori Bornstein, Chris Broyles, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jack Duffy, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Beverly Hugo, Mike Hugo, Shahid Khan, Barbara LeDuc, Jack Lewis, Chris Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Joan Rastani, Cindy Rubin, Margareth Shepard, Norma Shulman, Jim Stockless, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: Betty Muto.  Associate Members: Cynthia Villanueva. Guests: Nick Bokron, Herb Chasan, Rosalie Cotton, Jim DeSimone, Tania Jaime, Ohad Klopman, Rachel Quinn, Sheri Thomas.

2. 4-3-2016 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                               Approved unanimously

3. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Margareth Shepard                    Approved unanimously

A total income of $115.32 and expenses of $97.98 increased the 4-3-16 balance of $3907.39 to $3925.05. 

4.  Announcements:

·         Larry Stoodt spoke about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Zone. The proposed agreement is much like the NAFTA, will cost American Jobs, and exposes US businesses to a substantial risk of lawsuits.  It is currently under consideration by the US Congress, and is opposed by Sens. Warren and Markey and endorsed by President Obama.  Larry wants the FDTC to consider supporting a resolution to oppose the TPP at our next meeting on June 5.  A draft of the resolution is attached to these minutes. (For members interested in further information, Larry can be reached at [email protected] or 508-877-3838.)

·         Candidate Statements:

Jack P. Lewis is a candidate for State Representative for the 7th Middlesex District, to replace Tom Sannicandro who is not running for re-election.

– Jack announced he has been endorsed by Mass Alliance (www.massalliance.org)

– He will speak at a Candidate Forum held by the Advocates, Inc. on 5/24.

– Jack introduced his new campaign manager, Rachel Quinn ([email protected]).

·         AAPI month
Parwez Wahid noted that May is Asian American Pacific Islander month. In 1978, President Carter signed a Resolution denoting May as the recognition month for two historic events: in May 1843, the first Japanese immigrants arrived in the US, and in May 1869, the Transcontinental Railroad was completed, largely by Chinese immigrants.  

·         Nick Bokron ([email protected]) spoke on behalf of PassMassAmendment.org.  The FDTC is a sponsor of the Amendment, and our legislators supported it.  The amendment was defeated in committee for this year, purportedly at Chairman DeLeo’s urging, and so renewed efforts to pass it next year will begin after July.

5.  Program & Discussion: Lifting of the Charter School Cap

            Tania Jaime ([email protected]), a field organizer for Save Our Public Schools, spoke on the Governor’s proposal to remove the cap on the number of charter schools in MA.  At present, charter schools serve approximately 3% of MA students, but absorb 6% of school funding. Cities and towns lose state Chapter 70 funds for transferred students, and must increase property taxes to compensate. Last year Framingham had a $600,000 shortfall in Charter school reimbursements, and another charter school for Framingham is planned.  Save Our Public Schools MA seeks to maintain the cap on charter school numbers.  FDTC members held a vigorous discussion on the merits of charter schools and requested to hear more about the benefits of charter schools in the future; some are excellent.  Other members feel the state should compensate the cities and towns for the full costs, or at least acknowledge the true losses.

(see www.saveourpublicschoolsma.com for further information).

6.  Announcement of a vacancy on the FDTC:

            Lloyd Kaye has resigned from the FDTC due to personal time issues. An election to fill the vacant seat will be held on 6-5-2016. Please convey this message to any qualified candidates interested in running for the seat.  For further information, contact Bev Hugo, Chair ([email protected]). 

7. Updating the By-Laws: Discussion was led by Mike Hugo, Chair of the By-Laws Subcommittee.

            There were 24 voting members of the FDTC present. (A quorum is 9.)  A meeting of the By-Laws subcommittee was held earlier today and some changes to the proposed text were developed.  Possible updates were divided into two categories: “Consent” changes vs. “Discussion (possibly controversial)” changes.  Regarding the “Consent” updates, “Sense of the Committee” votes were taken on several Articles, which were passed unanimously, with the exception of Article 3, Section 3: Vice Chair duties, which had one vote opposed.  (A copy of the most recent draft of the proposed By-laws is attached to these minutes. Approved Articles appear in black; Articles remaining to be discussed in June are in red.)

            Discussion began on the potentially controversial (“Discussion”) updates: Article 1 (Purpose of the FDTC), Article 2 (re: Youth membership, which does not appear in the current draft), Article 3, Section 7 (Composition of the Executive Subcommittee), and Article 4, Section 1 (Annual vs. Organizational Meetings). In addition, an FDTC voting member proposed that we codify the existence & composition of the Nominating Subcommittee; this does not yet appear in the attached draft.  These items will be further discussed and voted on at the June 5 meeting, and, if the entire document is approved, then sent to all FDTC voting members.  The final approval vote, required to be taken after a minimum of 30 days after distribution, will be taken in September.

8. Funds for the General Election:

Parwez Wahid asked that we discuss appropriating funds at our June meeting. In addition to the approximately $400 remaining from the DSC meeting funds, we may need to disperse another $500.  Norma Shulman noted that our needs may be substantial, since the Route 9 office will not be available this year.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the State Democratic Convention              on June 4 in Lowell.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary

The charity for our next meeting is the Boys & Girls Club of Framingham which provides summer programs for disadvantaged youth.  Jim Stockless has contacted them to determine their needs.  Their wish list is at http://www.bgcmetrowest.org/ways-to-give/wish-list/   or a few representative items are cold packs, bandages, sun screen

(spf 30), pens & pencils, plastic bags, plastic silverware, plastic cups, freeze pops, & various art supplies (see list).



FDTC Minutes of April 3, 2016

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

  Minutes – Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 7 PM 

Call to Order: Chairman Beverly Hugo called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM and introduced the new officers.

1. Attendance: Members: Elsa Aviza, Lori Bornstein, Chris Broyles, Jeanne Bullock, Jeanne Eversley, Beverly Hugo, Mike Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Barbara LeDuc, Jack Lewis, Chris Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Joan Rastani, Margareth Shepard, Norma Shulman, Jim Stockless, P. Nandi Varis, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: Jerry Desilets.  Associate Members: none. Guests: Rebecca Brodie, Ohad Klopman, Sheri Thomas.

2. 3-13-2016 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                             Approved unanimously

3. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Margareth Shepard                    Approved unanimously

A total income of $ 638.00, and expenses of $104.98 increased the 3-13-16 balance of $3374.37 to $3907.39.  The expenses reflect reimbursements for food for the March breakfast meeting. 

4.  Announcements:

·         Joan Rastani reported that Betty Muto broke her hip last weekend. Joan has brought a get-well card for everyone to sign.  Betty is in a rehabilitation facility here in Framingham; Joan will provide further information as it becomes available. 

·         The committee held a moment of silence for Frank Volpe, who passed away at 93 years.  Frank was a very active Democrat in Natick: Norma Shulman recounted stories of campaigning with Frank. Jerry Desilets noted that Frank was known as “Mr. Natick Democrat” for over 50 years.

·         Parwez reported that the DSC has expanded the number of Disability At-large seats from 2 to 6 for a total of 3 male and 3 female Disability seats. Anyone qualified and interested in seeking one of these seats should contact the Mass. Democratic Party for further information at 617-939-0800. The additional seats will be filled at the DSC meeting in Newton on May 7.

5.  Candidates forum. The following candidates spoke for up to 2 minutes:

– Teresa Walsh, candidate for delegate to the National Convention for Hillary Clinton from 5th             Congressional District.  Election will be Watertown High School Sat Apr 9 .Doors open 12:30

– Norma Shulman, also a candidate for delegate for Hillary Clinton.

– Chris Lorant, candidate for the Disability DSC seat & Bernie Sanders National Convention Delegate

– David Perlman, candidate for a DSC male disability add-on seat.

– Jack Lewis, candidate for the 7th Middlesex State Representative seat being vacated by Tom             Sannicandro.

– Rebecca Brodie, candidate for Sheriff of Middlesex County, who explained her positions as a prison reform advocate and asked for nomination signatures. 

6.  Report of the Audit Committee: Chris Broyles and Elsa Aviza had been designated to perform an audit of our FDTC finances, as is customary when a new treasurer takes office.  This Audit Committee  found no inconsistencies in our financial accounts.  A motion was made by Mike Hugo and seconded by Chris Lorant to accept the Audit Report.   The vote was 13-1-1; the motion passed.

7. Excess funds raised for the DSC meeting. Jerry Desilets made a motion (Parwez seconded) to donate the excess $425 to the Coordinated Campaign for use in the Fall election campaign.  The motion passed unanimously.

8. Thank you to our outgoing officers:

·         Bev presented Mel Warshaw, outgoing Treasurer, with  several boxes of Ghirardelli brownie mix and a huge bag of Starbuck’s Verona coffee, to replace those Mel has used while hosting many committee and subcommittee meetings over the 4 years he has served as Treasurer.

·         Bev presented outgoing Chair Jerry Desilets with the very same very large stainless steel soup ladle that Jerry had used in place of a gavel, mounted on a lovely wooden plaque.  (The soup ladle was preferred to a gavel because it produced a louder sound, and had been found to be unbreakable over 4 years.)  Per prior agreement, a replacement ladle has been purchased for The Green.

9.  Program:  This evening’s program on electronic privacy was provided by Kade Crockford of the ACLU.  Kade addressed several bills concerning civil liberties and privacy protections which are currently proceeding through the MA legislature:

– S.903/H. 1531 An Act to protect electronic privacy (sponsor: Karen Spilka)

– H.3009 / S.1817 An Act to regulate license plate tracking. (J. Hecht)

– S.2034 / H.386 (S.962)  An Act relative to social media privacy protection. (Sponsor: C. Creem)

– H.1382 An Act providing community-based sentencing alternatives for primary caretakers of             dependent children convicted of non-violent crimes. (Sponsor: R. Holmes)

Members seeking further information are welcome to contact Kade at [email protected]

10.  Bylaws Subcommittee: Mike Hugo reported for the Bylaws subcommittee and led an animated discussion of certain of the Bylaws revisions, which will be voted on at our next regular meeting on

May 15. Copies of the Bylaw revisions have now been delivered to all FDTC members. Some members recently provided commentary, and Mike will incorporate those changes into the current draft.  Items discussed at this meeting included the use of the word “partisan” in the preamble, designating a “work requirement” for members, and the future formation of an “executive committee”.

The charity for tonight was Pearl St. Cupboard & Cafe

The meeting was adjourned at 9 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary


FDTC Minutes of March 13, 2016

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

  Minutes – Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 10 AM 

Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 10:04 AM.

1. Attendance: Members: Lori Bornstein, Chris Broyles, Jeanne Bullock, Jerry Desilets, Maureen Dunne, Patrick Dunne, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Beverly Hugo, Mike Hugo, Steve Joyce, Barbara LeDuc, Jack Lewis, Chris Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Ilma Paixao, Joan Rastani, Cindy Rubin, Elliot Schmiedl, Margareth Shepard, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully-Stoll, P. Nandi Varis,  Parwez Wahid, Rep. Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: Jerry Desilets, Betty Muto, Phil Ottaviani.  Associate Members: none. Guests: Brad Bauler, Rebecca Broody, Deborah Butler, Patrick Callahan, Robert Cassidy, Kevin P. Crotty, Jim DeSimone, Linda Dunbrack, Liz Fideler, Barbara Fontes, Rep. Carmine Gentile, Phil Jack, Ann Jeffris, John Kahn, Barry Kelleher, Pat Kelleher, George King, Ohad Klopman, PeterKoutoujian, Mike LeDuc, Stephen Malchman, Debra Mascott, Laurie Medrano, Bob Merusi, Cesar Monzon, Victor Ortiz, Stephen Rochis, Mike Rossi, Rep. Tom Sannicandro, Mort Shuman, Eric Silverman, Sam Silverman, Charlie Sisitsky, Donna Smith, Larry Stoodt, Sheri Thomas, Carlos Valadares, Joel Winett, Ruth Winett, William Wray.

2. 1-10-2016 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                             Approved unanimously

3. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw                              Approved unanimously

A total income of $ 20.75, and expenses of $1469.78 decreased the 1-10-16 balance of $4977.40 to $3528.37.  The expenses reflect reimbursements to support the Democratic State Committee meeting held at Framingham High School.

4. FDTC reorganization:  Jerry Desilets, speaking as the convener for the Nominations Committee, read a list of Democratic Party values, and then announced the slate of Officers recommended by the Nominations Committee.  The recommendations are: Beverly Hugo, Chairman; Jim Stockless, Vice Chairman; Margareth Shepard, Treasurer; Barbara LeDuc, Secretary; Outreach Officer, Jack Lewis.  Jerry inquired whether there were any further nominations from the floor.  Hearing none, a motion was made and seconded to approve the slate as read.  The vote was unanimous for election to office. 

5. Bev Hugo thanked the members for their vote of confidence and announced that the meeting would reconvene for candidates’ statements in 45 minutes after breakfast.

6.  The meeting reconvened at 10:45.  Norma Shulman reminded members that there will be caucuses on Apr. 9 to determine who will be delegates to the national Convention in Philadelphia in late July.  Norma is running as a Hillary Clinton delegate and Chris Lorant will be running as a Bernie Sanders delegate.  The Sanders caucus will be in Malden, the Clinton caucus will be in Watertown.

Candidate statements:

7. Tom Sannicandro, who is not running for reelection, noted that he has been honored to serve the people of Framingham, and that we have four strong candidates to replace him.  Rep. Chris Walsh (running for reelection) noted he has been proud to serve with Tom. Also, Rep. Carmine Gentile (running for reelection) noted his thoughts on working with the MetroWest delegation.

8. The following candidates introduced themselves to the meeting and spoke for two minutes:

Candidates for State Representative for 7th Middlesex District: Ilma Paixao, Jack Lewis, Phil Jack.

Candidates for Middlesex County Sheriff: Barry Kelleher, Rebecca Brodie, Peter Koutoujian.

Candidates for Framingham Selectman: Charlie Sisitsky, Cesar Monzon, Deborah Butler.

Candidates for Planning Board: Victor Ortiz

Candidates for School Committee: Eric Silverman, Rick Finlay.  (Rick Finlay sent a statement to the   meeting, which was read to the members by Mike Hugo.)

Candidates for Keefe School Committee: Chairman Desilets conveyed a statement from John Kahn.

Candidates for Housing Authority: Robert Merusi.

Candidates for Library Trustee: Ruth Winett, Steve Malchman, Elizabeth Fideler, William Wray.

Jerry thanked the incumbents for their years of service to Framingham, and thanked the newcomers for their interest.

9.  Candidates for Charter Commission: Brad Bauler, Adam Blumer (statement read by Chairman Desilets), Jeanne Bullock, George King, Deborah Butler, Laurie Medrano, Joel Winett.

10. A forum will be held on the Charter Commission tomorrow evening at 6:30 PM in the Blumerroom of the Memorial Building.

11.  Change of Meeting Dates:  After a five minute break, motions were made and seconded to change the dates of the April and June meetings to April 3 and June 5.  The motions passed unanimously. (These changes were necessitated by the schedules of the newly elected FDTC Officers.)

Jerry and Bev thanked Jeanne Bullock and Mike Hugo for their organization of and cooking for this breakfast meeting!  Thanks also to Kathie McCarthy for the great St. Patrick’s Day decorations, Irish music & Irish food, and a special thank you to all of our members who brought such delicious breakfast goodies. Great food this year!! 

Mel Warshaw wants to gently remind members that dues are payable now! Dues are $20 for Members and $15 for Associate Members.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary


FDTC Minutes of January 10, 2016

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

MINUTES — Sunday January 10 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

1. Attendance: Members: Elsa Aviza, Jerry Desilets, Beverly Hugo, Mike Hugo, Steve Joyce, Lloyd Kaye, Barbara LeDuc, Jack Lewis, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Betty Muto, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Jim Stockless, Cheryl Tully-Stoll, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: none.  Associate Members: Cindy Rubin, Cynthia Villanueva. Guests: David Perelman, Eric Silverman.  

2. Chairman Desilets, Parwez Wahid and Rob Cassidy spoke about their memories of Tom Barbera, a FDTC member.  Parwez is collecting signatures on a sympathy card to be sent to Tom’s sister in N.J.

3. Representatives of Presidential campaigns:

– Tycho McManus introduced himself.  He is a Field Organizer for Bernie Sanders (cell = 617-775-1311; [email protected]).  Bernie supporters should give him a call!

– Norma Shulman reported on canvassing for Hillary in NH, and the two weekly phone banks in Framingham.  The Carpenters’ Union amongst others has endorsed Hillary. Thanks to Steve Joyce!

4. 11-15-2015 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                                Approved unanimously

5. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                                  Approved unanimously

A total income of $1,970.50, with no expenses, increased the 11-15-15 balance of $3006.90 to $4,977.40.  This includes the additional funds that are being held to support the upcoming Democratic State Committee (DSC) meeting. 

6.  Candidates for State Representative from the 7th Middlesex District:

– Jack Lewis, an FDTC member, has announced that he will be a candidate to succeed Tom Sannicandro, and he spoke for 2 minutes regarding his priorities for the office. ( BrettWalker and Phil Jack , both democrats from Ashland, have announced their intentions to run. Preston Crow of Ashland has decided not to seek the office.) 

7. Candidate for School Committee: Eric Silverman, a candidate for re-election, spoke for 2 minutes.

8. David Perelman, candidate for election to the DSC as an add-on youth & LGBT candidate from Waltham (5th Congressional District) spoke for two minutes.

9.  Update on the DSC meeting Jan. 26 at 6 PM at Framingham High School; call to-order at 7 PM. Please enter by auditorium door.

Rob Cassidy spoke about our Senate District’s representation on the DSC and the different ways that people can become DSC members.

Norma & Parwez explained further that we elect two DSC “ballot seat” members on the Presidential Primary ballot.  Our candidates are Karen Spilka and Chris Walsh.  Our two district DSC “caucus seats” are presently held by Norma Shulman & Paul Yorkis; both are candidates for re-election.  At the moment, there are no additional candidates, but if another letter of intent is filed, we will need to have a Senate District conference on March 26 to elect our next caucus seat DSC members.  Framingham will need to elect delegates by March 14 to attend and vote at this conference, should one be 

10.  FDTC February caucus:

– Chairman Desilets will make arrangements to obtain the voter registration list disc as of January 31, 2016 from the Framingham Town Clerk.  Furthermore, he will remind her that voters who registered on Jan. 31 should be processed immediately so as to appear on the disc. Our caucus will take place here in the Community Room of Framingham Green on February 21 at 6PM.  The call to order will occur at 7PM.  The purpose is to elect delegates to the MA State Democratic Convention which will be held in Lowell on June 4, 2016.  Jerry will be sending out a notice to ask persons interested in being a state delegate to notify him.

11. Election of delegates to the National Convention: There will be caucuses for each candidate held somewhere in the 5th Congressional district on April 9th. Massachusetts has proportional representation.  Norma Shulman is running as a Hillary Clinton delegate.

12. Reports of the subcommittees:

·         Bylaws: Mike Hugo will be sending a draft of the new Bylaws shortly. Our next business meeting is in March and we will discuss the Bylaws at that meeting.  Some sections may be controversial, so please read them prior to the March Meeting.

·         Legislative: will be meeting in the next week or so.

·         Civics Education: has not met.

·         Programming Subcommittee: Chairman Bev Hugo listed the following dates:

            Jan. 12: Politics & Pizza party to watch Pres. Obama’s last State of the Union address

            Jan. 26: DSC Meeting, Framingham High School

            Feb. 21: FDTC caucus, Framingham Green, 6PM

            March 1: Presidential Primary

            Mar. 13: 10AM, Breakfast meeting / Candidates’ Forum (town & local candidates)

            March 29: Framingham election

            Apr. 10: Annual Meeting: elections of FDTC officers for 2016 – 2018 (reorganization)

            May 15: 7PM; Delegate Briefing (bring Asian Food Potluck – Pacific Islander Month)

                        Michelle Wu, President of the Boston City Council has been invited.

            June 4: Massachusetts State Democratic Convention

13. Announcements:

–  Caucus Planning committee will meet. It is comprised of the members of the Executive      Committee plus Parwez Wahid, Norma Shulman and Cindy Rubin.

–  Volunteers for the Breakfast Committee are: Mike & Bev Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Cindy Rubin, Elsa Aviza, and Kathie McCarthy.

– Jerry will appoint a Nominating Committee to recruit a slate of officers.  The Committee usually is  comprised of the Executive Committee members who are not running for re-election plus volunteers.  Please let Jerry know if you are interested.

14. Our charity for this meeting was OUT MetroWest, an organization which supports GLBTQ teens.  For the February meeting, the charity will be the Pearl Street Cupboard & Cafe.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary


FDTC Minutes of November 15, 2015

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

MINUTES — Sunday November 15 2015 at 7:00 p.m.

Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.

1. Representatives of Presidential campaigns:

Chris Lorant spoke on behalf of the Bernie Sanders for President campaign.  There are carpools for NH canvassing trips everyday;  MA activities will start soon. Supporters are encouraged to visit MetroWest for Sanders 2016 on Facebook.

Norma Shulman spoke on behalf of the Hillary Clinton for President campaign. Supporters can visit the MetroWest for Hillary Facebook pages; volunteers can join NH trips with Katherine Clark, Joe Kennedy, Deb Goldberg, or Maura Healey.

Tom Barbera noted that a disabilities group for Hillary is forming.

2.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Tom Barbera, Jeanne Bullock, Jerry Desilets, Jeanne Eversley, Adam Freudberg, Beverly Hugo, Mike Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Barbara LeDuc, Jack Lewis, Christopher Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members:none.  Associate Members: Lori Bornstein, Margareth Shepard Guests: Deborah Butler, Kate Donahue (DSC, DNC), Arthur Powell (DSC), Sheri Thomas.

3.  10-18-2015 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                               Approved unanimously

4. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                                  Approved unanimously

A total income of $300.23, with expenses of $30.00, increased the 10-18-15 balance of $2736.67 to $3006.90.  Please note that $200 is encumbered to support the January DSC meeting in Framingham. (Also, many members paid their annual dues after this meeting.)

 5. Election of new member: The name of Associate Member Lori Bornstein, a long-time campaign worker, was placed into nomination from the floor.  A motion was made and seconded to elect Lori to full membership. The motion was approved unanimously.

6. A motion was made and seconded to contribute $100 to support the January 2016 Democratic State Committee meeting to be held at Framingham High School. The motion was approved unanimously.  Norma noted that other MetroWest Democratic Town Committees are being asked to contribute as well, as are MetroWest elected officials.

7.  Report from the DSC meeting held this past Saturday in Lee, MA:

·         Norma introduced Kate Donahue, a Democratic State and National Democratic Committee member, and Arthur Powell, a Democratic State Committee member.  Arthur presented the Framingham DTC with the GRAND PRIZE for winning the recent “Fill Every Seat” contest for submitting a full slate of candidates for Town Committee membership. Our prize is to have preferred center floor seating at the next three Democratic State Conventions (2016, 2017, 2018) for our entire Senate District.  After many years sitting up in the rafters, we are thrilled!! Thank you to the State Committee for this victory and award!

·         Norma asked that we encourage our friends and neighbors to vote for the entire FDTC slate in the upcoming election in March.

·         Norma, Parwez and other DSC members explained the rules and procedures governing “Constituency Seats” on the DSC.  They are elected by sitting DSC members, during the DSC meeting following the Presidential primary election. For example Disability Seats: Tom Barbera, Chris Lorant, and others could be candidates. Candidates for “ballot” DSC member seats in this senate district this year are Karen Spilka and Chris Walsh, whose names will appear on the primary ballot.  Also, there are two “Conference” seats per senate district, presently held by Norma Shulman and Paul Yorkis.

            We will know on Jan. 23 if there is to be a district-wide conference to elect the senate district           conference seats.  We will need to elect Framingham delegates to the conference by a vote of           our members before  mid-March, if a conference becomes required. Then, the conference for     any contested seat(s) will be held on March 26.

·         The DSC is asking for support from our legislators for two bills moving through the legislature; they must go to the floor this week or face resubmission in the next session.

            – Bill H1577 / S735: An Act Relative to Non-discrimination which would prohibit discrimination           based on gender identity.

            – Bill H1640 / S871 An Act to Establish Foreclosure Review Division of the Superior Court.  This           bill would help clear titles fairly.

            Please contact your individual legislators (Senate and House) to urge them to support these            bills and bring them to the floor for a vote.

8.  Despite continued attempts, we are unable to find someone willing to serve as Outreach Officer.  Perhaps we need to recruit a team to perform the function.  Norma, Tom Barbera and Parwez will serve on such a team.  Norma Shulman will be the convener; the secretary will send out a notice as to the date / time of a meeting. 

9.  Parwez announced that the National Delegate Workshop training session will be held Saturday 12-12-2015 from 1-3PM in the Costin Room of the Framingham library,  This is to train folks interested in becoming delegates to National Convention. If the library electrical repairs are incomplete, we will notify you of the alternate location.

10.  Reports of the Subcommittees:

Bylaws Subcommittee: Mike Hugo: no report at this time.

Legislative Subcommittee: Mel Warshaw: no report at this time. A meeting is scheduled for Nov. 23.

Civics Education Subcommittee: Chairman Jack Duffy will report at a later meeting. 

Programming Subcommittee: Chairman Bev Hugo listed the following dates:

            Nov. 21: smoc (Saturday Morning Over Coffee) at B. Sisters coffee shop.

            Dec. 6: our Holiday Party from 4-7PM. (Natick’s party will be from 1-3 PM on the same day.)

            Dec 12: National Delegate Workshop at the downtown Framingham Library (Costin Room) from                                     1-3 PM. (If the library is unavailable due to electrical repairs, we will send notice of the                               alternative location.

            Jan 10, 2016: Regular meeting & Presidential Inaugural

            Jan. TBA: Politics & Pizza party to watch Pres. Obama’s last State of the Union address

            March 1: Presidential Primary

            Mar. 13: 10AM, Candidates’ Forum (town & local candidates)

            Apr. 10: Annual Meeting: elections & reorganization

            May 15: 7PM; Delegate Briefing (bring Asian Food)

11.  A meeting of the Holiday Party Committee may be held on Sunday Nov. 22 at Panera Bread or from 11 to 12 Noon after the smoc meeting at B. Sisters on Saturday Nov. 21. (Volunteers for this years’ Holiday Party Committee are: Elsa Aviza, Linda Fields, Bev Hugo, Mike Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Betty Muto, Cindy Rubin, Mel Warshaw.)

Personal invitations to elected officials will be made.  Bev took a listing of which members will contact which officials.  Bev will need to know who will be attending by next Sunday.

12. Announcements:

·         Norma is selling raffle tickets to benefit the Curtis Family Thanksgiving Dinner; they are $10 each.  Norma has a list of the raffle prizes.  There are many great ones, and all prizes were donated so 100% of the raffle proceeds go to support the dinner.

·         Volunteers are needed to help with the dinner:  at 5PM on Nov. 25, there will be food preparation; at 10 AM on Thanksgiving there will be a need for volunteers to do home delivery of meals; at noon there is a need for volunteers to serve food, and Norma usually helps later in the day with washing dishes!

·         Chairman Desilets asked that we stand for a moment of silence in sympathy with the people of France who suffered a recent terrorist attack.

·         Tom Barbera noted there is a petition in the back of the room. Please sign in support of increasing taxation on the very rich!

·         Norma Shulman noted the panel discussion last week at the Framingham Community Church entitled the Color of Wealth (moderated by Rep. Chris Walsh) was very professional and well- attended. It was co-sponsored by Framingham State University.

·         Tom Mahoney noted that Rep. Katherine Clark’s office hours session on Saturday at the Deluxe Depot Diner was very well attended and lasted until noon! Many FDTC members were there for coffee.

·         At our January 10, 2016 meeting, we will confer the Legislator of the Year Award and the Democratic Volunteer of the Year Award. Bev requests nominations for those awards – please email her at [email protected]

13. Charitable donations:  The charity goal for the Dec (Holiday Party) meeting is a toy drive for the Pathways Shelter.  At the moment, they do not have children older than 7 years.  If that changes, we will update you.

For our January charity, we will be collecting money and snacks for OUT MetroWest, an organization which supports GLBTQ teens.  (FDTC member Jack Lewis is their Executive Director). Out MetroWest is a 501c3 organization, so donations (cash or checks) are tax deductible.  Snack items for their meetings (granola bars, chips, pretzels) are always welcomed! More information will come later or is on their website: www.outmetrowest.org.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Massachusetts Legislature pass legislation that would provide livable wages for ADAs and establish a Student Loan Repayment Program for eligible ADAs.

higher salaries and incentives are necessary to recruit and retain talented ADAs;