MEMBERS ATTENDING- Joan Seriac, Linda Fields, Stephanie Mercandetti, Barbara
Magovsky, Debby Blumer, Alan Silver, Donna Howland, Rob Meltzer, Lyn Safian,
Steve Blesofsky, Norma Shulman, Ruth Litter
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ATTENDING- Rosalie Cotton, Mathew Helman, Barbara Gray,
John Howland
MINUTES AND TREASURER’S REPORT- Both reports were waived because the
secretary and the treasurer were not in attendance.
REPORT FROM THE HILL-Debbie Blumer reported that the House has passed the
budget and that it is now being sent to the Senate.
CONVENTION-Questions were asked about whether guests will be allowed, who
gives the official vote of each delegation to the convention, where the
alternates sit, who holds the list of alternates and the number of votes they received to ensure that they are chosen as replacements in the proper order. The answers to these questions will be researched and sent to the committee via e-mail.
WEBSITE-Matt Helman presented a sample page of a possible web site for the
Framingham Democratic Town Committee. He mentioned that there would be no
cost if we chose to let advertisements appear on the site. He also reviewed
the rates that it would cost if we chose to have no advertisements. Also
mentioned was the possibility of having a Metrowest Alliance web site with
links to the Framingham site and to other towns in the Sen. Magnani’s
district. A committee was formed to look into the issue. The committee will
consist of Mathew Helman, Linda Fields, Barbara Magovsky, Norma Shulman and
Steve Blesofsky.
VOTING LOCATIONS- Rob Meltzer again discussed his dismay at the location for
voting in his precinct. Esther Hopkins, selectman and town committee member,
was supposed to bring news of a meeting arrangement between the Board of
Selectmen and Rob’s group, but Esther was unable to attend. Stephanie
Mercandetti suggested that Rob bring up the issue during the 30 minute free
discussion that precedes Selectman’s meetings and that he request that the
issue become an agenda item.