Minutes – Democratic Town Committee – April 18, 2004

Next meeting: May 23, 7:00 (Location TBD!)

Watch for notice of new location – your suggestions are welcome

Potential agenda: Reports from the May 8 State Convention, National Convention volunteers update, Subcommittee reports

Minutes – Democratic Town Committee – April 18, 2004
Called to order 7:06 PM.
MEMBERS ATTENDING: Steve Blesofsky, Rita Blum, Debby Blumer, Jerry Desilets, Pat Dunne, Linda Fields, Jim Gordon, Bill Haberman, Esther Hopkins, Donna Howland, Shahid Kahn, Ruth Litter, Chris Lorant, Barbara Magovsky, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Joan Rastani, Marilyn Safian, Norma Shulman, Alan Silver, Cheryl Tully Stoll, Rev. Faith Tolson.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ATTENDING: Bob Edwards, Karen Spilka, Lee Mason.
OTHERS: Chuck Gerstein, Shelley Strowman, Courtney Elgart, Wes Ritchie, Margo Deane, Margo Roman, David Baldwin.
MINUTES (Norma Shulman): Minutes of March 21 approved.
Cash on hand 2/22/04    986.62
Dues received                  65.00
Interest                            1.87
Subtotal                         1053.49
Expense (meeting room)   25.00
Cash on hand 4/18/04        1028.49
4 members still owe 2002-03 dues. 9 members owe dues for 2003-04.
Report accepted.
REPORT FROM THE HILL – Representatives Karen Spilka & Debby Blumer
Karen brought copy of Ways & Means budget summary from the House.
Debby reported that the amendments are available on the Internet – 1220 of them.
Restoring the 20% cut from chapter 70 money to Framingham is NOT happening. Unfortunately they are not fully funding the special ed circuit breaker after all – but may be at about 60-75%. The full charter school reimbursement is currently in the House budget.
Local aid and lottery money would be level funded for Framingham.
There is more money in the senior pharmacy program to keep the co-pays level. There are 90,000 people enrolled statewide up to the time when enrollment was closed. It would be good for the local councils on aging to report back on how many wanted to enroll, but didn’t get to. There are clearly more people who need it than there are enrolled.
School Building Assistance has been taken out of the budget to bond it. So reimbursements for current programs will be guaranteed on time and at the amount expected.
The summary includes cuts to welfare accounts, which may be money lost for social workers. Karen noted that one of her amendments would put back money for childcare and other assistance for single parents who need this help in order to work.
Question about section 8 – Federal vs. MA rental assistance (Rental Arrears and Housing Fund). Section 8 cuts would make about 1200 MA families homeless. This will likely hurt people just when they have gotten on their feet. And we could end up having to fund them in hotels for more money. They reformed the uncompensated care pool, which will help with that area.
House W & M included a raise for direct care workers, who haven’t had a raise in years.
Mass Health Essential program has been put back, although at a lower level. It may end up being fully funded. There are amendments to fully fund the children’s medical security, which had been cut.
Higher ed still was cut. There will be more amendments to restore some of these cuts and others like this. This is the first step and they may be able to work with the Senate.
There may be legislation on 40B coming. They want to see the senior tax program come out of the legislature. A question was raised about the housing program – they have a short-term fix.


Nominations were taken from the floor, and elections for officers for 2004-2006 were held. The Officers elected are:
Chair: Norma Shulman
Vice-Chair: Mat Helman
Treasurer: Donna Howland
Secretary: Parwez Wahid
We conduct a treasury audit when we change officers. Alan Silver will head the audit committee with the old and new treasurers. Anyone who is interested, please contact Steve to participate.


T-Shirts. We got in an order of Kerry “Race for the White House” T-shirts for Marathon Day. Anyone needing one, see Norma after the meeting.
By Laws committee needed. Things have evolved since the By Laws were last updated. We need to look at our bylaws and see what is in sync with the state party, and we also have a question about the fiscal year that we use (should match when members are elected). Jan 1 is the report date for the treasurer. We have been using September as the fiscal year for dues payment. Discussion also of when the newly elected officers take effect, as there is also no clear answer to that schedule either.
Moved and approved to have the past and new officers be on the by laws committee. When the subcommittee meets, an email will go to everyone so anyone can attend. We need to research when new officers take effect. Norma and Bill will call a meeting.
Meeting Location. We have been notified that, for next year, we would have to make our meeting time 6-8 at Heritage on Sundays to be out earlier. This was not supported by the members present. Another option is to go to Gold Star India on a weeknight. Or find another place. We can ask about Civic League and any other options we can identify. Jim Gordon will make some calls to help locate a meeting room. Framingham Green has a community room if any member lives there. The consensus was we could not select the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Monday – other boards meet then. And other weeknights have conflicts with town meeting and other boards. What about Framingham State, Callahan, or Danforth, or can we meet in a town building? We believe it is permissible – as we are an officially elected organization. Jim Gordon will head a committee to look for a location and report back next meeting. Jim’s email for any ideas of locations or to help find a location is[email protected]. You can also reply to Norma with any suggestions. NOTE: We have just learned that we need a new location for May 23, too.
The Audit, Bylaws, and Meeting Location committees will report back 5/23.


Reminder about the state convention 5/8 in Amherst. If you need a ride, or want to carpool, and need help arranging that, contact Norma at [email protected] (877-5377).
There will be canvassing for Kerry in NH (on 4/24, and other dates coming up). Your help is needed. Chris Lorant had a list of meetings: to sign up for canvassing or campaign work, call Kerry headquarters at 617-367-1551. DNC meetup at Ken’s this Wed at 7 – see Chris. Kerry meetup 4/24; Stop Bush meetup at Vinny Testas 4/28. Last day to register is 10/13 for the primary. Also looking for people to hold house parties for fundraising.
Margo Roman reported about plans for the marathon. Hopkinton wants to have lots of Kerry shirts in the opening marathon photos at the starting line. She has other t-shirts with bigger logo – they want people in Hopkinton for a line up to get the media’s attention.
Karen Spilka thanked people who came to the fundraiser at her house 4/4/04 at 4:00 – they raised over $20,000! And she announced that she was elected a Kerry delegate.
Adjourned at 8:30.