FDTC Minutes of September 21, 2008

Minutes, Framingham DTC meeting, Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chair Rochelle Sivan called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Secretary Pam Roberts took attendence and confirmed a quorum.
Treasurer Elsa Aviza reported balance of $2,248.11 as of 9/21/2008.
20 members have paid dues for 2007-2008.
15 members have paid dues for 2008-2009.
6 associate members have paid dues for 2008-2009.
Joan Rastani moved to accept the Treasurer’s report; Norma Shulman seconded, and the Treasurer’s report was accepted.

Nandi Varris and Alan Frankel are new Associate Members.

Rochelle and State Committee member Parwez Wahid described procedures and rules for electing delegates to
and attending the special caucus for Middlesex County Wednesday September 24. The caucus was to nominate
a new Democratic candidate for the Middlesex Register of Probate.
The Chair called for nominations for delegates.

The following candidates were nominated:
(8 women)
Elsa Aviza
Esther A.H. Hopkins
Beverly Hugo
Stephanie Mercandetti
Pam Richardson
Pamela Roberts
Norma Shulman
Rochelle Sivan
(7 men)
Gerard Desilets
Dennis Giombetti
Gerry Heng
Lloyd Kaye
Farooq Mirza
John Stefanini
Parwez Wahid

The meeting then heard six candidates for Middlesex Register of Probate:

Teresa Walsh
Dean O’Donovan
Tom Concannon
Bob Colt
Maria Sheehy
Tara DeCristofaro

After a break, Parwez moved to close nominations for delegates, Joan Rastani seconded, and ayes prevailed.
The Framingham DTC members elected all the nominated delegates to the special meeting.

Alan Frankel introduced Sarah Compton, State Field Director for Barack Obama’s campaign. Sarah said they’ve
recruited 4000 volunteers in Massachusetts and need more. 250 people are in coordinating roles.
The previous week MA volunteers started calling voters in New Hampshire.
The weekend of our meeting 700 volunteers from MA went to NH.

Sarah introduced Nurys Camargo, Field Orgainzer for Metrowest and Northern Massachusetts for Obama.
Contact her at obamaorganizer4ma@gmail.com.

Sarah and Nurys said you can post any local events for Obama on mybarackobama.com, on the Framingham page.

Sarah Micciche will send a pdf voter registration form to Rochelle Sivan to send out.

Norma Shulman described Hillary Clinton’s inspiring talk in Boston the previous Friday.
Hillary urges people who might be reluctant to support Obama to support her and the Democratic cause by participating
as a “Hillary Sent Me” Democrat.

Norma volunteered to help organize carpooling to the Sept. 24 special election.

Parwez announced there is a fundraiser for Obama on Friday October 3 in the evening at Gallery 55 at 55 S. Main St. in Natick.

Pam Richardson reported that the State Legislature continues to meet in informal session but does not return to formal session until January, unless budget deficits require legislators to return to session earlier.

Chair Rochelle called for hospitality volunteers for the next meeting.
Does anybody have results of that request?

Parwez moved to adjourn; Beverly Hugo seconded; ayes prevailed.

Oct 19 DTC meeting 2008
Nov 4 General elections
Nov 9 Pasta Dinner and DTC meeting
no Dec meeting
Monday Jan 12 2009
Feb 8 caucus
March 8, breakfast mtg 10:30 am
April 19
Monday May 11
June 17

At the Sept. 24 special caucus, Tara DeCristofaro (www.taradecristofaro.com, or email taraprobate2008@gmail.com) was elected the party nominee for the race for Middlesex County Register of Probate.

Attendees at the Sept. 21 meeting:

Elsa Aviza
Nancy Coville Wallace
Gerard Desilets
Dennis Giombetti
Esther Hopkins
Beverly Hugo
Lloyd Kaye
Stephen Joyce
Tom Mahoney
Stephanie Mercandetti
Sarah Micciche
Joan Rastani
Pam Richardson
Pamela Roberts
Chris Ross
Norma Shulman
Alan Silver
Rochelle Sivan
Cheryl Tully Stoll
Parwez Wahid

Nandi Varris
Claire Farragher
Alan Frankel
Carl Whitman

Randolph Black
Deborah Butler
Bob McHallet
Michael Healy
Karen Spilka

a couple people whose signatures I couldn’t read
candidates for office of Register of Probate