Framingham Democratic Town Committee
May 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Rd, Framingham 01701
1. Call to Order: Tom Mahoney 7:20p
2. Attendance: ~Elsa Aviza, Pat Dunne, Jeanne Eversley, Adam Freudberg, Beverly Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Tom Mahoney, Stephanie Mercandetti, Farooq Mirza, Betty Muto, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Nancy Wallace Mel Warshaw Michael Zimmer~, Christopher Broyles*, Chris Walsh, Ghafooz Sheikh, Michael Gatlin, Mara Dolan, Kelly Durkee-Erwin, Ramuel M Raagas, Jack Duffy, Carmen Chico
3. Minutes of March 20
4. Treasurer’s Report: Beverly Hugo
- Balance as of 5/15/11
- Bank change pending
5. Old Business: Tom Mahoney
- Cookbook update: Beverly Hugo we are still accepting recipes.
- Bike Drive
Motion by Betty Muto and Norma Shulman, “FDTC will cover the cost of DPW contributing 13 bikes to Bikes not Bombs, a sum of $130.”
FDTC donated 55 Bikes including 13 from DPW Recycling Center. FDTC will reimburse Tom Mahoney for the 13 additional bikes from DPW.
Bikes usually go to Latin America or Africa. Our bike will go to Ghana. Tom reminds people that the $10 fee for each bike as well as the value of the bike is Tax Deductible. Tom said he would like FDTC to do it again next year.
- Election Workers – Tom read a job description for positions available. Norma would rather people work for the coordinated campaign on Election Day than work at the polls. If people want to work for free on Election Day to contact her, because there is plenty of work for volunteers to do.
6. New Business: Tom Mahoney
- Convention Briefing: Mara Dolan DSC member & Co-Chair of Public Policy
Breakout sessions Sat. after close of convention 1 – 2:30 and 3 – 4:30 On session is about Banking Regulations and Rep Barney Frank is the speaker. Others sessions include topics such as Health Care, Supreme Court, Constitutional Amendment, Green Economy and Youth Violence. Norma suggested that FPAC might be able to film sessions. Mara said that she would get a dvd “Inside Job” to promote the breakout sessions to Norma.
- Donation of $100 to Framingham Green Approved
- Report from the Hill
Rep. Chris Walsh: It’s been 125 days in office and people have been helpful and
kind to him on the” Hill.” He discussed Health reform issues and House budget which just passed. His committees are: Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities, Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development, Joint Committee on Transportation
Contact numbers: 617-722-2014, 508-820-0320
- Afghan Resolution Approved
FDTC added name to growing list of supporters ( Middlesex, Norfolk, Worchester Democratic Alliance, and the Democratic Town Committees of Franklin, Holliston, Medway, Natick and Sudbury)of the Resolution: “In Support: Getting Out of Afghanistan”
7. Program:
- Marrissa DeFranco: Democratic Senate candidate.
1996 Graduate of Suffolk Law “No one should work a full time job and not be able to pay for their home.”
Equal justice under the law for women,
LGBTQ equality
Real & Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Close loopholes for Corporations shipping American jobs overseas
Contact: Tel. 978.531.0405
8. Announcements:
- MW Alliance Meeting June 6th O’Connell Club
- Redistricting Meeting FSU June 18th McCarthy Center
- Volunteers (greeters, stuffers) needed for Convention, Kate Donahue
9. Next Meeting: Tom Mahoney – June 12th
10. Adjourn: Tom Mahoney 8:55pm
Respectfully submitted by P. N. Varris, Secretary