FDTC Minutes of March 3, 2013

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701


MINUTES — Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 3:00 p.m.


1.    Call to Order: Chair Tom Mahoney at 3:00 p.m. (after the annual Framingham Democratic Caucus to elect delegates and alternates for the 2013 Democratic State Convention on 7/13).


2.    Attendance:  Members: Elsa Avisa, Carmen Chico, Jack Duffy, Pat Dunne, Beverly Hugo, Stephan Joyce, Lloyd Kaye, Caraline Levy, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Sarah Micciche, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully Stoll, Parwez Wahid, and Mel Warshaw.  Lifetime Members: None.  Associate Members: Christopher Broyles, Jeff Cox, and Chris Lorant. Guests: John Aviza, Michael Bower, Jeanne I. Bullock, Jorge Costa, Ludovino Gardini, Michele Gardini, Tammy Laverty, Barbara LeDuc, Patrick Lyons, and Karen Spilka.


3.    Minutes of November 11, 2012 and December 9, 2012: Secretary Jack Duffy

                              Both approved unanimously (as previously corrected and twice disseminated)


4.    Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw                                   Tabled until next meeting

Mel mentioned that he believes the report will show that the January FDTC Pre-Inaugural Celebration & Democratic Victory Party amazingly ran a surplus (revenues exceeding expenditures).  Beverly Hugo said she will report on the event at the next meeting.  A motion to commend those who worked so hard to put on this highly successful event was approved unanimously.  Appreciation was expressed for the presence of DTC members from Sudbury, Wayland, Ashland, Natick, and other towns—and Ed Markey and many other officials.


5.    Breakfast Meeting: Everyone is invited to the “Wearin’ of the Green” at the Green (here), from 10 a.m. until noon on Sunday, 3/17/13 (which happens to be St. Patrick’s Day).  The event will feature a candidates’ forum for local Democratic candidates (for the roast portion of the morning, please bring a joke or a funny story about the Democrats, or a particular Democrat, to share),  Food will be prepared and served—attendees are encouraged to bring food (please communicate with Betty Muto), which need not be Irish.  Suggested contribution is $5. Contact Tom if interested in helping the committee.


6.    Announcements: Norma Shulman announced that she had left on the back table a brochure from Steve Grossman, an important letter on the budget from Governor Deval Patrick that all should take and read, and information from the Amazing Things Art Center (including the program book and a card with details about Godspell the Musical being performed at the Arts Center for the next two weeks)—and urged that the FraminghamDems @YahooGroups list serve be used for announcements and substantive issues discussions—that trivial responses like “Thanks you Joe for writing that” have annoyed some people as a waste of time that clog their inboxes and have even led to leaving the list serve.  On the U.S. Senate campaign, a voter registration campaign is being discussed, with a possible emphasis on the Brazilian and other immigrant communities, and a field office (smaller and less expensive that the Elizabeth Warren/Tom Sannicandro office) is being considered (if local DTCs are willing to provide some funding, with perhaps help from the state Democratic Party), and available to both the Markey and Lynch campaigns during the Primary period.  The local Markey campaign will feature canvassing and phone banks.  A “MiniVAN” app is available (for iPhone or Android smart phones) to help with canvassing.  Norma’s daughter, Dana Krashin, is running in the Boston Marathon with Team Hoyt to raise funds for the Hoyt Foundation, and it was mentioned that Mike Bower is also running to raise funds for other notable organizations.


Parwez Wahid announced that on Sunday, 4/14/13 in Hudson, the Middlesex & Worcester Democratic Coalition will host the U.S. Senate candidates at its annual breakfast meeting; so far, 5 from this area have expressed interest at $25 per person; 5 more are needed to fill a table—please contact Parwez if interested.  The Middlesex, Norfolk, & Worcester Alliance ismeeting at 7 p.m. on 3/4/13 (1st. Monday of month) at the juncture of Rt. 126 & 109.  (The FDTC Chair is an automatic voting member of the MNW Alliance along with two other Democrats from the town.  Parwez was elected as the Chair’s replacement, authorized to vote when the Chair cannot attend an Alliance meeting, but he is no longer serving in that capacity so the FDTC might want to fill the vacant position in the future—although Tom Mahoney stated that he would be attending as a voting member.)

Tom Mahoney announced that long-time FDTC member Terene Micciche has resigned, and that her slot will be filled at the April meeting.  Leading up to the state convention, The Democratic Party Platform Committee is holding a hearing in the Blumer Room, Framingham Town Hall, 150 Concord Street, at 7 p.m. on Monday, 3/11/13—testimony is limited to 5 minutes.


7.    Next meeting’s Charity: Beverly Hugo requested (based on discussion with Pat Dunne, who is involved with the planning) that we provide new and used books for the “Hoops and Homework” program in Precinct 17 for Early Readers through Young Adult (approximately Kindergarten through Grade 5).


8.    Next regular meeting: Tom Mahoney set an FDTC business meeting immediately after the Breakfast meeting on Sunday, 3/17/13.


9.    Adjourn: The FDTC adjourned at 3:50 p.m.


                                                             —Respectfully submitted by Jack Duffy, Secretary, FDTC