Framingham Democratic Town Committee
Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701
MINUTES — Sunday, March 17, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order: Chair Tom Mahoney called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.—proceeded by the annual St. Patrick’s Day breakfast meeting at 10:00 a.m., which included a local candidate forum and roast. Candidates making presentations included: Charles Sisitsky and Mike Bower (candidates for Selectman), Victor Ortiz (Planning Board), Chris Walsh and Parwez Wahid(Library Trustee), Janice Rogers (Housing Authority), Chris Lorant and Kathie McCarthy (Town Meeting Member, Precinct 1 and 10 respectively), Joe Avelone (Governor), and Karen Spilka(State Senator). State Representative Alice Peisch (Wellesley) spoke in support of Joe Avelone. Tom Mahoney, Mel Warshaw, Beverly Hugo, Joan Rastani, and Jack Duffy shared St. Patrick’s Day comments and tales.
2. Attendance: Members: Elsa Avisa, Carmen Chico, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Adam Freudberg, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Caraline Levy, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Farooq Mirza, Ramuel Raagas, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, John Stefanini, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, and Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: Ruth Litter and Mary Murphy. Associate Members: Christopher Broyles, Jeff Cox, Chris Lorant, and Pam Roberts. Guests: Sue Bernstein, Michael Bower, Lewis Colten, Bob Juberville, Janice Rogers, Karen Spilka, and Sheri Thomas.
3. Minutes of March 3, 2013: Secretary Jack Duffy Approved unanimously (as previously corrected)
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw Approved unanimously The report shows that the January FDTC Pre-Inaugural Celebration & Democratic Victory Galaindeed amazingly ran a $1,015.90 surplus ($6,949. revenues exceeding $5,932.42 expenditures)—increasing our balance to $3,168.82.
5. Report on Pre-Inaugural Celebration & Democratic Victory Gala: Beverly Hugo presented a report on the Gala, including the amazing fact that the sub-committee working to put on the wonderful event, faced with only 29 who had indicated they would attend as of one week before the event, managed to get over 220 attendees—averting a financial disaster, given that the expenses were just under $6,000. A motion to commend those who worked so hard to put on this highly successful event was approved unanimously. Norma Shulman, who was honored at the Gala for her volunteer efforts, presented a well-deserved “grassroots superstar” commendation to Elsa Avisa and to Mel Warshaw.
6. By-Law Amendment: Parwez Wahid explained the proposed Amendment to the By-Laws that would retain the requirement of twenty (20) years of service, as a member of the Framingham Democratic Town Committee, to attain Lifetime Member status—but would eliminate the requirement that the service needs to be continuous. The change to the By-Laws passed unanimously, 19-0.
7. Committee Vacancy: Tom Mahoney announced that the vacancies for FDTC Member and for Secretary will be filled at the next meeting (4/21/13).
8. Announcements: Tom Mahoney reminded us that the deadline for paying the Democratic State Convention (DSC) delegate or alternate fee [without paying a $25 late fee] is Friday, 4/12/2013 [Note: On 4/11/13 evening, the Democratic State Committee voted to extend the deadline to 4/30/13—because the Convention was rescheduled to 7/13/13]. Parwez Wahidrecommended that there be an additional meeting in June, since the DSC has been moved to 7/13/13 (because of the June election to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by new Secretary of State John Kerry); Chair Tom Mahoney agreed, and said he would check with the Framingham Green concerning availability.
9. Next meeting’s Charity: Beverly Hugo requested (based on discussion with Pat Dunne, who is involved with the planning) that we provide new and used books for the “Hoops and Homework” program in Precinct 17 for Early Readers through Young Adult (approximately Kindergarten through Grade 5).
10. Next regular meeting: Tom Mahoney set the next FDTC meeting for Sunday, 4/21/2013 at 7 p.m. at the same location.
11. Adjourn: The FDTC adjourned at 11:55 a.m.
—Respectfully submitted by Jack Duffy, Secretary, FDTC