Framingham Democratic Town Committee
Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701
MINUTES — Sunday, December 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order: Chair Tom Mahoney at 7:10 p.m.
2. Attendance: Members: Elsa Avisa, Carmen Chico, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Caraline Levy, Tom Mahoney, Stephanie Mercandetti, Betty Muto, Ramuel Raagas, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully Stoll, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, and Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: None. Associate Members: Christopher Broyles, Jeff Cox, Chris Lorant, and Pam Roberts. Guests: Kate Donaghue, Marlene Marsh, Tom Sannicandro, Dhruba Sen, and Sheri L. Thomas.
3. Minutes of November 11, 2012: Secretary Jack Duffy Tabled to next meeting, unanimously
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw Approved unanimously Initial balance of $2,230.35, increased by $40. in added dues, and $.22 in dividends, and decreased by $138.00 for reimbursement to Mel Warshaw for pizza at Coordinated Campaign party—yielding a $2,132.56 balance. 23 (of 35) Members, and 5 Associate Members, have paid 2012-13 dues. Mel initiated discussion of issue of people who do not pay dues, and/or attend meetings. Committee unanimously approved motion to have Secretary maintain an attendance spreadsheet.
5. Report from the Hill: Rep. Chris Walsh gave a report, including Gov. Patrick’s projections; the budget cuts and the rainy-day fund that the new legislature will consider in January; salary funding for lower-paid employees; no Chapter 70 cuts; and he recommended holding letters until new legislation is filed. On federal health care impacts and cuts, he felt letters would be helpful now.
6. Policy Subcommittee: Mel Warshaw initiated a discussion of proposals for filing bills with the legislature by the 1/15/13 deadline, and asked that recommendations be made to him—and Beverly Hugo discussed the minutes of the first subcommittee meeting, and Michael Hugo, the second (both indicating extensive deliberations). After extensive, lively discussions (including Mel, Jeff Cox, Joan Rastani, and Cheryl Tully Stoll), two motions were passed: (1) “Moved: that the full Framingham Democratic Town Committee authorize the Policy Subcommittee to write bills on behalf of the full committee, provided the concepts are approved by the full committee tonight” [12-1 with 5 abstentions], and (2) “Moved: to authorize the Policy Subcommittee to draft legislation only to focus on elections and voting procedures at this time” [9-7 with 1 abstention].
7. Pre-Inaugural Celebration & Democratic Victory Party: Beverly Hugo delineated the party subcommittee’s research and discussions of the complex options (including estimates of costs and revenues, bar, caterers, entertainment, police, asking office holders to attend and/or buy tickets or tables, auction, other promotional ideas, $25 ticket price X 200 tickets available = $5,000 potential revenue), and concluded the party should be held Saturday, 1/12/13, from 7 to 11:30 p.m. at Levi Hall at Temple Beth Am. The Committee voted 15-2 to honor Norma Shulman as “Volunteer of the Year”, 14-1 to have party volunteers, and 9-0 to authorize the Treasurer to make necessary disbursements.
8. Caucuses: Parwez Wahid recommended the Committee commit to the date of Sunday, 2/10/13 for the 2013 Democratic Caucus (to elect Framingham delegates for the Democratic State Convention in early June), as this date falls within the caucus window (2/8 – 3/3) set by the Mass. Democratic Party (accepted—1 p.m. registration, 2 p.m. call-to-order). Parwez will conduct Caucus Training from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday, 1/12/13 in the Costin Room of the Library. To run for delegate, one must be a registered Democrat by 12/31/13. The Caucus planning team consists of Beverly Hugo, Tom Mahoney, Norma Shulman, ParwezWahid, and Mel Warshaw.
9. Announcements: Discussed were voting concerns with the Secretary of State, Paul Yorkus’ bus trip to Washington, D.C., and charitable wrapped gifts (hats, gloves, used coats, and socks) at the Police Station.
10. Next regular meeting: Tom Mahoney set an FDTC business meeting after the Caucuses on Sunday, 2/10/13. At that time, the Committee will take up filling vacancies for Secretary and for Affirmative Action & Outreach Advisor.
11. Adjourn: Chair: Tom Mahoney at 9:25 p.m.
—Respectfully submitted by Jack Duffy, Secretary, FDTC