Framingham Democratic Town Committee
Minutes of April 9, 2006
Held at Framingham Green from 7pm to 9pm.
Members: Rita Blum, Rep. Debby Blumer, Nancy Coville Wallace, Jerry Desilets, Bill Haberman, Esther Hopkins, Donna Howland, Chris Lorant, Waldo Lyon, Dave Magnani, Tom Mahoney, Stephanie Mercandetti, Sarah Micciche, Terene Micciche, Mary Murphy, Chris Ross, Norma Shulman, Alan Silver, Rochelle Sivan, Cheryl Tully Stoll, Parwez Wahid
Associate Members: Elsa Aviza, Carrie Daly, Susan Elwyn, Gerry Heng, Farooq Mirza, Pam Roberts, Steve Robinson
Elected Officials: Rep. Tom Sannicandro, Town Moderator Joel Winett
Guests: Herb Chasan, Chris Gabrieli, Sam Kelley, Michael Sullivan, Jennifer Dever, Laura DiPalo,
- Treasuer’s Report
Cash on Hand as of 03/12/06 |
1747.97 |
Dues Received |
40.00 |
Dividends |
3.43 |
Other Income |
0 |
Net Income |
43.43 |
Itemized Expenses, Norma Shulman |
0 |
Net Expenses |
0 |
Balance as of 04/09/06 |
1791.40 |
Treasurer’s report was accepted.
- Minutes and Attendance
The Minutes of the March meeting were accepted with no corrections.
- Program, Candidates for State-Wide offices
Chris Gabrieli, candidate for Governor.
Introduced by Debbie Blumer and Dave Magnani. Chris talked about the concept of community schools that can be used year around or for extended hours rather than just 6 hours per day. He talked of how the cut to local aid has impacted parts of the state including communities like Framingham.
Gabrieli’s parents immigrated to the United States and opted to settle in Buffalo, New York (he quipped on how this showed that his parents knew very little about America!). He does credit the education system in Buffalo but as he grew older he knew that he had no future in Buffalo with its lack of opportunities. He came to Massachusetts for education and became extremely fond of the area. Chris was originally in medical school but had to withdraw to support his family.
In 1983 he founded a company in health care software that did well. He gained support from venture capital funding to start new companies. He worked in Silicon Valley for many years before returning to the Boston area. He companies he helped created generated some 100,000 jobs.
To explore new challenges he became involved in non-profits and think-tanks. He made reference to the recently passed health-care bill as the types of exciting challenges he hoped to contribute towards as a way of giving back. But in referencing the new health-care bill he also stated how its most important sections were passed through a veto-override in the legislature. He felt frustrated at how Massachusetts was under-performing in its capabilities and wants to bring changes in this area.
The task he feels is to explain to voters in the sub-urban areas that a Democratic candidate for governor will be results oriented and not govern under fear of the legislature.
Gabrieli stated that all voters are for jobs, education and health care; he offered as to what this really means. On education he feels that children do not spend enough time in schools, the school-days are too short. Engaging parents is helpful. The 180-day calendar is not enough to give children the skills needed for the 21st century. Better after school programs are needed for middle schools. This will give students more attention in areas where they are struggling and well as enrichment in arts. He acknowledges the many issues in pursuing this such as negotiating with teachers’ unions. As governor his approach would be to understand the problem deeply and bring in people committed to executing the project; he would never engage such efforts on his own.
He talked of jobs creation which is badly needed in Massachusetts. He also mentioned how the state has lost population for 2 years in a row. He cited rising cost of living and lack of jobs as the prime reasons for the lost population. He criticized the Governor who had billed himself as the “Jobs Governor” for failing to create jobs as promised. He found this perplexing given the resources in the state, including some of the finest colleges in the world, which are available to spur job creation.
He admitted that he entered the race late and this has drawn some criticism. When asked by others as to why he would not run as an independent (thus avoiding the need to get 15% at the convention), he replied that he is a Democrat first and foremost and would not consider running outside the party. In February he was called by Democrat friends who voiced there concern over the candidates in the race and felt that the party might be in jeopardy of losing in November. To break the 16 year streak of Republican governorship, he felt compelled to enter the gubernatorial race.
Chris went on to cite the strength of the Republican Party in running election campaigns and warned not to take them lightly. He mentioned how the Republicans were able to make John Kerry’s war record look worse than Bush and Cheney’s non-participation in the military. From his 2002 campaign experience he felt he is the best candidate to take on the Republicans in November.
Sam Kelly, candidate for Lt. Governor.
Dr. Kelly spoke briefly as this was his second visit to the Framingham DTC. Sam Kelly mentioned the progress of his campaign and how he has been doing well in various straw polls. He made a TV appearance to discuss the recent healthcare bill. He also mentioned his event on April 21 hosted by DTC member Shahid Khan.
Michael Sullivan, candidate for Middlesex County Clerk of Magistrate.
Michael is a former Mayor of the City of Cambridge and has been on the Cambridge City Council for 13 years. (His father was Mayor as well). He joked on how people are not often familiar with the position as used to be listed on the backside of the old ballots! The new ballots will list this office on the right side. As Mayor he made it a priority to see that government was responsive to the people and he personally returned all phone calls made to him. While the County Clerk is not a high profile office, Michael stated its importance in being responsive to those who come to seek services from the Clerk. He feels he can bring the human element needed to make the job more user-friendly. He also mentioned the 4-1/2 years he spent in the Attorney General’s office, Consumer Protection Division; he worked there because of the opportunity to truly help people with genuine problems.
Laura DiPalo, of the State Democratic Committee presented the State Party’s plans for Victory ’06. Laura had campaigned in Ohio for John Kerry during 2004 and described how the opposition had managed to nibble away at the Democrats lead by targeting precincts which traditionally do not have large turnouts and getting people in these precincts to vote for Bush. Although the Democrats exceeded all their targets for Ohio the strategy by the Bush team of getting out the vote worked and resulted in Kerry’s defeat. To win in the Governor’s race, Laura stressed that Democrats must knock on doors and reach out to more people. She distributed information on the Victory ’06 that describes how to form precinct captains to get people to come out and vote
- Donation to Framingham Green Tenants Association
Donna Howland recommended that the DTC make a donation to the Framingham Green Tenants Association as the DTC is not charged for use of the community room. A figure of $100 was approved for this donation.
- Formation of Finance Audit Committee
The Finance Audit Committee was formed to conduct the biennial review of the DTC’s financial records. The following members were appointed:
Alan Silver
Bill Haberman
Donna Howland
Nancy Coville Wallace
This committee will present its report at the September meeting.
- DTC Officers Elections
The Nominating Committee submitted a slate of candidates during the March meeting. The floor was opened for additional nominations, no further candidates were nominated. Motion was made and passed to accept the nominees and close nominations.
Give no positions were contested, motion was made and passed for the Chair to submit a single ballot to elect the entire slate of candidates.
The elected DTC officers for the term 2006-08 are:
Chair – Parwez Wahid
Vice Chair – Debby Blumer
Treasurer – Nancy Coville Wallace
Secretary – Rochelle Sivan
Outreach Officer – Chris Ross
Nominating Committee also submitted a recommendation that the newly elected officers begin their term on July 1, 2006. This will allow continuity of leadership through the State Convention in June. Motion was made and passed to accept the recommendation.
- Announcements
Jerry Desilets: Breakfast for convention delegates on April 29th in Holliston, hosted by the Holliston DTCand the MW Alliance. There is a $5 entry. All Primary candidates are expected.
Herb Chasan: Phone banking for out-of-state congressional races.
There was a notice read on the annual Roosevelt Dinner, May 1st in Boston. The event serves as a major fund raiser for the State Democratic Party.
Debby Blumer mentioned plans to set up an election campaign office during the general elections for phone banking and other campaign activities. The office might be setup before the primary.
Norma Shulman mentioned the forum on domestic spying that the DTC will be co-sponsoring with the Dover DTC on May 4th at the Great Hall in Dover.
Norma also read the names of the DTC members who were winners in the 2006 Town Elections:
Tom Mahoney, Planning Board
Nancy Coville Wallace, Library Trustee
Esther Hopkins, Keefe Tech School Committee
Faith Tolson-Pierce, Town Meeting, Precinct 13
Carlos Cunningham, Town Meeting, Precinct 12
Pam Roberts, Town Meeting, Precinct 10
Norma Shulman, Town Meeting, Precinct 5
Chris Lorant, Town Meeting, Precinct 1
- Reports From The Hill
Rep. Debby Blumer stated that any report would be pending the budget that is due later during the week, amendments to the budget must be submitted by April 19th. The budget will be available on-line.
Prior to adjournment, Jerry Desilets asked the Committee to acknowledge the officers for their efforts of the past two years.
Next meeting: May 21st.