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Democratic City Caucus 2023

Framingham Public Library - Main 49 Lexington Street, Framingham, MA, United States

Caucus to elect Framingham's delegation to the annual state convention. Taking place in the Costin Room. Registration opens at 1:30pm. Call-to-Order at 2pm. Special guest: Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll Short […]

Revival of Sat Morning Over Coffee

B Sisters Cafe 680 Worcester Road, Framingham, MA

The monthly gathering that used to take place on Saturday per month has been on hiatus for several years with COVID factoring in as well. This is an effort to […]

Friday Concert

The FDC will operate its regular voter registration and information table at the Framingham Friday Concert on the Green. Volunteers are needed for setup, breakdown and staffing the table during […]

Friday Night Concert

Framingham Centre Common Vernon Street and Edgell Road, Framingham, Massachusetts

Help the FDC operate its voter registration and information table during the Framingham's Friday Night Concert on the Green. Setup begins at 5:00pm, pack-up at 7:30pm. Contact:  

Friday Night Concert

Framingham Centre Common Vernon Street and Edgell Road, Framingham, Massachusetts

Help the FDC operate its voter registration and information table during the Framingham's Friday Night Concert on the Green. Setup begins at 5:00pm, pack-up at 7:30pm. Contact:  

Framingham Democratic Committee website design ©2020 by Gwendolyn Holbrow