FDTC Minutes of October 18, 2009

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Minutes of October 18, 2009

Held at Framingham Green from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.


(Attendance list was not provided)


  1. Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
  2. The April, May, and June minutes posted on the website were approved.
  3. The DTC approved additional money for the Kennedy Condolences book.
  4. The group said to add an item to the November meeting agenda: making a donation to the winner of the December primary.
  5. The FDTC heard announcements from representatives of candidates.
  6. Parwez Wahid reported on the health care rally held in Boston on Monday, September 7, Labor Day.
  7. The FDTC accepted volunteers for the November pasta:


–          Terence Micciche

–          Mel Warshaw

–          Michael Zimmer

–          Beverly Hugo

–          Parwez Wahid

–          Farooq Mirza

–          Elsa Aviza


  1. Program:


John Businger, who spoke for an integrated rail network for New England


Ed Karr, who spoke about the local Regional Transit Authority

FDTC Minutes of September 13. 2009

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Minutes of September 13, 2009

Held at Framingham Green from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.


(Attendance list was not provided)


  1. Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
  2. Minutes for May and June will be posted on the website for approval and will also be emailed to members.
  3. Norma Shulman reported the success of the FDTC presence at the Concerts on the Green, including the Cabinet Line-Up game and the Condolences book for Senator Edward Kennedy’s family.
  4. Cheryl Tully Stoll requested a thank you be written to the Metrowest Daily News for the photos they gave for the Kennedy remembrance.
  5. Parwez Wahid reported on the health care rally held in Boston on Monday, September 7, Labor Day.
  6. For the program, Tom Mahoney introduced Steve Meunier, Senator Kerry’s policy advisor on health care.  Mr. Meunier described the efforts going on in the House and Senate.
  7. DSC member Kate Donahue announced support for Steve Grossman for State Senator and also her Dec. 13 holiday party.
  8. DSC member Sue Kennedy announced the next state committee meeting in Marlborough.
  9. The DTC approved $38 to reimburse Norma’s buying a table for committee activities.
  10. Norma Shulman announced support for Martha Coakley for Senator.
  11. Tom Mahoney proposed informal Saturday breakfasts at Panache once a month.
  12. Cheryl Tully Stoll proposed a $50 contribution in memory of Senator Edward Kennedy to Donna Howland’s group’s Habitat for Humanity charity efforts.

FDTC Minutes of June 13, 2009

Minutes of the June 13, 2009 meeting of the Framingham DTC
Chair Rochelle Sivan called a very short business meeting to order at 2:15 on June 13, 2009.

Nine members were present. Elsa Avisa gave a treasurer’s report.

Beverly Hugo reported on the State Democratic Youth Convention of June 6.

Kate Donaghue summarized the State Democratic Convention activity: the convention passed an amended platform.
The rules committee reduced signatures required for platform issues from 500 to 250.
The charter was amended to include people with disabilities.
The convention passed a resolution against slot machines.

One attendee noted this is the weakest platform ever–that 90% of Republicans could support this platform.

The business meeting was adjourned to begin the summer barbecue with Michael Dukakis guest speaker.

FDTC Minutes of May 17, 2009

Minutes of the May 17, 2009 meeting of the Framingham Democratic Town Committee
The Chair, Rochelle Sivan, called the meeting to order at 7:05 with 15 members present, then two more arrived.
Elsa Aviza read the treasurer’s report.

Beverly Hugo reported plans for the June 13 barbecue to be held from 2-5 pm at Shahid Kahn’s home at 116 Parker Rd. 508 620 9660
Former Governor Dukakis will speak and our representatives and senators are invited.
We will ask for a $5/person donation and ask attendees to bring a side dish, dessert, or appetizer.
There will be a short business meeting.
The planning committee will have another meeting on June 11. They need setup and cleanup crews.

Tom Mahoney moved that we move our business meeting from the planned June 14 to June 13, at 2pm
Norma Shulman seconded, and the motion passed.

Rochelle sent out our meeting schedule:

Sunday Sept 13, 2009
October 18
November 8 pasta dinner at 6 pm
December ? Holiday party date to be decided after learning date of Kate Donahue’s Westborough holiday party.

January 10, 2010
February 7 caucus
March 14 breakfast meeting
April 11
May 16
June 13

Sue Kennedy spoke on the upcoming Democratic state convention. The Call to Convention went out in bulk last week.
Credentials will be sent out next week.
Go early, be seated by 10 am, and wear comfortable clothing & comfortable shoes.
The AFLCIO is sponsoring a breakfast at 8:30.

Kathy McCarthy said it is difficult for handicapped people to attend conventions.
Kate Donahue said the party has rented a parking lot specially for handicapped people.
If you need special accommodations, please call the party to let them know and get help
getting those accommodations. Brian Muldoon is the person making arrangements for the handicapped.
Sue Kennedy said the stadium is difficult to work with but the party is going to try to
seat delegations who have handicapped people in areas that will work for the disabled people.
There will be breakout sessions on communications: cable tv, blogging, facebook etc.

Members discussed the platform.

Alan Frankel introduced Jeff Santos from progressive talk radio.
Currently talk radio is 6 am- 7pm in Boston on WWZN 1510 AM.
They hope to be broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by October 21, 2009.
* http://1510thezone.com
* [email protected]
* caller line 617-237-1234
* 50,000Watt signal reaches Maine-RhodeIsland
* They stream audio online at www.revolutionboston.com.

They’ll broadcast live from the June 6 Democratic convention.

There was no News from the Hill as Pam Richardson had to leave before the program finished.

Kate Donahue announced a Jim McGovern fundraiser for June 12, 6-8 pm. Clinton will be the guest. $125

Adam Freudberg described the State Democratic Youth Convention, also June 6.

Norma Shulman announced the Mass Cultural Fund awarded a $218,000 matching fund grant to
the Amazing Things firehouse fund. This is a capital fund. To donate to the capital fund for
Amazing Things, call the Amazing Things Arts Center office at 508-405-ARTS.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15.

FDTC Minutes for April 9, 2009



1. Chair called the meeting to Order at 7:05 PM.

2. Co-Chair will be taking minutes for tonight’s meeting.

3. Attendance was taken.

4. Chair asked that we suspend our business portion of the meeting to allow our Guest – Mr. Matt Harutunian from Congressman Markey’s office, who has another meeting to attend, speak to the FDTC regarding the Stimulus Package put forth by the President.

* The information is on the website www.recovery.gov (Federal) and www.mass.gov/recovery.
* Projects have to ready to go within 120 days and completed by 2010.
* Additional appropriation in September.
* Infrastructure improvements – SAFETEA-LU
* For further information, contact Matt at [email protected]

5. Chair resumed the Business meeting by noting that the minutes will be voted next month.

6. Treasurer’s Report was given by ELSA.

7. The Chair indicated that it is time for the FDTC to give the Framingham Green a donation of $100 for the use of the facility. A motion was made and seconded. Passed unanimously.

8. The Chair indicated that the FDTC’s annual Picnic is being scheduled for June 13th and was seeking volunteers to organize the event. Special Guest will be former Gov. Michael Dukakis. (Special thanks to Michael Zimmer for arranging with the Governor) The following people volunteered for the committee:

Joan Rastani
Beverly Hugo
Claire Farragher
Elza Avisa
Rochelle Sivan
Michael Zimmer

9. Nancy Covelle Wallace made a pitch for the Edgell Memorial Library which is in the running for a grant from Partners in Preservation by voting on their website (ends May 17th). www.partnersinpresevation.com to vote.

10. The Chair brought up the issue of poor turnout for the Local Elections and what could be done. The was lively discussion the topic.

11. The Chair mentioned that the FDTC should be thinking about getting involved in different projects for next year – such as Habitat for Humanity or serve food to various agencies, etc. A list should be developed.

12. The date of the next meeting was discussed either Monday May 11th or Sunday May 17th. It was decided that it would be on May 17, 2009.

13. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Minutes taken by T. Mahoney