FDTC Minutes of June 13, 2010

MINUTES – June 13, 2010 at 7:00 PM

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Rd, Framingham 01701

  1. Call to Order:  7:20pm – Tom Mahoney
  1. Roll Call: Nandi

Attendance – Elsa Avisa, Gerry Desilets, Linda Fields, Esther Hopkins, Steven Joyce, Tom Mahoney, Beverley Hugo, Betty Muto, Joan Rastani, Pam Richardson, Pam Roberts, Norma Shulman, Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Michael Zimmer

  1. Minutes: Minutes for May 16, 2010 were Approved
  1. Treasurer’s Report: Beverly Hugo

If you are in Arrears, please pay your dues.

  1. Old Business:

Letterhead/Logo Design for FDTC

Please submit a concept next month Tom Mahoney

Parwez will send what he has

Beverly suggested a contest for graphic artists/ high school students

Beverly will contact someone at FHS


Parwez is looking for help managing FDTC website

Nandi agreed to meet with Parwez to learn how to upload minutes to FDTC site

Discussion about whether the current site is meeting FDTC needs

Norma discussed website she started “Blue Host” $4.95/month

Current site $12.95/month

Yahoo group:

Norma wants help adding members to “new” Yahoo group

Nandi agreed to assist

Site is:


Concerts on the Common, Norma Shulman

Norma can no longer do it alone. Norma represents Lake so should not be the only Dem present. “Republicans are circling!” “We need a presence every week.”

Need materials from all Dem candidates

Need volunteers to sign up– at least 2 per week.

Tom and Elsa will do June 18th

Mention of meetingwizards.com

  1. New Business – Tom Mahoney

Election of New Members to fill recent vacancies

Jeanne Eversley nominated by Elsa Aviza

Ilma Paixao and Adam ? nominated

All three were Seconded and elected to membership

Chris Boyes interested in slot but absent

  1. Hospitality Committee:

Beverly Hugo, Parwez Wahid and Jerry Desilate will coordinate

  1. Event:

DSC BBQ July 17 ,2010 1:30pm,  14 Waveney Road, Parwez  home

  1. Schedule for next year:

Second or third Sunday

Sept/Oct third Sunday

  1. Young Democrats of Massachusetts:

Courtney Elgart, Fundraising Chair

John Klechinsky the Membership & Outreach director, Elaine

Need recruiting help. FDTC invited to June 29th organizing meeting

  1. Motion about FDTC Dues

Joan Rastani (Tom Mahoney will send motion to Secretary to include in minutes)

  1. Other

Green Postcards to Sen. Scott Brown

re: Support Sen. Tom Harkins Keep Our Educators Working Act (S.3206)

  1. Debrief on State Convention

Mobile microphone suggestion, Esther Hopkins

Conversation, “Delegation should have sat closer together,” “Sit by Towns,” “More Disciplined,” Ilma, “Voting at end was not good/rushing and gave bad impression” “Extreemly negative,” “There was a better time to make those votes” “I fail to see the need to have so many welcoming speeches,” “What kind of influence do we have in framing state wide convention?”

“Surprised, Glodis did not win hands down,” “Hoping is not the same as doing,” “Concerned that many democrats will not vote for Glodis,” “Whoever you believe in you work for.” Concern expressed that there will be bitterness after primary.

Proposed Action,  Plan a Unity Breakfast day after primary

At a Hotel on Tues or Weds

Parwez will speak to State Party

Next Meeting


Adjourn – 8:34pm Tom Mahoney

FDTC Minutes of May 16, 2010

May 16, 2010

Framingham Green


Tom Mahoney, Beverly Hugo, Sarah Micciche, Parwez Wahid, Norma Shulman, Pam Roberts, Elsa Aviza, Nandi Varris, Nancy Stenberg, Heidi Larson, Craig Bystrybsk, Linda Fields, George Clattenburg, Rebeca G. Breslin, Debrah Butler, Mike Fritz, Steve Joyce, Pam Richardson, Tom Sannicandro


Debra Butler, Attorney

-Democrat for years, now independent (to pursue Lobby position in DC)

-DVG, pins (David vs Goliath)

-Bring public voice to Legislative process

-Establish critical mass of online supporters

-Introducing Laws

-Law Students Research

-Rep. Ed Markey will introduce Butler’s bill to Cap ATM Fees

-Setting up a 501 C4, Looking for board members

-Film Crew/ Documentary/ Rough Mountain Studios

-Started Blogs (willwillwin.org,  deardebra.com)

-Followed by homeland security


-Beverly Hugo Treasurer’s Report

-Alan Silver finance audit report was favorable; the FDTC financial records are in order

-Transfer of office from Elsa Aviza to Beverly Hugo said Elsa did a great job

-Treasurer said that those who haven’t paid membership fees would be hearing from her.

-Treasurer’s Report- Accepted

-Treasurer asked for information to change letterhead, etc.



-Chairman Tom Mahoney said Rochelle Sivan resigned

-Another member also resigned, Chris Ross.

-Chair is expecting another resignation this week.

-New Members nominated, seconded and voted in, Linda Fields and P. Nandi Varris(nominated by Elsa Aviza)

-Pam Richardson suggested Adam F. for membership when another opening is available


New Officer:

-Nominated by Elsa Aviza, seconded and voted in, P. Nandi Varris, Secretary

FDTC Logo:

-Norma Shulman was nominated to create Logo however she did not agree to it and is too busy with Lake campaign and Census stuff right now to add anything else.


Yahoo Group:

-Norma Shulman talked about Yahoo Group set up and needing help.


Registrar of Voters:

-Town legally needs three names from FDTC as candidates for Registrar of Voters

-The only candidate was Linda Fields.

-Norma Shulman and Parwez Wahid nominated, seconded and voted in as candidates.


Recycling Project:

-Tom Mahoney “Bikes not Bombs” take bikes for $10

-Lots of ideas, Need volunteers

-Have it during Concerts on the Commons, Parking Lot, High School,

-Pam Roberts and Elsa Aviza on Bikes not Bombs Event Committee

-Norma Shulman: advertise on Framcom/Freecycle

Guest Speaker

-Nancy Stenberg, Democratic State Committee

-Seated by Senate District

-Look for 2MN

-Major Taylor Building Entrance

-Delegates should receive 2010 Convention Guide

-Presented Pilot Power Point Presentation for New Delegates

-Call 617-776-2676 help with disability issues

-Also if you haven’t received credentials by May 29th


-Norma Shulman, Mike Lake’s official regional Coordinator Metrowest/Central MA

-Governor Deval Patrick community meeting, Boxboro Holiday Inn on May 23rd.

Elected Officials Speak:

Rep. Tom Sannicandro:

-Budget: Framingham received, more money under chapter 70

-Up for Re-Election, along with Sen. Spilka and Rep. Richardson

Rep. Pam Richardson:

-Cori Reform, Events:Papa Ratsi, Monday Education Reform

-Major Bills, Education Reform and Bullying


Sunday June 13, 2010, 7:00 PM

Community Room, Framingham Green

136 Maynard Road, Framingham

FDTC Caucus Results of February 14, 2010

FEBRUARY 14, 2010
Nevins Hall, Memorial Building
Elsa Aviza
Carmen  Chico
Jeanne Eversley
Beverly Hugo
Nanette Magnani
Sarah Micciche
Terene Micciche
Katie Murphy
Betty Muto
Nancy O’Hare
Ilma Paixao
Joan Rastani
Pam Roberts
Faith Tolson
Debra Tosti
P. Nandi Varris
Linda Fields
Bob Berman
Michael Bower
Jack Duffy
Dennis Giombetti
Lloyd Kaye
Tom Mahoney
Farooq Mirza
Phil  Ottaviani
Mike Rossi
Alan Silver
Adam Sisitsky
Charlie Sisitsky
Jason Smith
John Stasik
John Stefanini
Mel  Warshaw
Mike  Fritz
Mike  Hugo
Matt Gilman
Jerry Desilets, Framingham DTC Co-Vice Chair
Courtney Elgart, DSC Member
Stephanie Merchandetti, DSC Member
Norma Shulman, DSC Member
Parwez Wahid, DSC Member
Pam Richardson, State Representative (6th Middlesex)

FDTC Minutes of January 10, 2010

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Minutes of January 10, 2010

Held at Framingham Green from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.


(Attendance list was not provided)


  1. Rochelle Sivan had submitted her resignation having withdrawn from the Democratic Party.  Co-Vice Chair Tom Mahoney assumed the role of Framingham DTC Chair.
  2. Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
  3. Tom Mahoney described the caucus schedule for February 21st.
  4. Caucus planning committee members are:

–          Elsa Aviza

–          Pam Richardson

–          Pam Roberts

–          Joan Rastani

–          Stephanie Mercandetti

–          Parwez Wahid

–          Norma Shulman

–          Steve Joyce

  1. March 14th DTC breakfast meeting team:

–          Parwez Wahid

–          Sarah Micciche

–          Beverly Hugo

–          Mel Warshaw

–          Adam Feudberg

–          Jerry Desilets

–          John Stefanini

–          Phil Ottaviani

  1. Tom Mahoney discussed need to reorganize and elect new officers and members in April.
  2. Tom announced that the next Saturday Morning Over Coffee meeting is Jan. 30, 10 am.
  3. Joan Rastani said the Events of Interest email is helpful.
  4. Norma Shulman asked for volunteers for Coakley’s campaign.
  5. Program guest candidates spoke:

– Steve Grossman for treasurer

– Joe Martin spoke on behalf of Guy Glodis for Auditor

– Mike Lake for Auditor

  1.  Pam Richardson announced upcoming meetings for the Census, CSX, and the special town meeting.
  2. Adam Blumer of the School Committee announced upcoming forums on the school reorganization proposal.

FDTC Minutes of November 8, 2009

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Minutes of November 8, 2009

Held at Framingham Green from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.


(Attendance list was not provided)


  1. Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
  2. The DTC chose February 21, 2010 for the caucus date
  3. The FDTC accepted volunteers for the December Holiday Party:

–          Pam Richardson

–          Elsa Aviza

–          Beverly Hugo

–          Mel Warshaw

–          Rochelle Sivan

–          Parwez Wahid

  1. Parwez Wahid proposed we donate an amount to the winner of the Democratic primary for the Senatorial special election. The committee unanimously approved contributing $250.
  2. Elsa Aviza proposed we put together a cookbook as a fundraiser.
  3. Announcements followed.
  4. Parwez Wahid introduced Democratic National Committee Member Diane Saxe as our speaker for the evening. She spoke on “Why Are We Democrats.”