FEBRUARY 13, 2011 |
Framingham Green Community Room |
Susan Craighead |
Jeanne Eversley |
Linda Fields |
Kay Gomez-DeBrosse |
Esther Hopkins |
Holly Hratko |
Beverly Hugo |
Caraline Levy |
Sarah Micciche |
Katherine Murphy |
Betty Muto |
Joan Rastani |
Pam Richardson |
Pam Roberts |
Debra Tosti |
P. Nandi Varris |
Elsa Aviza |
Kathie McCarthy |
Bob Berman |
Gerard Desilets |
Mike Fritz |
Mike Gatlin |
Philip Giffee |
Dennis Giombetti |
Steve Grossman |
Steve Joyce |
Lloyd Kaye |
Shahid Khan |
Brian LeFort |
Ram Raagas |
Ghafoor Sheikh |
John Stefanini |
Mel Warshaw |
Michael Zimmer |
Phil Ottaviani |
Chris Petrini |
Nancy Coville-Wallace |
Farooq Mirza |
Matt Handverger |
Tom Mahoney, Framingham DTC Vice Chair |
Courtney Elgart, DSC Member |
Stephanie Merchandetti, DSC Member |
Norma Shulman, DSC Member |
Parwez Wahid, DSC Member |
Chris Walsh, State Representative (6th Middlesex) |
FDTC Minutes of January 9, 2011
Framingham Democratic Town Committee
January 9, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Rd, Framingham 01701
- Call to Order: 6:30pm , Tom Mahoney, Chair
- Attendance: Elsa Aviza, Jerry Desilets, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Beverly Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Kathie McCarthy, Tom Mahoney. Sarah Micciche, Terene Micciche, Farooq Mirza Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully Stoll, Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, MelWarshaw,
Alan Khazei, Emily Cherniack, Kate Donahue, Susan Scully-Petroni
- Guest Speaker: Alan Khazei (Parwez Wahid introduction)
Acknowledged the tragedy of killings in Tucson Arizona, (six fatal and 13 wounded) Wants us to think about how does someone get access to semi automatics. Gabrielle Giffords was one of the Democrats in Sarah Palin’s cross hairs, we must recommit ourselves to having our tone be correct. He is the City Year founder and saw power of citizen action with 100 hours of testimony in the Capital, “Mr. Smith goes to Washington” after City Year lost its funding. It became a national service organization thanks to support of Senator Ted Kennedy and President Clinton. Khazei authored new book, “Big Citizenship” which he wrote out of gratitude. Khazei quoted President Truman “not leaving the highest office” “assuming the highest office” – Citizenship.
Khazei’s parents made many sacrifices: Dad from Iran, who loves “Democracy”, Mom Italian (classic) taught “everyone has special gift” Alan did not win when he ran for the Senate but… Learned to talk and listen to anyone. Make sure you’re family is with you – if you run.
Suggested a Micro agreement to encourage everyday people to get involved. Quoted Lincoln- “Think anew, Start anew.” Find someone you disagree with and have a conversation.
- Economy must work for everybody
- Challenges- must look to citizens to help solve problem (innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs, creative environment)
- Government must change (accountability and transparency)
- Public Private Partnerships
- Reclaim sense of common purpose – WE- THE PEOPLE
“I support President Obama although I don’t agree with everything he does” Is doing good job with the circumstances he inherited. “He has the highest number of death threats than any president ever.”
Each person should get one person to join, tell story to get interest in ideas
Linda Fields: “Biggest problem refute the lies”
Al: “Get the facts, start with friends.”
Mel W: “We are fighting a network- Fox News”
Al: Tea Party is about 15% of voters. Call Scott Brown, ask, “Are you going to fully support Serve America with funding?”
- Minutes of Nov. 14, 2010 Approved
- Treasurer’s Report: Beverly Hugo, Treasurer 1/9/11 Bal. $1997.90 Approved
- Fundraiser: Jeanne Eversley – Photos for $1.00 Proceeds to FDTC
- FDTC Community Support Projects
- Dec. meeting – Pathways Toiletries (kitchen work project mentioned)
- Feb. meeting – Lucy and Joe Frail Elders Sarah Miccichi will type up requirements Nandi send requirements twice before meeting
- Joan Rastani.: Homeless luncheon at GFCC suggestion for mid Feb.
- Norma Shulman: Notify community that FDTC is doing stuff
- Terene Micciche: Habitat for Humanity
- Sarah Micciche: Once a month serve community
- Norma Shulman: “Stand for Children” Charlotte said to have leader speak.
- Other Suggestions:
- Public Relations Director- Linda Fields
- Hospitality Committee
Needs volunteers for March 20th Breakfast Meeting
Elsa Aviza and Terene Micciche volunteered
- March 1 Cookbook Deadline
- Feb. 13 Caucus Framingham Green 6:30 Registration, Call to Order 7:00pm SHARP!
- Elect 16 males 16 females
- Caucus Planning Committee: Farooq, Parwez, Norma, Sarah, Tom, Nandi
- Phone Calls for Caucus
- June 4 Issues Convention Lowell
Submitted by P. Nandi Varris, Secretary
FDTC Minutes of November 14, 2010
Framingham Democratic Town Committee
November 14, 2010 at 7:00 PM
Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Rd, Framingham 01701
- Call to Order: 7:15pm , Tom Mahoney, Chair
- Attendance: Elsa Aviza Jerry Desilets Rosalie Cotton, Esther Hopkins, Betty Muto, Tom Mahoney. Beverly Hugo, Joan Rastani, Parwez Wahid, Cheryl Tully Stoll, Norma Shulman, Pam Roberts, Jeanne Eversley, Mel Warshaw, Chris Walsh, Courtney Elgart, Kathie McCarthy, Nandi Varris
- Minutes of Oct. 17, 2010 Approved
- Treasurer’s Report: Beverly Hugo, Treasurer
- Balance as of 11/19/10: $1999.36
- Checking different banks; Middlesex Savings Bank, Framingham Municipal Credit Union, Framingham Cooperative Bank, (discussion: should not have to pay monthly fees)
- Treasurer’s Report: Approved
- Congratulations to Chris Walsh, Common Denominators: relationships effect change, “Chairs aren’t the biggest things” “Important to listen to Mike Savage” Resigned from Elder Affairs cabinet position because he was “misled about the position” “It’s not enough to be right, you need enough votes” Significant change in the House although GOP influence is almost nil in MA. Roll to come up with most extreme amendments/laws, “Spot voting” Tim Cahill run helped us, ticket splitting, republicans gained through serious anti incumbent vote
- Motion to let Guest Speaker talk next. Approved
- Program: Guest Speaker Mike Festa, former State Representative, President, Caroll Center for the Blind 770 Centre St, Newton 02458,
Esther Hopkins said. “We won because we had great candidates.”
Cheryl Tully Stoll said, “It helped us a lot that we took the high road. “
Someone said, “In an environment that destroys the candidate, how do you govern?”
Chris Walsh said, “It was tuned by thee grassroots effort.”
- Unfinished Business: Beverly gave a list of things which would not be acceptable in shelters which she will get copies of for FDTC, such as; no products needing refrigeration, also there are special rules for elders. Beverly is still doing the research.
- New Business:
- Bravo to all GOTV Volunteers, Special thanks to Norma, Norma said there were 181 volunteers in the 6th and 7th Districts, Elsa Aviza did an outstanding job in Precinct 17 which had 6x the turn out, Thanks to Courtney,
- Congrats to Sen. Karen Spilka and Rep. Tom Sannicandro who couldn’t be here (Tom’s email read), Congratulations to Chris Walsh who is present
- Test Our Recipes, January 9th 2011, 5pm will be held at the Framingham Green
- Bring donations to holiday party Dec 12th for Pathways Shelter, Full sized products, Shampoo Conditioner, Deodorant, Soap, Pampers
- Announcements:
Evening Drop In for Pam Richardson, Possibly Jan 10th, 6:30 to 9:30pm,
- Annie’s Bookstore, seats 30, need volunteers to decorate,
- Call Pam to check dates
Sat Nov. 20th Saturday Morning Over Coffee returns 10 am Panache
Eagles Thanksgiving dinner
- Cranberry Sauce collection, Volunteers needed for Wednesday Food Preparation/set up, 4pm and Thursday, Driving and Serving 12 -6pm, contact Cheryl by email to give hoours of volunteering, Cheryl will be assisting with setting up a 501c3 for the Eagles Foundation for next year
- Next Meeting – Dec. 12th Holiday Party 2:00 pm set up, 3:00 pm -5:30 pm Hospitality Committee will be contacting membership for volunteers
- Adjourn – Tom Mahoney, Chair 9:01pm
Submitted by P. Nandi Varris, Secretary
FDTC Minutes of October 17, 2010
Framingham Democratic Town Committee
October 17, 2010 at 7:00 PM
Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Rd, Framingham 01701
- Call to Order: 7:15pm , Tom Mahoney, Chair
- Attendance: Elsa Aviza Jerry Desilets Rosalie Cotton, Linda Tom Mahoney. Beverly Hugo, Joan Rastani, Parwez Wahid, Norma Shulman, Pam Roberts, Jeanne Eversley,Lloyd Kaye, Mel Warshaw, Chris Walsh, Michael Radner, Courtney Elgart, Linsay Garces, DhrubaSen, Svetlana Chervonaya, Terene Micciche, Sarah Micciche, Kathie McCarthy, Nandi Varris
- Minutes of Sept. 19, 2010, Approved
- Treasurer’s Report: Beverly Hugo, Tabled until next meeting because Treasurer is in the process of updating accounting system
- Unfinished Business: Beverly gave a list of things which would not be acceptable in shelters which she will get copies of for FDTC, such as; no products needing refrigeration, also there are special rules for elders. Beverly is still doing the research.
- New Business:
- Rosalie: Went to rally and it really was great. We need to get the message out, How Good Massachusetts is. She suggested a letter writing campaign with different people writing to different papers. Executive Committee will assist by looking over letters.
- Cookbook idea: Decided to do the cookbook and have it ready for sale at the MA State Convention, Beverly volunteered to organize this project. Will draft and send out letters. Talk about asking Gov. Patrick for a recipe.
- Talk that one of the meetings be a test kitchen
- Program – Get Out to Vote: Norma Shulman
- Norma is the head of the 7th Middlesex District for GOTV (Adam for 6th )
- New system which will allow poll checkers (volunteers needed) to eliminate all those who have voted. Also needed are Precinct Captains and canvass volunteers who will go out to voter’s homes.
- Monday before election, please volunteer to be door hangers. Sign up for lawn signs.
- Courtney asked FDTC to pay for the rental of the Framingham Village Hall as FDTC’s contribution to an official victory party for Spilka, Sannicandro and Walsh. There was some discussion about cost and whether or not there would be Election Coverage on screen. Norma wanted to be sure that there was National coverage available; Chris Walsh said that he was taking care of the media stuff.
- Voted to pay $400.00 towards the victory party on the night of the election
- Tom Sannicandro: Bald Means Business Motor Cycle Rally Oct. 23rd 1-3, Jimmy Tingle Fundraiser O’Connell’s Pub 3-6
- Oct 24th, Rally with Rep. Markey, Gov. Patrick etc
- Official Position on 3 Ballot Questions, NO, NO, NO
- Workshop on Federal and Military Spending for Vets and families 2-4p Vernon St.
- Vacancy for DSC, male seat letter of intent by Oct. 22
- League of Women Voters: Oct 18th Ablondi Room Memorial Bldg, 3 Ballot Question, will be cablecast.
- FTDC exempt from OML, Tom
- Election Night Victory Celebration
- Announcements:
- Next Meeting – Nov. 14th
- Adjourn – Tom Mahoney, Chair 8:45
Submitted by P. Nandi Varris, Secretary
FDTC Minutes of September 19, 2010
Framingham Democratic Town Committee
September 19, 2010 at 7:00 PM
Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Rd, Framingham 01701
1. Call to Order: Tom Mahoney, Chair, 6:30pm
2. Attendance:
Elsa Avisa, Jerry Desilets, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Esther Hopkins, Tom Mahoney, Beverly Hugo, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Cheryl Tully Stoll, John Stefanini, Christopher Broyles, Stephanie Mercandetti, AdamFreudberg, Steve Joyce, Joan Rastani, Linda Fields, Pam Roberts, Lloyd Kaye, John Stasik, Michael,,Zimmer, Nancy Wallace, Mel Warshaw, Rochelle Sivan, Karen Spilka, Tom Sannicandro, Chris Walsh, Rosalie Cotton, Adam Orden, Suzanne Bump, , Lt. Gov. Tim Murray, Steve Grossman, John Walsh, Kelly Timilty Karen Spilka, Tom Sannicandro, Pam Richardson, John Riordan
3. Minutes of June 13, 2010, Approved
4. Treasurer’s Report: Beverly Hugo, Accepted Balance as of 9/16/2010 $2,287
(Change Jeanne Eversley to Full Member)
5. Old Business:
a. Design Letterhead for FDTC – Parwez sent one to Tom Mahoney
b. Website – Parwez trained Varris, Looking to train others, volunteers?
6. New Business:
a. Charity Fundraising:
- Review… Bikes not Bombs,
- Assist Framingham Families in Shelters by donating non perishables, members bring to meeting
b. Hospitality Committee: Thanks to Beverly Hugo, Parwez Wahid, and Gerry Desilets who provided the food tonight, Parwez reminds all that the committee will be calling on others to help provide refreshments in subsequent FTDC meetings/events. Thanks also to Farooq Mirza for sizzling hot wings.
c. Coordinated Campaign motion:
Motion by John Stefanini, Seconded by Parwez Wahid and Accepted by the FDTC membership that:
“The Executive Officers of the FDTC be authorized to spend $1200.00 in coordination with various candidates for Executive Officers and the Democratic Coordinated Campaign to achieve the Committee’s mission to elect Democrats in November.”
7. Program –
a. Campaign /Candidates Remarks
Lt. Gov. Tim Murray, incumbent – “Thanks to Everyone, This is a committee that’s known for its work.”
Steve Grossman, Treasurer candidate – Thanks Framingham, Opponent is the only Republican that supports Question 3
Three things:
- Protect Public Money
- Create Jobs
- Help revitalize small businesses
Suzanne Bump, Auditor candidate – Thanks to Pam I know what you are going through, “I was a 4 term state rep. but wanted to be a five term.” Losing is a learning experience. I passionately want government to work, Need your financial support which is why “I only brought envelopes”
Norma Shulman– Does a ceremonial change of support from Lake to Bump by putting on Bump’s pin and retiring Lake t-shirt
Cheryl Tully Stoll – Speaks passionately about voting for Democratic ticket and not voting for republican neighbor Mary C.
Kelly Timilty, Gov. Council incumbent
John Walsh, Chairman, State Democratic Party – “Whole election will be won in our community. We need Framingham to take it seriously.”
(For Congressman Markey, incumbent), Mark Gallagher– Thanks to Pam, (Saints- Political Talent)
Karen Spilka, State Senator, incumbent – Thanks to Pam, Congrats to Chris ” I want to be able to call about an issue and get a return call from my elected official. We have the power to prevent takeover by republicans. I need your help.
Tom Sannicandro, State Representative, incumbent – “Thanks to Pam. It’s not an easy job.” Phone bank Monday Sept. 26th at 6pm headquarters 630 Worchester Rd.
Chris Walsh, State Representative candidate – Thanks to Pam, Thrilled at the prospect of working with the team,” Only 19% of Framingham registered voters, voted in the primary. “We need to listen to middle class
Pam Richardson, State Representative – “Thanks to those all who worked for me. I will miss working with Tom and Karen, Tom is like my big brother, I will help others get elected.”
Martha Coakley, Attorney General Iincumbent – A representative from her office spoke and said that Martha’s opponent is doing a write in campaign so far 10,000 signatures
John Riordan, Regional Field Organizer, Patrick-Murray Campaign
56 Roland Street, Boston, MA 02129,(978) 460-1575 (c) [[email protected]]
We are working with OFA, and Adam Orden, Sept. 25th Rally Titus Sparrow Park, South End, Take a Patrick/Murray Lawn Sign, only place at homes, not at lots etc. like some are doing. Pablo Maia’s phone bank Weds. nights. Need bilingual people to man telephones for a Tuesday night phone bank.
b. Ideas for Programming:
- Oct. meeting Pasta Dinner preferably 24th, suggestion Veteran’s Day tie in make it a media event, Nov. Victory celebration?,
c. Organizing for America: Dr. Adam Orden, speaker
30 year resident of Framingham, kids all went to Framingham schools, “Jaw Surgeon” by profession, was involved in election of President Obama, now is OFA Organizer for Natick, Wayland, Framingham. Message to democrats… OFA’s Agenda is to push forward the agenda of President Barack Obama “Governing is not about saying no to everything. Governing is not rallying against big government. Democrats have nothing to be ashamed about President’s agenda. Look at the amount of Legislation passed, healthcare, education etc” He may not have be able to do everything he wanted to do, but look what he’s up against.”
Local OFA Strategy has changed to putting resources into getting the voters committed to coming out on election day getting Deval Patrick reelected. Toward that effort every Monday night until election eve there is a friendly cell phone bank at Orden’s home( 234 Belnap Rd). Sign up at (, also Pablo Maia’s phone bank Wednesday nights. ( (508-341-9364c)
- Announcements:
- Parks and Recreation invite to membership to attend Bowditch Park Grand Opening, Dedication October 9th -11th Sunday’s cost $5.00, Arlo Guthrie will be performing
- Elsa Aviza will organize Voter Registration Drive, also Elsa introduces young people to committee Josh Aglon, Precinct 17, (email: [email protected], 978-879-7189), Jerrell and Billy
- Washington March One Nation, Oct. 2nd (Elsa has a ticket to give to someone)
- Linda Fields reappointment Voter Registrar
- John Stefanini Have uncomfortable conversations with neighbors, family and friends. Make it personal
9. Next Meeting – October
- Vote on open FDTC slot, add Pam Richardson to list for seat
10. Adjourn – Tom Mahoney
Submitted by P. Nandi Varris, Secretary