FDTC Minutes of March 11, 2012

Minutes of March 11, 2012

Framingham Town Democratic Committee

  1. Call to Order: Chair: Tom Mahoney 1030AM

2.      Attendance: Elsa Aviza, Carmen Chico, Nancy Coville-Wallace, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Dennis Giombetti, Beverly Hugo,  Tom Mahoney, Kathy McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti,Farooq Mirza, Betty Muto, Joan Rastani, Pam Roberts, Norma Shulman, John Stephanini, Cheryl Tully Stoll,,  P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw, Caroline Levy, Jeff Cox, Christopher Broyles, Mike Hugo, Ramuel M Raagas, Tom Sannicandro , Rep. Chris Walsh


  1. Minutes of  Feb. 26, 2012                                                                                 Approved
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Bev Hugo $2689.33                                                         Approved
  • (Breakfast money not calculated yet)
  • Expenses: $140 Nevins Hall (Feb. 26th Caucus), $52 Parwez Wahid


  1. Unfinished Business: Chair: Tom Mahoney
  • Cook book update: Beverly Hugo

We will accept recipes until new deadline of April 1st.  Presale orders, $10.00

  • Community Support Project :  St. Bridget’s Pantry sent Thanks, April: Salvation Army
  1. Candidates Speak:

Middlesex Registry of Deeds: Frank Ciano, Maria Curtatone

Governor’s Council: Bob Juvenville, Bart Timilty

Framingham Representatives: Chris Walsh, Tom Sannicandro

Framingham District 3 Rep. (Tom Conroy sent  Karen D to speak on his behalf)


School Committee: Beverly Hugo, Don Tagent

Planning Board: Stephanie Mercandetti, Tom Mahoney


  1. New Business – Chair: Tom Mahoney
  • Decided: Resolution S772 will be brought to selectmen to see if they will sponsor Resolution at Town Meeting.  Mel Warshaw and Jack Duffy will work on this effort.


    • Election of New Officers

Slate suggested by FDTC Nominating Committee


Chair: Tom Mahoney

Co- Chairs: Beverly Hugo and Jerry Desilets

Treasurer: Mel Warshaw

Secretary: Jack Duffy

Affirmative Action/Outreach Advisor: P. Nandi Varris

All were elected by acclimation



  1. Announcements
    • Thanks to Caroline Levy for Caucus videography
    • Thanks to Breakfast Crew
    • Saturday Morning Over Coffee- March 31st  10:00 am
  2. Next Meeting – April 22nd   
  3. Adjourn – Chair: Tom Mahoney 12:30pm

FDTC Minutes of February 26, 2012

MINUTES – Feb. 26, 2012  After Caucus


  1. Call to Order: Chair: Tom Mahoney
  2. Attendance: Secretary, P. Nandi Varris

Elsa Aviza, Carmen Chico, Nancy Coville-Wallace, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Beverly Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Shahid Khan, Tom Mahoney, Stephanie Mercandetti, Joan Rastani, Pam Roberts, Norma Shulman, John Stephanini, Cheryl Tully Stoll,,  P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw,

  1. Minutes of  Jan. 8, 2012 and Nov. 20, 2011                                                                           Approved
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Beverly Hugo                                                                              Waived
  3. Unfinished Business: Chair: Tom Mahoney
    • Cook book update: Beverly Hugo We have 175 Recipes and will accept more recipes until deadline of May 1st.  Pre-order forms are available for $10 before Massachusetts Democratic Convention however, at the Convention; our Cookbook will sell for $20. There was a suggestion to sell cookbooks at the Fall Session of the Framingham Town Meeting.
    • Community Support Project: Thanks to all who brought goods for “A Place to Turn”.  Project for March is “St. Bridget’s Pantry”,
  4. Resolution: FDTC joined others in supporting Bill #S772 a Resolution to OPPOSE Corporate Citizenship.  (see note below)
  5. Next Meeting – March 11th 10am , FDTC Breakfast at the Framingham Green
  6. Adjourn – Chair: Tom Mahoney


NOTE: Framingham Democratic Town Committee resolution  “…opposes the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Constitution in Citizens United regarding the constitutional rights of corporations, and supports amending the Constitution to provide that corporations are not entitled to the entirety of protections or “rights ” of natural persons, specifically so that the expenditure of corporate money to influence the electoral process is no longer a form of constitutionally protected speech, and calls on Congress to begin the process of amending the Constitution….”

As Written by the Natick Democratic Town Committee on their Blog page, Feb. 27 2012, http://natickdems.wordpress.com/blog/

FDTC Minutes of January 8, 2012

MINUTES – Jan. 8, 2012 at 7:00 PM

  1. Call to Order: Chair: Tom Mahoney 7:30P

(Opened with moment of Silence for those who were lost in the Tucson, AZ killings)

  1. Attendance: Elsa Aviza, Carmen Chico, Nancy Coville-Wallace, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Jeanne Eversley, Beverly Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Tom Mahoney, Kathy McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Joan Rastani, Pam Roberts, Norma Shulman, John Stephanini, Cheryl Tully Stoll,,  P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw, Ruth Litter, Christopher Broyles, Bradley Bauer, Mike Hugo, Ramuel M Raagas, Sen. Karen Spilka, Rep. Chris Walsh
  2. Minutes of  Nov 20, 2011                                                                               Tabled
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Bev Hugo           $2643.47                                                        Approved
  4. Unfinished Business: Chair: Tom Mahoney
    • Cook book update: Beverly Hugo We will accept recipes until deadline of May 1st.  We are looking for Union Printer but it is very expensive. If we can make the cook book camera ready, it will cut the cost. Stephanie Mercandetti and Norma Shulman volunteer to help make cookbook materials camera ready. Nandi Varris volunteered for data entry.  There will be 100 to 200 recipes in the book.
    • Community Support Project : March – St. Bridget’s Pantry, February – A Place to Turn Bring goods to FDTC meeting after Caucus for Food Pantry.)
  5. Speaker: Kevin Frank, Grassroots Committee, purpose is to educate folks about President Obama’s work. Also to expose Sen. Scott Brown.  Wants to identify in each town and senate district folks who will receive information 2 times a week with talking points about Brown or Executive orders.
  6. New Business – Chair: Tom Mahoney
    • Young Democrats requested $50.00 from FDTC for their Kick Off.         Approved
    • Elsa Aviza and Jerry Desilets volunteered for upcoming FDTC breakfast.
    • Vote Builder Training, if you have interest, let Tom know.
    • Scott Brown postcard: Norma, MDP will pay for postcards. Norma will see if we can write on postcards or put stickers on each to publicize Caucus. Some discussion about how many postcards to request because FDTC must follow up after we send these. Norma stressed that we would need to make a commitment to follow up with each voter we send a card to. Some discussion about a super democrat list.
    • National Delegate Training, massdems.org,  March 23 Pledge forms available Parwez will send link, National Convention Sept 3rd – 6th, Charlotte, NC, Elsa raises the topic of expenses for the convention.
    • FDTC Officer Nominating Committee:  Volunteers: Stephanie Mercandetti, Norma Shulman, and Parwez Wahid
    • Caucus : Feb 26th

Nevins Hall – 11:30: set up. 12:00: Registration – 1:00: Caucus Volunteers to set up needed, Tom will get list of registered democrats from Town Clerk, Bob Berman was volunteered to bring laptop for check in, Tom will check with Linda Fields about publicity for Caucus, Nandi will meet with Tom to work on press release. Joan Rastani will check with Parks & Rec about sign for publicity.

  1. Announcements
    • Norma bought Amazing Things Booklet
    • March 6th Presidential Primary – Ask friends to vote for you for Town Committee
    • Rep. Tom Sannicandro sent holiday greetings
    • Occupy Event- Occupy local Board of Elections/Town Clerk’s Office Jan. 17th ,  update voter info or register to vote- Debra Butler
    • Nomination papers for Elizabeth Warren available. She needs 10,000 signatures contact Norman@elizabethwarren.com
    • Saturday Morning Over Coffee- Jan. 28th 10:00 am
  2. Next Meeting – March 11th or 18th  Breakfast
  3. Adjourn – Chair: Tom Mahoney 8:30pm

FDTC Minutes of November 20, 2011

MINUTES – Nov. 20, 2011 at 7:00 PM

  1. Call to Order: Chair: Tom Mahoney 7:05P
  2. Attendance: Elsa Aviza, Carmen Chico, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Maureen Dunne, Pat Dunne, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Beverly Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Tom Mahoney, Stephanie Mercandetti, Sarah Micciche, Terene Micciche, Joan Rastani, Pam Roberts, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully Stoll,,  P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw, Ramuel M Raagas**, Mike Hugo ** , Jim King,
  3. Minutes of  October 23, 2011                                                                                    Approved
  4. Treasurer’s Report: Bev Hugo           $2643.47                                                        Approved
    • Bank change in January moved and                                                        Approved
  5. Unfinished Business: Chair: Tom Mahoney
    • Cook book update: Still accepting recipes
    • Report from Joan Rastani and Elsa Aviza about Nov 6th Call to Action. They held a voter registration at Market Basket in Ashland. Maria Rosata did Spanish translation. Other participants; Mel Warshaw and Nancy. 17 were registered.
  6. Candidate Forum – Jim King, US Senate Candidate. Three older brothers with parents who insisted upon civic involvement. Lots of legal experience-  founded law firm in Boston, Federal Prosecutor, state prosecutor, “been in more federal courts and created more jobs than any other candidate” He is, “ a conservative by nature on the fiscal side of things.”

Question: Mel: You are a “ Phantom Candidate” your website is empty. Why are you running now?

Ans: Electoral process is too long, issues get too confusing. “I was doing my homework, frankly.”

  1. Speaker: Kevin Frank, Grassroots Committee, purpose is to educate folks about President Obama’s work. Also to expose Sen. Scott Brown.  Wants to identify in each town and senate district folks who will receive information 2 times a week with talking points about Brown or Executive orders.
  2. New Business – Chair: Tom Mahoney
    • Vote Builder Training Dec 1st , 6:30pm (See Tom)
    • Toys for Tots discussion, Drop a toy or donation, Sunday Dec, 4@ Panache 12-1
  3. Announcements
    • Motion for FDTC to donate $100 for a Campaign office in Wrenthem, Metrowest Alliance is asking representative DTC’s for this donation. FDTC declined to donate. Motion not carried.
    • Esther received gift.
    • Mandel family received donation.
    • Dec, 11 Kate Donahue’s Holiday Party
    • Framingham Patch is looking for bloggers
    • Caucus Deadline Jan 9th 2012 (window Feb. 11 – 26)


  1. Next Meeting – Jan 8th  20117pm ,  Holiday party, 5pm
  2. Adjourn – Chair: Tom Mahoney 9:00pm

FDTC Minutes of October 23, 2011

MINUTES – Oct. 23, 2011 at 7:00 PM

  1. Call to Order: Chair: Tom Mahoney 7:15P
  2. Attendance: Elsa Aviza, Carmen Chico, Nancy Coville-Wallace, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy,  Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Adam Freudberg, Gerald Heng,  Beverly Hugo, Shahid Khan,, Tom Mahoney,Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Sarah Micciche, Terene Micciche, Farooq Mirza, Betty Muto, Joan Rastani, Cheryl Tully Stoll,,  P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw, Christopher Broyles** Ramuel M Raagas**, Chris Walsh, Karen Spilka, Mike Hugo, Brian LeFort, Caroline Levy, Jay Grande
  3. Minutes of  June 12, 2011 and September 18, 2011                                     Approved
  4. Treasurer’s Report: Bev Hugo                                                                       Approved
  5. Unfinished Business: Chair: Tom Mahoney
    • Cook book update: Still accepting recipes
  6. Program – Framingham Master Plan

There was a Power Point presentation of the Planning Board’s work by Jay Grande, Planning Board Director. In a discussion afterwards Betty Muto raised a point about changing Union St into a boulevard. Jeanne Eversley asked if there were any plans to create new roads. The answer was no. Jay talked about his vision of seeing a Framingham Natick Village on 135.

  1. New Business – Chair: Tom Mahoney
    • Nomination Papers Signed Papers due to Town Clerk by November 4th.
    • Nov 6th Day of Action, Linda Fields and Joan Rastani (Elsa is waiting for a new grandbaby so she is not certain about day)
    • Vote Builder Training Nov 27th 6:30pm (See Tom)
  2. Special
    • Moment of Silence – Rene Mandel,
    • Motion about remainder of gift money     to The Mandels             Passed
  3. Update from the Hill
    • Sen. Karen Spilka

Discussion about Redistricting

Spilka not happy that she lost two Franklin precincts. It was suggested that people call and email concerns over the redistricting. Public comment period ends on Tuesday Oct 25.

Casino Bill

Senate Passed the bill. Karen voted against it. She is against “Happy Hour” provision. Spilka was able to get many amendments for community protections such as all mitigations must be complete before Casino openings, consideration must be given to distances between site so not to over burden any area, reimburse towns for research regarding casino, Chapter 70- 14% monies towards education

DOT has been responsive

    • Rep. Chris Walsh Aqueduct trails There was a question about water level and Chris said it was due to reservoir masonry work, Arch St. Bridge no longer on an accelerated schedule. He said, there were scheduling problems as tech people and csx flagmen pulled off due to hurricane, as well as some materials which had to be shipped from Pennsylvania but should be done by the end of the year.
    • Brian LeFort – Redistrictin Maps and Committee information is available at www.malegislature.gov (last tab on right is Redistricting Site
  1. Announcements
  • Michael Hugo Occupied Boston
  • Remember November donations Canned Cranberry Sauce to Eagles
  • Holiday Party Dec. 4th or 11th
  1. Next Meeting – Nov. 20 20117pm ,
  2. Adjourn – Chair: Tom Mahoney 9:30pm