FDTC Minutes of November 17, 2013


Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701


MINUTES — Sunday, November 17, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.

1.    Call to Order: After political mingling with refreshments, Co-Vice Chairs Beverly Hugo and Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.


2.    Candidates/Guest Forum: The following political candidates and officials offered comments, followed in some cases by questions from FDTC members/associate members:


  • newly-elected Cong. Katherine Clark (5th Congressional District)
  • District Attorney Marian Ryan (Middlesex County )
  • State Sen. Karen Spilka
  • State Rep. Tom Sannicandro
  • State Rep. Chris Walsh
  • Democratic National Committeewoman Kate Donaghue


3.    10/20/2013 Minutes (regular meeting): Secretary Jack Duffy           Approved unanimously

11/3/2013 Minutes (special meeting)                                       Tabled until 1/12/2014 meeting


4.    Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw                                      Approved unanimously

Total Income of $90.32, less total expenses of $125.00, decreased the 10/20/13 balance of $3,359.09 to $3,324.41.  The report also included a summary of OCPF (Office of Campaign & Political Finance} decision concerning FDTC recordkeeping and filing issues.


5.    Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Carmen Chico, Jeff Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Barbara Leduc, Brian LeFort, Caraline Levy, Kathie McCarthy, Ramuel Raagas, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully Stoll, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, and Mel Warshaw.  Lifetime Members: Ruth Litter.  Associate Members: Jeanne I. Bullock.  Guests: Sue Bernstein, Irwin Blumer, Becky Breslin, Jordan Cline, Alex Desilets, Kate Donaghue, Tim Depin, Isabelle Levy, Pam Richardson, Marian Ryan, Tom Sannicandro, Jack Schnederman, Karen Spilka, and Ellen Woodberry.


6.    Election of Two (2) Members: Barbara Leduc and Brian LeFort were elected unanimously.  An additional new member will be elected at the 1/12/14 meeting, filling a vacancy caused by the resignation of Nancy Coville Wallace.


7.    Reports from Committees:

  • Bylaws: It did not meet since the last meeting.
  • Minority/Youth Outreach: Jeff Cox mentioned that FDTC member Ilma Paixao hosted an event for Katherine Clark with the Brazilian Community.
  • Hospitality: Barbara Leduc discussed the annual Holiday Party here from 5 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, 12/8/13.
  • Charity: Beverly Hugo explained we can donate to the United Way in cash (or check, which counts toward our OCPF goals since it is a 501c (3) charity), or we can donate by check to Curtiss Family Dinner.
  • Nominating: Consists of Mike Hugo, Cheryl Tully Stoll, Parwez Wahid, Norma Shulman, Jack Duffy, and Jeff Cox.
  • Audit: It did not meet since the last meeting.
  • State: Parwez Wahid announced 10 a.m. Saturday 12/7 Caucus Training (2/8 – 3/2/14 window).
  • Publicity: Mike Hugo will handle press release.


8.    Special Election:  Katherine Clark is the Democratic Party nominee for the 5th Congressional District (U.S. House of Representatives) seat formerly held by our new U.S. Senator, Ed Markey.  The election is Tuesday, December 10, 2013 (polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.).


9.    New Business: Karen Spilka was unanimously voted Democrat of the Year.  The Executive Committee will discuss an appropriate award.


10.  Next regular meeting:  The next FDTC meeting was set for Sunday, 1/12/2014 at 7 p.m. at the customary location (Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road).


11.  Adjourn:  The FDTC meeting duly adjourned at 8:55 p.m.


                                                             —Respectfully submitted by Jack Duffy, Secretary, FDTC



FDTC Minutes of November 3, 2013


Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701


MINUTES — Sunday, November 3, 2013 at 7:40 p.m.

Special Meeting


1.    Call to Order: Chair Tom Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.  [This special meeting was called by Tom Mahoney, on advice of the Executive Committee, with the requisite advanced notice given to the Members and Associate Members, for the purpose of informing members of an important matter that had come up, and about which some members had indicated an interest in a report prior to the next regular meeting scheduled for 11/17/2013.]


2.    Attendance:  Members: Carmen Chico, Jeff Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Pat Dunne, Jeanne Eversley, Adam Freudberg, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Chris Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Sarah Micciche, Betty Muto, Ramuel Raagas, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully Stoll, P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, and Mel Warshaw.  Lifetime Members: None.  Associate Members: Jeanne I. Bullock, Linda Fields, and Barbara LeDuc.


3.    Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw        Approved unanimously with 5 abstentions


Treasurer Mel Warshaw began his report by reminding the members that the FDTC had raised over $5,000 in funds this past summer, for use for appropriate purposes, by creating and selling a political cookbook (featuring recipes from members and state and local Democratic office holders, officials, and activists) to interested individuals.  Many of these sales were made at a rapid rate in circumstances (mostly at the Democratic State Convention in July) that did not allow time to capture certain information, such as the buyer’s name and address.


While filing normal financial forms with the state Office of Campaign & Political Finance (OCPF), Mel was informed that state law requires that buyer’s information, and that failure to do so can lead to a penalty requiring an organization that fails to do so to contribute all of the proceeds not meeting the requirement to be donated to acceptable charities.  Mel told them the truth concerning how it happened, that the penalty mentioned would be extremely difficult for the organization to handle (more than the current balance), and asked if there were something that could be done to mitigate the penalty.  An OCPF investigation was opened.


Mel did not provide a report at the 10/20/13 FDTC regular meeting, because a delicate and important negotiation meeting with OCPF was scheduled for 10/22/13, at which they discussed a possible settlement, which would include:  (1) We are to make donations to charities totaling $700, either by check or in-kind contributions, totaling $700, and provide them with proof of such donations by May 1, 2014, including the contributor names, addresses, and approximate value of each donation. After the $700 in donations are distributed, we can return to our previous method of collection without noting names, addresses, and values.  (2) We must file our financial statements on a timely basis.  (3) We must organize an educational seminar [in January] for the treasurers of all local party committees in our State Senatorial District.


Mel and other members of the Executive Committee (EC) were concerned that premature publicity might endanger a settlement until OCPF issued its decision, which Mel expected to receive by letter during the week of 11/4/13, right after this special meeting, which made him concerned about requests from members asking for information about rumors and possible financial liability.


A spirited discussion ensued, principally on the issue of adequate and timely communications with members vs. perceived need for confidentiality, the possible need for a second list serve limited to members and associate members for delicate matters, and the need for civility. 


Finally, a motion was made to move the question, and the motion to accept the treasurer’s report was approved unanimously, with 5 abstentions.


4.    Adjourn:  The FDTC meeting duly adjourned at 8:50 p.m.


                                                             —Respectfully submitted by Jack Duffy, Secretary, FDTC




FDTC Minutes of October 20, 2013

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701


MINUTES — Sunday, October 20, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.


1.    Call to Order: Chair Tom Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.


2.    Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Carmen Chico, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Jeanne Eversley, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Chris Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Ilma Paixao, Ramuel Raagas, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully Stoll, P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, and Mel Warshaw.  Lifetime Members: Ruth Litter.  Associate Members: Jeanne I. Bullock and Barbara LeDuc.  Guests: Sam Ebb, DeborahGoldberg, Brian LeFort, and Karen Spilka.


3.    9/15/2013 Minutes: Secretary Jack Duffy                                            Approved unanimously


4.    Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw                                      Approved unanimously

Total Income of $600.20, less total expenses of $721.57, decreased the 6/9/13 balance of $3,576.46 to $3,454.09.  A motion to authorize the Treasurer to disburse $125.00 to Beverly Hugo to reimburse her for the unpaid portion of a loan to two members to pay fees for the Democratic State Convention, and have the two members reimburse the Treasurer, passed unanimously.


5.    Candidates/Guest Forum:  The Committee heard from Deborah Goldberg, candidate for state Treasurer and Receiver General; and Sam Ebb, representing Don Berwick, candidate for Governor; and Sen. Karen Spilka.  Karen received a sustained standing ovation and then thanked attendees for their strong support in her excellent campaign that fell short, against very strong competition, for the 5th Congressional District seat vacated by new U.S. Senator Ed Markey.  Karen was congratulated, and she urged us all to support State Sen. Katherine Clark who won the Primary.


6.    Report from Debate Subcommittee:  Co-Chair Beverly Hugo reported on the highly successful and very well-executed forum for the seven candidates for U.S. House of Representatives from the 5th Congressional District, held at Framingham State University (with 425 out of 509 seats filled).  Members offered strong, unequivocal praise for the Subcommittee (Co-Chaired by Joan Rastani); for the superb questions given to the moderator-extraordinaire (Party Chair John Walsh) and his amazing improvement on them as well as his overall performance; for the tremendous hosting and financial support by FSU and its President; for the excellent work of time-keeper Michael Hugo; and for the amazing performance of the candidates.


7.    Program—Campaign Debrief—Open Forum:  A lengthy discussion emphasized the critical importance of civics education in our society in order to improve and indeed preserve progress already made.  Beverly Hugo said that significant civics education is included at various levels in the Framingham Public School curriculum, and that she would provide us with info regarding what the civics education at FHS consists of.


8.    Old Business:  Elsa Aviza nominated Chris Lorant to fill the vacancy on the FDTC, and Chris was elected by acclamation.”


9.    New Business: Tom Mahoney announced that two new members will be elected at the November meeting to fill Committee vacancies caused by the resignation of Courtney Elgartand Linda Fields, and thanked them for their long service.


Tom Mahoney also mentioned that volunteers are needed for the Hospitality Subcommittee (that makes sure snacks and refreshments are available at meetings) and the Publicity Subcommittee (Parwez Wahid and Michael Hugo offered to help with that).


10.  Announcements:  Parwez announced that he has a new job and so will not seek re-election to the Framingham Library Board of Trustees—but will serve out the remainder of his term.


Norma Shulman mentioned that we need Wordpress training for the website.


Norma Shulman and Jerry Desilets invited attendees and others to a meet and greet with Mike Lake, a candidate for Lt. Governor, on Tuesday, 10/29/13, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Jerry’s home, 102 Warren Road, Framingham 01702 (508-872-8398).


Beverly Hugo expressed thanks for our support for Pathways Shelter (a charity which provides housing for families), and will bring list.


Norma Shulman mentioned that A Place to Turn, which we have supported in the past, also needs clothing for children of all ages.


11.  Next month’s Charity:  Joan Rastani proposed that our Charity for November should be the Curtiss Family/United Way of Tri-county Thanksgiving Meal, as it has been for several years. People can bring cash or checks, which can be pooled together and given to the Charity.  Cheryl Tully Stoll also announced that she had raffle tickets with the proceeds to benefit this event.  The cost of the tickets is $10.00 each, and prizes include a Bose Wave System and many others.


12.  Next regular meeting:  Tom Mahoney set the next FDTC meeting for Sunday, 11/17/2013 at 7 p.m. at the customary location (Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road).


13.  Adjourn:  The FDTC meeting duly adjourned at 8:55 p.m.


                                                             —Respectfully submitted by Jack Duffy, Secretary, FDTC







FDTC Minutes of September 15, 2013

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701


MINUTES — Sunday, September 15, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.


 1.    Call to Order: Chair Tom Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m., following a 15-minute food and socialization period.


2.    Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Carmen Chico, Jeff Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Pat Dunne, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Stephan Joyce, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Betty Muto, Ilma Paixao, Ramuel Raagas, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw, Lifetime Members: none.  Associate Members: Jeanne I. Bullock, Barbara LeDuc, Chris Lorant.  Guests: Juan Aurelio López, Don Berwick, Joe Caiazzo, Tom Conroy, Bob Jubinville, Juliette Kayyem, Tammy Laverty, Barbara LeDuc, Martin Long, David Marsh, Tom McGee, Ryanne Olsen, Tom Sannicandro, Karen Spilka, Sheri L. Thomas, and Jorge Vargas.


3.    Report from the Debate Subcommittee: Co-Chair Beverly Hugo reported that the subcommittee (co-chaired by Joan Rastani) has worked hard to complete the many details to prepare for a successful event; that the doors for the 5th. Congressional District Candidates’ Forum (on Sunday, 9/22/13, at Dwight Hall at Framingham State University) will open at 6 p.m.; that all seven candidates will attend; that Michael Hugo will be the time-keeper; and that the forum will run from 7 to 9 p.m., and will be followed by socialization until 9:30 p.m.


4.    Candidates/guests forum (brief presentation): We heard from the following: Martin Long and Sen. Karen Spilka, candidates for Congress (U.S. House of Representatives) for the 5th. Congressional District (just vacated by our new U.S. Senator, Ed Markey—the Primary is Tuesday, 10/15/13), and also Ryanne Olsen, representing candidate Rep. Carl Sciortino; Dan Berwick and Juliette Kayyem, candidates for Governor (2014); Tom McGee, candidate for Chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic Party and State Committee (being vacated by John Walsh); Rep. Tom Conroy, candidate for Treasurer; Rep. Chris Walsh and Rep. Tom Sannicandro; Ilma Paixao, manager of the local Brazilian radio station (WSRO 650 AM), New England rep to Brazilian government, and Democratic State Committee member; Chair Juan Aurelio López and Jorge Vargas, leaders of the Massachusetts Democratic Latino Caucus; and Governor’s Councilor Bob Jubinville.  After each presentation, the Chair allowed limited questions from attendees.


5.    6/9/2013 Minutes: Secretary Jack Duffy                                              Approved unanimously


6.    Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw                                   Delayed until next month

A motion to authorize the Treasurer to disburse up to $136.96 for expenses for the 5th. Congressional District Candidates’ Forum passed unanimously.


7.    New Business: Tom Mahoney announced that the election of a new member to fill a vacancy on the Committee will be held at the October meeting.


Norma Shulman mentioned that she has received complaints that a couple of members of our list-serve (FraminghamDems@YahooGroups.com) have failed to receive their own posting; that this sometimes occurs for various reasons (by your own Internet Service Provider blocking Yahoo email, by a message going into your spam folder, or if you post the message to more than one address causing the Yahoo message not to post to you, etc.); and that no one is censoring or blocking posts to the Yahoo group. To see if your message was successfully sent to the group, you can check on your message directly at: 

http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FraminghamDems/conversations/messages .


8.    Announcements: Joan Rastani and Pat Dunne discussed an “Oktoberfest Celebration” event they have been working on with Elsa Avisa (on Friday, 10/4/13 from 7 – 11 p.m. at The Elks, 450 Union Avenue) to benefit the Hoops & Homework After-School Programs.  $25 tickets include food and entertainment, featuring Oktoberfest Beer from Jack’s Abbey Brewing, LLC.  For information, contact Elsa Aviza at elsaaviza@aol.com or 508-879-2029.


Norma Shulman discussed a letter of support for Karen Spilka that individual members can sign.  In a discussion of wording, we were reminded that our by-laws do not allow the FDTC to endorse a candidate in a contested Democratic Primary.


Jeff Cox, our Affirmative Action & Outreach Officer, announced a meeting on outreach on Saturday, 9/21/13 at Panache at 9 a.m.


Ilma Paixao announced a meeting (at the Framingham High School auditorium at 6 p.m. on Saturday, 9/21/13) inviting young people to get involved in politics.  All are welcome.


9.    Next month’s charity: Beverly Hugo explained that the Pathways Shelter provides one room per family, and that people can bring canned food, kitchenware, towels, or other basic survival needs, to the next FDTC meeting.


10.  Next regular meeting:  Tom Mahoney set the next FDTC meeting for Sunday, 10/20/2013 at 7 p.m. at the customary location (Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road).


11.  Adjourn:  The FDTC meeting duly adjourned at 9:00 p.m.


                                                             —Respectfully submitted by Jack Duffy, Secretary, FDTC



FDTC Minutes of June 9, 2013

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Markey Campaign Headquarters, 303 Worcester Road, Framingham, MA 01701


MINUTES — Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.


1.    Call to Order: Chair Tom Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  [Note: Members and others came at 5:30 p.m. for a Markey for U.S. Senate campaign GOTV (get out the vote) training presentation—followed by pizza at 6:45.]


2.    Attendance:  Members: Elsa Avisa, Carmen Chico, Jeff Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Lloyd Kaye, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Ramuel Raagas, Norma Shulman, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, and Mel Warshaw.  Lifetime Members: Ruth Litter.  Associate Members: Jeanne I. Bullock, Barbara LeDuc, and Chris Lorant.  Guests: Walt Andreus, Ann Jeffris, Brian LeFort, and Karen Spilka,


3.    5/19/2013 Minutes: Secretary Jack Duffy            Approved with 3 abstentions (as amended)

Prior to the minutes being discussed, Michael Hugo asked the Chair for a brief moment to address the Committee and graciously apologized for part of his comments at the 5/19/13 FDTC meeting.


4.    Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw                                      Approved unanimously

The report shows income since 5/19 of $55.27 ($55. dues received, and $.27 CU dividends)—increasing our balance to $3,761.27.  Mel said that the report did not include a more recent expenditure that lowers the balance to just over $3,600.  In addition, the FDTC raised $171.00 for OneFundBoston.


5.    Program: Democratic State Convention Briefing & Delegate Training: Sue Kennedy.  Parwez Wahid introduced Sue Kennedy, Democratic State Committee member and Party functionary, who gave an extensive presentation, supported by an informative 3-page handout.  Tom Mahoney requested that anyone who has not yet paid delegate or alternate Convention fees please speak with him.


6.    Officer Election:  Jeff Cox was unanimously elected Affirmative Action & Outreach Officer.


7.    Resignation: Tom Mahoney announced that Dennis Giombetti has resigned as a FDTC Member, and that a new member will be elected in the September, 2013 meeting.


8.    Subcommittee Reports:  The FDTC barbecue will be held on Sunday, 8/18/13 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the home of Rep. Chris Walsh—with a suggested donation of $10 (not for announced candidates).  The Debate, for candidates to fill the Congressional seat vacated by our new U.S. Senator, Ed Markey, will be held in late September (the Democratic Primary is 10/15), probably at Framingham State University (which will be a co-sponsor, along with FDTC and several other local DTCs); we discussed current thinking on certain issues, such as publicity, time keeper, venue, and moderator.


9.    Announcements:  Tom Mahoney reminded us that the annual Democratic State Convention is being held on Saturday, 7/13/13 at Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell (with additional parties and preliminary initial ceremonies late Friday).


Norma Shulman reminded us that the Friday night Summer Concerts, on Village Green (Centre Common) on Edgell Road, will begin 6/21, and run through 8/9.  The campaign of Sen. Karen Spilka, candidate for Markey’s Congressional seat, will hold a canvassing kickoff on Saturday, 6/15/13, and a reception at the Samba restaurant on Monday, 6/17/13.


10.  Next regular meeting:  Tom Mahoney set the next FDTC meeting for Sunday, 9/15/2013 at 7 p.m. at the customary location (Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road).


11.  Adjourn:  The FDTC meeting duly adjourned at 8:42 p.m.


                                                             —Respectfully submitted by Jack Duffy, Secretary, FDTC