FDTC Minutes of June 8, 2014

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Minutes – Sunday, June 8, 2014 at 7 PM

Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.*

1. Candidate/Guest Forum: The following candidates and officials offered comments (limited to two minutes), followed by questions from FDTC members / attendees:

·         Keith Farrell  spoke on behalf of Don Berwick, candidate for Governor.  He can be reached at [email protected].

·         Alexa Williams spoke on behalf of Steve Grossman, candidate for Governor.  Alexa is the new Regional Field director for the Grossman campaign.  Her contact information is phone 703-965-7375, email  [email protected].

·         Anna Thornton spoke on behalf of Sen. Ed Markey.  Her phone number is 508-254-7282; email is [email protected]

·         Dave Magnani spoke on behalf of James Arena De Rosa, candidate for Lt. Governor. Dave’s email address is [email protected].

·         Chris Lorant spoke on behalf of Deb Goldberg, candidate for Treasurer.  His email is [email protected].

2.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jeffrey Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Patrick Dunne, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo,  Barbara LeDuc,  Christopher Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Sarah Micciche, Betty Muto, Ilma Paixao, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Parwez Wahid,  Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: none. Associate Members:Chris Broyles, Troy Dunlap. Guests: Cathy Ashton, Robert Cassidy, Keith Farrell, Terra Friedrichs, Betty Regan, David Rosenblum, Sheri Thomas, Anna Thornton, and Alexa Williams.

3.  5/18/2014 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                            Approved unanimously

4.  Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                            Approved unanimously

A total income of $75.34, less total expenses of $ 0.00, increased the 5-18-2014 balance of $3,813.95 to $3,889.29.   Several members need to pay their current dues.  The members are urged to do so promptly, or please speak to Mel directly. 

5. Governance issues:

Legislative Subcommittee: Chairman Desilets suggested that the Legislative Subcommittee needs to be re-enacted. Currently, the task of the committee is to review pending legislation.  In the future, the committee might lobby in favor of certain legislation, as has been done in the past.  Lobbying provoked great enthusiasm from activist committee members.  FDTC members who volunteered to serve on the Legislative Sub-committee were Joan Rastani, Bev & Mike Hugo, Jeffrey Cox, Jack Duffy, Barbara LeDuc and Jerry Desilets; Mel Warshaw will convene the subcommittee. Additional members interested in serving on the subcommittee should contact Chairman Desilets.

Executive Committee: There was vigorous discussion about the need for an Executive Committee. It was mentioned that a benefit would be for strategic planning, especially over the summer, for outreach & diversity issues, campaign planning, and public relations purposes.  However, Executive subcommittee meetings should have an agenda, be open to all FDTC members, and all actions be transparent.  Norma Shulman noted that historically, the task of the Executive Subcommittee  was to respond to emergencies, such as recently occurred with the OCPF.  A motion was made and seconded  to move the topic of creating an EC to the next meeting in September; the Chairman will establish a temporary EC for use over the summer; permanency will be discussed in September.  The motion was approved unanimously.

Program Subcommittee: A motion was made and seconded to establish a Program subcommittee under the direction of the FDTC Vice-chairman.  All FDTC members and Associate members are eligible to serve on the Committee.  The motion passed unanimously.  Members volunteering to serve on the committee were Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Kathie McCarthy, Jack Duffy, Parwez Wahid, Jerry Desilets; Beverly Hugo will be chairman.  A notice will be sent to the full membership inviting additional members to serve on the subcommittee.

By-Laws Subcommittee: a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to establish a By-Laws Subcommittee to review our By-Laws and coordinate them with the state Democratic Committee By-Laws. Members will include Mel Warshaw, Bev Hugo, Jeff Cox, Jack Duffy, Norma Shulman, Jerry Desilets; Mike Hugo will convene the subcommittee.  A notice will be sent to the full membership inviting additional members to serve on the subcommittee.

6. A schedule of meeting dates for 2014-15 was approved after consideration of religious holidays and the NE Patriots schedule. The dates will be confirmed with the Framingham Green management.

7. Hospitality Committee: Jeanne Bullock volunteered  to serve as chairman of the Hospitality Committee.  Our annual summer barbecue will be held at the home of Representative Chris Walsh on Aug. 10.  Please note: Mel will need a list of food contributed to the barbecue, the donor’s name, and the estimated cost.

8. Charitable donations:  Tonight’s donations are for the  Pathways and  Pearl Street Shelters. The donations will be delivered by Bev & Mike Hugo.  A Place to Turn, a food bank which serves MetroWest families, was chosen as the charity for  the September meeting.

 9.  Announcements:

·         Chris Lorant  announced that there will be a campaign kick-off event  for State Representative Carolyn Dykema on Thursday, June 11 at 6PM at  Jasper Hill Cafe & Bistro in Holliston.

·         Joan Rastani announced there will be a fundraiser for State Senator Karen Spilka  onMonday June 16th at 5:30 PM at Jack’s Abby Brewing in Framingham.

·         Jerry Desilets announced that there will be a fundraiser for State Representative Tom Conroy, candidate for State Treasurer, on Monday, June 23 at the offices of Bowditch & Dewey, Framingham, at 6PM.

·         Norma Shulman announced that volunteers are needed for visibility events for the state convention. She is also arranging carpooling to the convention, and knows of some available rooms.  The seating map for the convention is not yet available.

·         Norma also announced that the Summer Concerts on the Common schedule has been released. The concerts begin on June 20; Norma is looking for members to assist in manning our FDTC tent.  Mike Hugo’s band will be playing Aug. 1.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary

* At 6PM, prior to the business meeting, Parwez Wahid, conducted a Delegate Training Session for delegates attending the June 13-14 State Democratic Convention in Worcester.  He was assisted by Tom Larkin, Co-chair of the State Committee Field Services; DSC members Norma Shulman, Cathy Ashton, and Ilma Paixao attended also. 


FDTC Minutes of May 18, 2014

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Minutes – Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 7 PM

Call to Order: Chairman Jerry Desilets called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM, and requested that we observe a moment of silence in memory of David Eldridge, the father of State Senator Jamie Eldridge.

1. Candidate/Guest Forum: The following candidates and officials offered comments (limited to two minutes), followed by questions from FDTC members / attendees:

·         Michael Sullivan, candidate for Middlesex County District Attorney

·         Adam Sisitsky on behalf of Maura Healey, Candidate for Attorney General

2. Informational Sessions:

·         State Senator Jamie Eldridge spoke on Restorative Justice.  Sen. Eldridge is the lead sponsor on SB 52: An Act Promoting Restorative Justice Practices.  Restorative justice programs are a type of rehabilitative program; elsewhere, they have been shown to reduce recidivism, improve victim and community satisfaction, and reduce costs.  Massachusetts is behind other states in adopting this approach; Framingham signed on to the program earlier.  Marion Ryan, current Middlesex District Attorney and candidate for re-election, and Michael Sullivan, candidate for Middlesex District Attorney, spoke in favor of this program.  Marion Ryan detailed progress to date.

·         Governor’s Councillor Bob Jubinville announced there will be a confirmation hearing on Governor Patrick’s nomination of Ralph Gants to become the Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Massachusetts.  The hearing will be at the State House in the Gardner Auditorium on Wednesday, May 21.

·         Terra Friedrichs spoke on the Pass Mass Amendment to the Massachusetts Constitution.  PassMass objects to the corrupting influence of money in our political process, and believes that “corporations are not people; money is not speech”.  They are seeking to pass a ballot initiative to amend (clarify) the Constitution of Massachusetts as described in Article VII.  The ballot initiative has been submitted to the Attorney General’s office, and PassMass is presently recruiting volunteers to assist in the collection of 68,911 certified signatures to be gathered between September and November, 2014.

3.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jeffrey Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Adam Freudberg, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Steve Joyce, Lloyd Kaye, Barbara LeDuc, Brian LeFort, Christopher Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Stephanie Mercandetti, Sarah Micciche, Betty Muto, Ilma Paixao, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: Ruth Litter. Associate Members: Troy Dunlap. Guests: Tammy Avery, Jamie Eldridge, Michael Foley, Terra Friedrichs, Philip Giffler, Steve Grossman (Framingham), Robert Jubinville, Marion Ryan, Adam Sisitsky, Michael Sullivan, Sheri Thomas.

4.  4/13/2014 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc                            Approved unanimously

5.  Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mel Warshaw                            Approved unanimously

A total income of $300.31, less total expenses of $ 0.00, increased the 4-13-2014 balance of $3,513.64 to $3,813.95.

In addition, Treasurer Warshaw announced that the Office of Campaign & Political Finance has informed the FDTC that the detailed accountings of both the first quarter of 2014 and our monthly charitable donations have been accepted and officially approved.  Our obligation to make a charitable contribution in the amount of $700 has been satisfied in full; we are now allowed to handle the monthly charitable contributions in the same manner as we did previously, i.e. we no longer need to keep records of donors and amounts donated.

Lastly, member dues become payable in April of each year.  If members have not paid their current dues, they are urged to do so this evening.  If a member lacks funds, please speak to Mel directly.  Mel further requested that new members be made aware that membership involves some commitment to work for candidates and/or the Democratic Party.

6. Charitable donations: Tonight, donations for Advocates, Inc. are being collected by Joan Rastani, who will deliver them.  For next month’s charity, there were several suggestions.  It was decided to collect food and supplies for Framingham’s two family shelters, and to consider the other charities for future meetings.  Bev Hugo will contact the shelters for a list of needed items, and will report within 48 hours so members can be notified*.

7.  Meeting schedule 2014-15:  Discussion ensued regarding the dates / days for next year’s meetings.  The secretary was instructed to send to members 1) the results of the survey just completed on members’ preferences for days of the week for meetings, and 2) the list of possible dates (Sundays with some possible Monday evenings). The final schedule will be voted on at next month’s meeting on June 8.

8.  Comments by members:

·         This committee should spend more time on discussing political concepts & legislation.

·         Young people need to become more involved in governmental ideas, given that schools do not teach civics any longer.

·         The Massachusetts Young Democrats could help with this type of project, e.g. working with the disabled.

·         The FDTC “Executive Committee” or a larger group may need to meet more often. Chairman Desilets suggested that several standing committees of the FDTC already exist; some may need reactivation, some could be abolished, or some new standing committees (or ad hoc committees) may need to be formed.  A review of our standing committees is in order.

9.  Announcements:

·         Parwez Wahid announced there will be a delegate training session from 6-7 PM on June 8, prior to the FDTC meeting starting at 7 PM.

·         Norma Shulman announced that delegates should receive the Call to Convention this week.  If you do not receive it, contact Norma Shulman.  Also, there will be an 8 PM birthday party for Mike Lake (Candidate for Lt. Governor) at the Citizen Wine Bar on Friday evening June 13, before the convention.  Everyone is invited!

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Barbara LeDuc, Secretary

*As reported by Bev Hugo, the needed items are: canned & boxed foods, baby wipes, diapers sized 3,4,5, and 6, coffee pots, toasters, twin bed sheets, comforters and quilts, new pillows, and new toys for birthdays (newborn to 7 years).  Also, new families will be arriving next month with children up to the age of 14.  


FDTC Minutes of April 13, 2014

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

MINUTES — Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. 

Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jerry Desilets at 7:05 PM.

1.  Candidates/Guest Forum: The following political candidates and officials offered comments (limited to two minutes), followed in some cases by questions from FDTC members and associate members.

  • Michael Sullivan (candidate for District Attorney for Middlesex County)
  • Leland Cheung (candidate for Lt. Governor)
  • Warren Tolman (candidate for Attorney General)

2.  Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jeff Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Jeanne Eversley, Linda Fields, Adam Freudberg, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Brian LeFort, Chris Lorant, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Sarah Micciche, Betty Muto, Ramuel Raagas, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully Stoll, P. Nandi Varris, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, and Mel Warshaw.  Lifetime Members: None.  Associate Members: Chris Broyles and Pam Richardson.  Guests: Leland Cheung, Calvin Feliciano, Sue Kennedy, Ilton Lisboa, Pablo Maia, Alan and Nadia Riley, Michael Sullivan, Tom Sannicandro, Sheri L. Thomas, and Warren Tolman.

3.   Chairman Desilets asked that the Committee observe a moment of silence to acknowledge the recent deaths of former Representative Barbara Gray and Bernadette Manning Reilly, mother of Anne Manning.

4.  Mr. Calvin Feliciano of the Raise Up Massachusetts coalition and a member of the Service Employees International Union, Local 509, presented an informational session on the status of the Minimum Wage bills now before the Massachusetts legislature. The Senate bill requires $11 / hr over 3 years and is indexed to inflation. It includes a provision for tipped workers.  The House version of the bill increases the minimum wage to $10.50 in 2 yrs, but is not indexed to inflation.  The date for a Conference Committee is not yet determined.

        – In order for a ballot initiative to proceed, 66,000 certified signatures will need to be collected between May 10 and June 15. Signature sheets will become available on May 8; volunteers will be needed to assist with signature collection.

        – The mandate for Earned Sick Time for all workers in Massachusetts will go directly on to the November ballot. The legislature has not yet addressed this issue.

        Chairman Desilets thanked Mr. Feliciano for coming to Framingham to present this session.

5.    A motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously that “the FDTC indicate support for the Minimum Wage Senate bill, that the House support it, and that the ballot initiative be supported if the Senate bill is not passed.”

6.   Representative Tom Sannicandro reported that the Domestic Violence bill had passed the House.  This bill mandates that perpetrators be held by the police for a minimum of 6 hours before release, and that victims of domestic violence be  entitled to a 15 day Leave of Absence from their employment.

        In addition, a House budget plan has been released; debate is ongoing regarding resolution for local aid and funding for cities and towns. The House  should complete its version of the budget by the end of April.  Chairman Desilets thanked representative Sannicandro for his report to the Committee.

7.   3/16/2014 Minutes                                                                                                                   Approved unanimously

8.  Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw                                                                  Approved unanimously

        Total income of $429.29, less total expenses of $217.55, increased the balance from $3,301.90 to $3,513.64 as of 4/13/2014.  Mel encouraged all members to pay their dues this evening, if possible.

9.   Chairman Desilets informed the Committee that our caucus results had been upheld by State Democratic Party.  It has been announced that Mr. Pablo Maia will be an add-on delegate to the June convention. Jerry thanked Sue Kennedy of the state party for her assistance in resolving this matter. In the future, this Committee will work more closely with the Framingham Town Clerk’s office.

·         The due date for payment of the convention fee has been extended by two weeks for add-on delegates.

10. Norma Shulman announced the names of the Framingham add-on delegates for the Massachusetts Democratic Convention.  They are Jeffrey Cox, Troy Dunlap, Vanessa Gatlin, Shahid Khan, Pablo Maia, Farooq Mirza, and Ramuel Raagas.  The Committee sends congratulations to all!

11.  Chairman Desilets called for nominations of candidates to fill the vacancy on the FDTC due to the earlier resignation of Caraline Levy. Linda Fields was nominated, and subsequently elected unanimously.

12.  Announcements: 

        Norma announced that she, Barbara LeDuc, and Cindy Rubin had met to explore any relative advantages of Google groups vs. Yahoo groups for updating our listserve.  They will also meet with Dylan Hayre of the Natick DTC; Dylan designed their listserve and website using Google groups and WordPress.

        Bob Cassidy reported on plans to test electronic voting at the June convention for possible future use. “Shadow tellers” will need to supply their iPads, and training will be available. Official votes will be tallied by the normal method.

        Norma Shulman asked that anyone who has served on the FDTC for 20 years (not necessarily consecutively) please contact her.

      Chairman Desilets recognized Cheryl Tully Stoll and offered the congratulations of the Committee on her recent election as Selectman.

        Jeffrey Cox asked members for suggestions on Outreach Programs. There is a series of programs on local towns.  Jeff will invite a representative to our next meeting. Further, the State Party has hired a new representative to work with communities of color, and it was suggested that Jeff might make contact with him.

13. Discussion: Chairman Desilets began a discussion about scheduling our meetings on days other than Sunday evenings, as that time is difficult for families with children.  However, many of our committee are members of Framingham Town Boards which meet during the week.  After much discussion, it was suggested that some meetings might be held on Monday evenings (except before and during Town Meeting) or over the summer.  Barbara LeDuc will survey Committee members.

14. Charity:  At the suggestion of Joan Rastani, next month’s charity will be Advocates, Inc.  Donations will be made in memory of former Representative Barbara Gray.  Checks can be written directly to Advocates, Inc., and Joan will deliver them.

15. Next regular meeting:  The next FDTC meeting is scheduled for Sunday, 5/18/2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road.

Adjourn:  The meeting was duly adjourned at 8:35 pm.


FDTC Minutes of March 16, 2014

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

MINUTES — Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.

1.      Call to Order:  After a delicious breakfast prepared by FDTC members, Chair Tom Mahoney called the annual breakfast meeting to order at 10:45 a.m.

2.      Candidates/Guest Forum: The following political candidates and officials offered comments (limited to two minutes), followed in some cases by questions from FDTC members and associate members [* indicates FDTC member]:

  • Cong. Katherine Clark (candidate for re-election, 5th Congressional District)
  • Leland Cheung and James Arena DeRosa (candidates for Lt. Governor)
  • Don Berwick (candidate for Governor)
  • Secretary of State Bill Galvin (candidate for re-election)
  • Michael Sullivan (candidate for District Attorney for Middlesex County)
  • Bob Jubinville (candidate for re-election) and Bart Timilty (candidate), Governor’s Council
  • Carmine Gentile and Brian LeFort* (candidates for State Representative)
  • Cheryl Tully Stoll* (candidate for Selectman)
  • Michelle Brosnahan (candidate for School Committee)
  • Christine Long (candidate for Planning Board)
  • JoAnne Thompson (candidate for Library Trustee)
  • Janice Rogers (candidate for Housing Authority)
  • Mike Rossi (candidate for Keefe Tech School Committee)
  • Jeanne Bullock*, Jeff Cox*, and Mel Warshaw* (candidates for Town Meeting member)

3.      Democrat of the Year Award—presented to Karen Spilka:  State Sen. Karen Spilka was introduced by Beverly Hugo, and presented the FDTC 2014 Democrat of the Year Award by Cong. Katherine Clark.  Additional remarks and citations were made on behalf of Governor Deval Patrick (by Adam Freudberg), the Massachusetts House of Representative (by Rep. Chris Walsh), and the Framingham Board of Selectmen (by Dennis Giombetti)—and finally Karen Spilka thanked everybody for the award and citations and for helping her.

4.      Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jeff Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Pat Dunne, Jeanne Eversley, Adam Freudberg, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Brian LeFort, Chris Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Stephanie Mercandetti, Farooq Mirza, Ilma Paixao, Ramuel Raagas, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, John Stefanini, Cheryl Tully Stoll, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, and Mel Warshaw.  Lifetime Members: None.  Associate Members: Linda Fields and Pam Richardson.  Guests: James Arena-DeRosa, Don Berwick, Irwin Blumer, Michelle Brosnahan, Leland Cheung, Katherine Clark, Bill Galvin, Carmine Gentile, Sandy Greenwald, Steve Grossman (Framingham), Andrea Haynes, Bob Jubinville, Debbie Lindsay, Christine Long, Janice Rogers, Mike Rossi, Elizabeth Roy, Cindy Rubin, Dhruba Sen, Ed Stoll, Michael Sullivan, Karen Spilka, Sheri L. Thomas, JoAnne Thompson, Bart Timilty, Joel Winett, and Ruth Winett.

5.      1/12/2014 Minutes: Secretary Jack Duffy                                            Approved unanimously           

6.      Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw                                      Approved unanimously

Total income of $145.00, less total expenses of $270.00, decreased the 1/12/14 balance of $3,426.33 to $3,301.90.

7.      Framingham Democratic Town Committee Reorganization:  To meet requirements that officers be elected every two years, the recommendations of the Nominating Committee were presented by Parwez Wahid, a motion by Joan Rastani to nominate those recommended was seconded and approved unanimously, no additional nominations were offered, and a motion by Parwez to elect the slate by acclamation was seconded, and approved unanimously.  The new officers are: Jerry Desilets, Chair; Beverly Hugo, Vice Chair; Barbara LeDuc, Secretary; Mel Warshaw, Treasurer; and Jeff Cox, Affirmative Action & Outreach Officer..

8.      March 2nd Framingham Democratic Caucus:  The Committee discussed the situation in which a person had registered as a Democrat in the Town Clerk’s office on 1/30/2014, a day before the 1/31 deadline for Democratic State Convention delegate or alternate candidates (changed this year from the previous 12/31), but had no reason to know he should inform the Town Clerk official that he intends to run for delegate or alternate.  As a result, the Town Clerk official did not expedite the registration process, so the computer listing did not note his registration as effective by 1/31, and since he did not bring documentation supporting his applying on time, the Caucus Chair (FDTC Chair Tom Mahoney) was not authorized (under Party rules) to allow him to register for the Caucus.  The discussion included comments that steps should be taken to avoid a recurrence of this unfortunate situation.  A complaint had been filed with the Massachusetts Democratic Party.  After the discussion, the following motion was offered by John Stefanini, seconded, discussed, and approved unanimously: “I move that the Chair be authorized to send a letter on this matter to the Massachusetts Democratic Party expressing the Framingham Democratic Town Committee’s unanimous confidence in the Chair and his administration of the recent Framingham Democratic Caucus, consistent with the Committee’s discussion, including the comments of Norma Shulman.”;

9.      Moment of personal privilege:  Outgoing Chair Tom Mahoney, and Outgoing Secretary, Jack Duffy, each thanked FDTC members and associate members for their support and for the privilege of serving them in the respective office.

10.  Announcements:  Chair Tom Mahoney announced that member Caraline Levy has resigned from the FDTC, and that an election to fill her seat will be held at the next meeting.  We are invited to a breakfast meeting in Holliston on 4/12/14 (more information will be available on the list serve).  Treasurer Mel Warshaw reminded us that the dues are due by the next meeting.

11.  Charity:  Donations of non-perishable food and personal toiletries will be collected at our next meeting, to be donated to the new Pearl Street Family Shelter.

12.  Next regular meeting:  The next FDTC meeting will include a candidates forum, and was set for Sunday, 4/13/2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the customary location (Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road).

13.  Adjourn:  The FDTC meeting duly adjourned at 12:00 noon.

                               —Respectfully submitted by Jack Duffy, outgoing Secretary, FDTC


FDTC Minutes of January 12, 2014

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

MINUTES — Sunday, January 12, 2014 at 7:00p.m.

1. Call to Order:  After political mingling with refreshments, Co-Vice Chair Beverly Hugo called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
2. Candidates/Guest Forum: The following political candidates and officials offered comments, followed in some cases by questions from FDTC members/associate members [* indicates FDTC member]:

  • Maura Healey (candidate for Attorney General)
  • Auditor Suzanne Bump (candidate for re-election)
  • State Senator Karen Spilka
  • State Representative Chris Walsh*
  • Brian LeFort (candidate for State Representative)*
  • Cheryl Tully Stoll (candidate for Selectman)*
  • Jim Stockless (candidate for School Committee)
3. Attendance:  Members: Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jeff Cox, Jack Duffy, Adam Freudberg, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Stephen Joyce, Lloyd Kaye, Barbara LeDuc, Brian LeFort, Chris Lorant, Kathie McCarthy, Stephanie Mercandetti, Betty Muto, Ramuel Raagas, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully Stoll, Parwez Wahid, Chris Walsh, and Mel Warshaw.  Lifetime Members: None.  Associate Members: Pam Richardson,  Guests: Suzanne Bump, Deborah Butler, George Clattenburg, Mike Firestone, Udrekh Gavale, Julie Grossman, Michelle Grossman, Steve Grossman (of Framingham), Anne Manning, Dhruba Sen, Charles Sisitsky, Jim Stockless, Ed Stoll, Karen Spilka, and David O. Whittemore.
4. 11/17/2013 Minutes (regular meeting): Secretary Jack Duffy 

Approved with 1 abstention

11/3/2013 Minutes (special meeting):

 Approved with 1 abstention

5. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw  Approved unanimously

Total Income of $155.60, less total expenses of $63.88, increased the 11/17/13 balance of $3,324.41 to $3,426.33.

6. Election of New Member:  Jeanne Bullock was elected unanimously, filling a vacancy caused by the resignation of Nancy Coville Wallace.
7. March 2nd Framingham Democratic Caucus:  Parwez Wahid discussed the Caucus, which will be held at Nevins Hall in the Town Memorial Building (registration begins at noon, call-to-order at 1 p.m.), and will elect Framingham delegates and alternates for the 6/14/14 Democratic State Convention (candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Auditor, and Treasurer will need 15% of the votes to be on the September Primary ballot).  Norma Shulman invited those interested in running for delegate to sign a sheet if they wish, and optionally indicate preferences for the four open constitutional offices.
8. Reports from Committees:

  • Bylaws: It did not meet since the last meeting.
  • Minority/Youth Outreach: No activity reported since the last meeting.
  • Hospitality: Barbara Leduc coordinated ample, tasty food and beverages again.
  • Breakfast: Volunteering for the March 16th preparations were Elsa Aviza, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jack Duffy, Bev and Mike Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Betty Muto, Parwez Wahid, and Mel Warshaw.  If you would like to bring a food item for the breakfast table, please contact Barbara LeDuc for planning purposes.
  • Charity: Beverly Hugo discussed the Pathways and Pearl Street Family Shelter, that $350 worth of toys and food were delivered to the joy of 27 children, plus food.
  • Caucus: It will meet on Saturday, 1/25/14 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Library.
  • Nominating: Consisting of Jeff Cox, Jack Duffy, Mike Hugo, Stephanie Mercandetti, Sarah Michiche, Norma Shulman, Cheryl Tully Stoll, and Parwez Wahid, it will meet on Saturday, 1/18/14 at 10 a.m. 
  • Program:  It is being formed.
  • Audit: It did not meet since the last meeting.
  • State: No activity reported since the last meeting.
  • Publicity: Mike Hugo will continue to handle the press releases.
9. Unfinished Business:  The Committee decided to discuss, at the 3/16/14 meeting, the possibility of awarding a Volunteer of the Year award (in addition to the Democrat of the Year award which is being awarded to Karen Spilka at the 3/16/14 breakfast meeting), as originally discussed briefly at the 11/17/13 meeting.
10. Charity:  Donations of non-perishable food and personal toiletries will be collected at our 3/16/14 meeting, to be donated to the new Pearl Street Family Shelter.
11. Next event: March 2nd Framingham Democratic Caucus [see #7 above] will be held at Nevins Hall, Town Memorial Building (registration begins at noon, call-to-order at 1 p.m.).  Contact Parwez Wahid if you have questions.
12. Next regular meeting:  The next FDTC meeting will include a candidates forum, and was set for Sunday, 3/16/2014 at 10:00 a.m. at the customary location (Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road).
13. Adjourn:  The FDTC meeting duly adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

  —Respectfully submitted by Jack Duffy, Secretary, FDTC