Framingham Democratic Town Committee
Minutes of May 21, 2006
Held at Framingham Green from 7pm to 9pm.
Members: Rep. Debby Blumer, Nancy Coville Wallace, Bill Haberman, Donna Howland, Chris Lorant, Tom Mahoney, Stephanie Mercandetti, Terene Micciche, Joan Rastani, Chris Ross, Norma Shulman, Alan Silver, Rochelle Sivan, Parwez Wahid
Associate Members: Elsa Aviza, Farooq Mirza
Recent Associate Members: Steve Robinson
Guests: Hon. Bob Bernstein, Tom Scionti
1.. Treasurer’s Report
Cash on Hand as of 04/09/06 |
1791.40 |
Dues Received |
330.00 |
Dividends |
0 |
Other Income |
0 |
Net Income |
330.00 |
Itemized Expenses | ||
Postage P. Wahid |
7.80 |
Donation Fram. Green Tenants Assoc. |
100.00 |
Town of Framingham, Cameron Use |
385.00 |
Net Expenses |
492.80 |
Balance as of 05/21/06 |
1628.60 |
One member still owes dues for 2005-06.
For the current term, there are 12 paid members, 25 owe dues. There are 6 paid associate members.
Treasurer’s report was accepted.
2.. Minutes and Attendance
The Minutes of the April meeting were accepted with no corrections.
3.. Program, Auto Insurance Reform
Hon. Bob Bernstein
Former State Senator Bob Bernstein was introduced by Debbie Blumer. Bob first ran for office in 1992. He chaired the committee on insurance. In describing the current state of the insurance industry he recalled how the Insurance Commissioner once testified “…no one fully understands how cars are insured.”
He related how Massachusetts is the only state with fixed and established auto insurance. This is based on annual aggregate data fixed by the Commissioner, sort of a “one size fits all” system. There are approximately 19 companies that write auto insurance in Massachusetts, this is well below the national average.
Current TV and radio ads on insurance reform have given the “He says, she says” impression, leaving consumers bewildered. While some state that rates have declined and that the system should remain as is, consumers find they are paying more.
Others point to the lack of competition in the state for auto insurance. All national insurers are not doing business in the state. Bob Bernstein feels the system is under capitalized, with not enough companies. Thus fewer companies are assuming more risk. Fundamentally, this group argues that more competition grows business.
Bob covered 3 major issues regarding auto insurance reform.
1 – Fraud. While $30 million was recovered in Lawrence, this did not result in savings to that community. The system does not allow for quick changes.
2 – Introduce Competition. Allow consumers to shop around. Have mandatory rate reduction for Step 9 drivers and guaranteed caps as well. Companies would then compete within this band.
3 – Residual Markets. These are the bad drivers that no one wants to insure. This can be done by a cost sharing mechanism where companies share the cost of bad drivers. Insurance companies would get a percentage of the pool of bad drivers based on their percentage share of the market.
Regarding how cars are insured, Bob stated it was based on where the “car sleeps”. He cited his own example where he lived in Worcester and commuted 3 miles to work at City Hall. Because he lived in Worcester, he paid more for insurance than another driver who lived outside the city and commuted 10 miles to the same location at City Hall. He criticized the system as designed for non-accountability. While there is also the thought that the Insurance Commissioner should be elected, he thinks it will politicize the debate.
4.. Selecting candidates for Town Election Board
This item is not needed at present. Linda Fields was appointed last year by the DTC, her term is for three years.
5.. Review Proposed Meeting Schedule for 2006-07
A proposed schedule for the 2006-07 meeting dates was distributed for review. One adjustment was made moving the April 2007 meeting to April 1st.
The 2006-07 Schedule proposed as follows:
(No Dec Meeting)
21-JAN-2007 (subject to caucus)
11-FEB-2007 (subject to caucus)
10-JUN-2007 (optional)
6.. Briefing For Delegates
The “Call To Convention” was issued by the State Party, however some delegates stated they had not received their copy. Norma Shulman will copy some of the key information for those delegates who did not receive the “Call To Convention”.
Registration opens at 3:00PM on Friday June 2nd.
Credentials will be received about 3-4 days prior to the convention.
All delegates and alternates must have a photo-id as well as their credentials.
Lost credentials will cost $50.
The Second Middlesex Norfolk teller is Bill Dooling.
Speeches start at 9:45AM on Saturday. Gubernatorial speeches will be last.
All delegates must be checked in before 11AM, otherwise the alternates will be seated.
7.. Announcements and other new business
Parwez Wahid mentioned that he, Norma Shulman and Rochelle Sivan visited the Sumerville Senior Housing at Farm Pond to view the meeting spaces available. The DTC would likely continue to hold its meetings at the Framingham Green, however the Farm Pond facility does offer a large dining room where the DTC might consider a holiday party during December.
Parwez also mentioned that the DTC website could use some enhancements to make its appearance more sophisticated. Parwez received some training from Mat Helman on making website changes two years ago and this was sufficient to keep the DTC website current with items like minutes and agenda. Parwez is hopeful that someone with greater web design skills can make significant changes to the website. Elsa Aviza mentioned her son might be available to help.
Norma Shulman mentioned an event by the Natick DTC where they honored their life members. The even featured some prominent guests such as the State Party Chair and former governor, Mike Dukakis. She suggested that the Framingham DTC consider doing more events and obtain a banner for display. The banner could include the DTC’s website address.
Two opportunities for events are the Flag Day celebration and the Concerts on the Green. (However the Concert series is in jeopardy of cancellation due to lack of funding.)
Joan Rastani will look into setting up a table for the Flag Day celebration on June 11th.
Chris Ross will check into the Concert series and see if the DTC can set up an information table.
Norma Shulman mentioned Victory ’06 Training at Sumerville Senior Housing on Monday May 22nd. Precinct Captains and Block Captains are needed for the coordinated campaign. Without appropriate coverage to canvass houses door-to-door it will be difficult for the Democrats to win the Governor’s race.
There will be a summer event hosted by Debby Blumer around the July 4th holiday.
The June 11th meeting can address ballot questions. Volunteers are needed for the Program Committee to address specific questions that will be appearing on the ballots.
Chris Lorant mentioned that he won a free lunch for 15 at the Tin Alley Grill for May 30th. He extended invitation to anyone interested. He also stated that more Town Officials should come to DTC meetings and mentioned several Town meetings for Planning Board and ZBA.
Tom Mahoney mentioned several upcoming Planning Board projects: Sudbury Landing and the old clinic on Rt. 9 would become a branch office for Middlesex Savings Bank.
8.. Reports From The Hill
Rep. Debby Blumer mentioned that the House budget is completed; the Senate is currently doing its budget. The Economic Stimulus bill is still in progress as well as bills on property development. The seat belt bill is going to the Governor’s desk.
Next meeting: June 11th.