Framingham Democratic Town Committee
Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701
MINUTES — Sunday, April 21, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order: Chair Tom Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., and asked for a moment of silence out of respect and concern for victims impacted by, or related to, the Boston Marathon bombings.
2. Attendance: Members: Carmen Chico, Jeff Cox, Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Tom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Ramuel Raagas, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Parwez Wahid, and Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: None. Associate Members: Jeanne I. Bullock, Chris Lorant and Pam Roberts. Guests: Will Brownsberger, Deborah Butler, Barbara LeDuc, Eric Slusher, and Adrian Velázquez.
3. 3/17/2013 Minutes: Secretary Jack Duffy Approved unanimously (as previously corrected)
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mel Warshaw Approved unanimously
The report shows income since 3/17 of 253.32 (mostly $108. dues received and $140. for 3/17 breakfast), less $44.40 in 3/17 breakfast expenditures—increasing our balance to $3,378.74.
5. Massachusetts Democratic Party Affirmative Action & Outreach Program: Norma Shulman introduced Adrian Velázquez, who works with the Party to promote involvement by Hispanics and other minorities, and who explained the purposes—basically, increasing interest and participation in politics, voting, and the Democratic Party by target groups. Adrian mentioned that they are looking for places to open 12 offices, and that Governor Deval Patrick is holding a fundraiser (Friday, 5/3, 6 p.m.) in Boston to help with funding. A meeting for local underserved populations is this Saturday (4/27, 4-9 p.m., Woodrow Wilson School) called the ”Farm Festival” that will attract hundreds of residents of Precinct 17—a targeted section of town, for this endeavor, due to its high population of minorities. A discussion ensued of potential target groups in Framingham, and of members and others who can help (several members exchanged contact information or business cards with Adrian).
6. Candidates’ Forum: Will Brownsberger, a state Senator from Watertown who is planning to run for Ed Markey’s Congressional seat if Ed is elected to the U.S. Senate, discussed his qualifications, a few issues positions, and the kind of Congressman he would be, and answered some questions. Mel Warshaw and Jack Duffy asked why he seemed to feel that spending reduction (austerity) is a better strategy for debt reduction than the Keynesian expansionary job creation that worked so well, for FDR and others during depressions and recessions, by raising tax receipts.
Wade Blackman, representing Cong. Ed Markey, candidate for the U.S. Senate, mentioned that there are only nine (9) days left until the Primary that will select the Democratic nominee, who will be favored to join Elizabeth Warren in representing our state. He urged us to volunteer at the Framingham Markey headquarters, 303 Worcester Road, open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
7. Unfinished Business: Beverly Hugo recommended, and the Committee unanimously passed a motion, to donate water, other beverages, and other leftovers from the January FDTC Pre-Inaugural Celebration & Democratic Victory Party, to the winner of the U.S. Senate Democratic Primary being held in Massachusetts on April 30th.
Committee Vacancy: In the vacancy caused by the resignation of longtime FDTC Member Terene Micciche, Jeanne Bulloch withdrew her name, and Jeff Cox won over Chris Lorant.
Committee Secretary: Tom Mahoney announced that Secretary Jack Duffy has agreed to withdraw his resignation as Secretary, and will continue to serve.
Alternate to the MNW Alliance: Tom Mahoney explained that this post, from which Parwez Wahid has resigned, represents the FDTC Chair, in his (or her) absence, as one of the three FDTC voting members at Alliance monthly meetings—and should be a full FDTC Member. It was decided that one of the two Vice-Chairs should serve in this capacity if the Chair is unable to attend.
8. New Business: The Committee, by unanimous votes, passed motions to:
· form a Congressional Primary Debate Subcommittee should Ed Markey win the U.S. Senate election—debate may be in August (Jerry Desilets, Jack Duffy, Beverly Hugo, Kathie McCarthy, Joan Rastani, Norma Shulman, Parwez Wahid, and Mel Warshaw volunteered)
· form a subcommittee to review the bylaws, and propose possible changes to the Committee (Jeff Cox, Jack Duffy, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, and Mel Warshaw volunteered) [Note: Bylaws are available on the FDTC website: ]
· form a subcommittee to conduct a barbecue on Sunday, 8/25, 4-7 p.m. (Jerry Desilets, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, and Parwez Wahid volunteered)
· make a $100 donation to the Framingham Green Tenants Association (in appreciation of their allowing us to use their facility during the year)
· set annual FDTC dues at $20. for Members, and $15. for Associate Members—for the period from May, 2013 through April, 2014.
9. Announcements: Tom Mahoney announced that there will be no Saturday morning coffee at Panache on 4/27, and that, because the annual Democratic State Convention has been postponed to 7/13, the FDTC will meet on Sunday, 6/9—which, if he wins the Primary, will be held at Ed Markey’s Framingham campaign office (303 Worcester Road). This will give us an opportunity to make phone calls before the meeting. Mel Warshaw argued how important it is for members who have not volunteered to fulfill their responsibilities to be involved and work.
Jeff Cox urged the committee to consider Town Meeting issues and issues discussions.
Norma Shulman announced that the Friday night Summer Concerts, on Village Green (Centre Common) on Edgell Road, will begin 6/21, and run through 8/9.
Chris Lorant pointed out that there will be a moment of silence tomorrow (4/22) at 2:50 p.m. to commemorate the one week anniversary of the bombings at the Boston Marathon.
10. Next meeting’s Charity: The Committee agreed that next meeting’s charity will be—established by Boston and the Commonwealth to help the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. Individuals can contribute via the website. (Beverly Hugo thanked those who contributed books to Hoops & Homework—this month’s charity.)
11. Next regular meeting: Tom Mahoney set the next FDTC meeting for Sunday, 5/19/2013 at 7 p.m. at this same location.
12. Adjourn: In spite of so many accomplishments, the FDTC adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
—Respectfully submitted by Jack Duffy, Secretary, FDTC