Two Candidates Endorsed By FDC

Oct 5th Special Meeting

At a Special Meeting of the Framingham Democratic Committee held on October 5, 2023, the members unanimously endorsed two candidates in the Framingham city elections.

Tracey Bryant, incumbent for City Council District 9 and Brandon Ward, candidate for City Council District 2 were endorsed by all 32 members attending the meeting.

Both candidates are running in contests against non-Democratic opponents.

The Framingham city elections will be held on Tuesday November 7th.


Lt. Gov. Driscoll Event Oct 11

Hosted by Valerie and Phil Ottaviani

Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll will be having an event on Wednesday October 11, 2023.  This is hosted by Valerie Ottaviani (School Committee) and Phil Ottaviani (Chair, City Council) at their home on Salem End Road.

The event is scheduled for 6pm, contributions to Driscoll’s campaign committee are welcomed.

See event flier:
Driscoll Event Oct 11, 2023

New Members Elected At Sep Meeting

Two Members Elected With No Opposition

The Framingham Democratic Committee added two new members to its regular membership roster filling 2 of 3 vacancies.

Isabella Petroni and Leslie White Harvey were elected to fill vacancies in the FDC membership.

A third vacancy will be filled at the October business meeting.

Meetings For Oct & Nov

Meetings To Be Held On Weeknights

The Framingham Democratic Committee is striving to find locations to resume in-person meetings.  The ability to meet on Zoom was a huge benefit during the times of COVID, however there is a need and desire to resume live in-person meetings.

The previous location where meetings had taken place is no longer available.  The Committee has struggled to find locations for Sunday evenings which is the most preferred time as indicated by the membership for many years.

The FDC is planning to hold its October and November business meetings on weeknights.  These will be held a meeting rooms of the Framingham Public Library.  Due to the library hours the start time for the meetings will be moved up by a half hour to 6:30pm.

(Read more…)

August Event/Business Meeting

Hosted by Councilor Steiner

Photo credit: Melvin Poindexter

FDC members and guests gathered at the home of City Councilor Adam Steiner for the Committee’s annual summer event.  Also in attendance were DNC member Mel Poindexter, State Committee member Tina Poindexter, Senate President Karen Spilka and State Rep. Kate Donaghue. This gathering was a pot-luck featuring some tasty items donated by the FDC members. 

The event also featured a brief business meeting to allow potential associate members to introduce themselves for consideration at a future meeting.

With upcoming municipal elections, several candidates were invited to address the gathering and discuss their respective campaigns.

The next FDC business meeting will be on September 17, 2023 and will be conducted remotely on Zoom.  The FDC is continuing to find a meeting location post-COVID and expects to have meeting space for October and November.