Minutes May 19th, 2024

Meeting Attendees:  All FDC members listed, those in BOLD were present


Members: Lori Bornstein, Christopher Craig Broyles, Tracey Bryant, Jeanne Bullock, Stephanie Deeley, Barbara Fontes,  Kurt Fusaris, Audrey Hall, Jim Hansen, Brooke Harvey, Rosamond Hooper-Hamersley,  Tilia Klebenov Jacobs, Heather Klish, William LaBarge,  Doug Lawrence, Barbara LeDuc,  Chris Lorant, Jack Patrick Lewis, Katie Murphy, Thom Mahoney, Kathie McCarthy, Isabella Petroni, Brandale Randolph, Cindy Rubin, Margareth Shepard, Priscila Sousa, Yvonne Spicer,  Adam Steiner, Cesar Stewart-Morales, Larry Stoodt, Cynthia Villanueva, Brandon Ward, Mel Warshaw, Leslie White Harvey, Joel Winett


Lifetime Members: Jerry Desilets, Patrick Dunne, Linda Fields, Shahid Khan, Bettie Muto, Phil Ottaviani, Norma Shulman, John Stefanini, Cheryl Tully-Stoll, Parwez Wahid

Associate Members: David Gordon, Samantha McGarry, Grace Snedden, Ricardo Robles, Meghan Todd

Guests:  Kate Donaghue

1:10                Welcome and reading of FDC Mission Statement – Rozzy Hooper-Hamersley, Vice-Chair

1:11                 Preliminary announcements – Doug Lawrence, Chair

Doug: First meeting as chair. Spent time reviewing the bylaws & procedures. The FDC employs Roberts rules alongside the state charter and our bylaws. Please only speak when recognized and limit remarks to 2 minutes, so every has a chance. Two personal objectives: national election & growing the committee, giving folks meaningful roles and responsibilities.

1:15     Treasurer’s Report – Larry Stoodt

Balance at 4/7 meeting: $2693.03, dividend 0.12, $395 in checks, $80 I cash for a total $3168.15

Tilia: Motion to accept Treasurer’s minutes, Kathie 2nd, passed unanimously.

1:18                 Acceptance of Past Minutes – Lori Bornstein – April 7, 2024

Lori: Sorry for misspelling names.

Kathie: Motion to accept Minutes as corrected, Mel 2nd, passed unanimously.

1:20                 Membership Dues – Parwez Wahid

Phil: Motion to accept increase to $25/$20 for Members/Associates starting next year, Kathie 2nd

Norma: $25/$15 feels more welcoming to Associates.

Norma: Amend Motion to increase to $25/$20 for Members/Associates

Phil: Accepts Friendly Amendment to Motion


Discussion of need to pay for space, fundraisers, and need to get the word out

Question on Amendment called: 9 for, 8 against, passes.

Norma: Motion to Table original Motion, Kathie 2nd, 11 for, 4 against, 1 abstention, passes.




Note: For the new year starting 1 April 2024, dues are $20 Member /$15 Associate.  You can pay by Act Blue or cash but check is preferred, to save the $0.79 Act Blue admin fee (to offset the cost of ActBlue, please increase your donation to $21.00) please mail your 2024 dues to Larry Stoodt at 615 Belknap Road, Framingham, MA 01701.



1:40       Framingham Coalition for Bodily Autonomy

Grace was unwell and did not attend; the presentation was postponed.


1:40     Gun Violence Prevention    

Samantha McGarry stepped up to discuss gun violence prevention.


This election with Trump is scary. At the NRA conference (no guns allowed) Trump was endorsed. Coalition to prevent webinar what’s been accomplished, what will hold in the event of a Democratic loss.

the link to the video from the webinar with the Office of Gun Violence Prevention (Password is: ?@2bF5Nb ).


Mass omnibus passed House & Senate, awaiting reconciliation before it goes to the Governor.


Mom’s Demand Action is a great group, but a new local group has formed to be able to do more local coalition building, getting the word out about safe storage to reduce suicides (2/3 deaths) & accidents.


FPS School Committee has a secure storage notification once a quarter.


The new group is called Grassroots for Gun Violence Prevention. People interested should go to https://grassroots4gvp.org/ to sign up.


We will be officially launching on May 29 at 8 PM ET with our first monthly meeting. Hear from Grassroots4GVP leaders, our strategic partners, and important legislators.

May 29, 8:00 PM ET Register here – https://tinyurl.com/grassroots4GVPlaunch


6/7 National Gun Violence Awareness Day

6/7-9 Wear Orange Weekend


2:00 – 2:10      Update MetroWest Blue & Beyond:  Dave Magnani on Democrats taking action nationally

Doug: 6/4/24 event for AZ.

1:50                 Proposed New Member Introduction Materials – Parwez Wahid

Parwez: I will set up a zoom meeting.

1:51                Reports from City Council, School Committee

Phil: It’s Budget season. Mayor has rethought proposals on environment after constituent calls. City needs volunteers for boards. DPW lost two people, resulting in less customer service. Potholes are the biggest complaint!! 2.5% levy approved. We need a good school system. Still hearing about school problems- fights, bathroom/hall monitors not enough.


Adam: CC Finance subcommittee has finished with a level service budget. Council can only decrease not increase the budget, and in prior years, this subcommittee cut the budget. One small change this year was to decrease the reserve from $400K to $200K. The vote for this budget was 3-2.  There’s concern that we can’t chew away on reserves to maintain our bond rating.


Regional dispatch (911) grant funds will reduce the need to borrow which allows an extra $500K for the solar panels, which will pay for itself in 5-7yrs. Capital budget was cut. We need to consider a geothermal network between city hall/police before parking garage goes up. Charter proposal to create a cabinet position for the environment. The Sustainability Coordinator, Shawn Luz does a great job but needs help, and we need a plan.


Tracey: ROE is reviewing the charter. The final report will be in June. The 5/20 City Council Public Health, Safety &Transportation Subcommittee meeting is canceled in lieu of Planning & Zoning which has lots on the agenda. The school budget more needs to go for direct services. Natick has a bad reputation for discrimination, and she has reservations on the Regional dispatch center.


Leslie: Trying to get a zoning change by La Catina. Disappointed that planning zone didn’t allow her to speak from zoom. She’d like to see gentle building up of the neighborhood and is concerned that folks are not hearing about meetings that affect them. On 6/11, she will be holding 6/11 meeting at Callahan. Great events at library and mobile van coming online.


Joel: Adam mentioned money from Fuller- design for solar was supposed to have been done. There are 64 changes to the charter recommended; the final report will be in June. Please come to meeting Thursday and support or not changes that you care about.


Mel: City cannot spend more than the mayor puts in the budget. Why is no CC criticizing the mayor? Not planning properly.


Phil: I work behind the scenes and will not go after folks in public.

2:20                 Reports from our Legislative Delegation

Rep Kate Donaghue and Rep Jack Patrick Lewis shared a legislative update on behalf of the Legislative Delegation. While the Budget passed by the House last month was tight, Jack was happy to report that tax revenues were $1 billion over projections last month. In earmarks, all of the Framingham reps supported (co-sponsored) each other’s local priorities.  Rep Sousa secured $25K for a multilingual kiosk for city hall, $25K for exercise equipment at Mary Dennison Park, $25K for ESL programs at BRACE, and $25K for the Lancers. Rep. Lewis secured $125K for a Framingham mobile health van and $125K for the new Ashland Arboretum. Rep Lewis also noted that he was able to successfully maintain funding in the House Budget for the MA Down Syndrome Congress ($200K) and expand funding for the One Scholars program to $500K. He also noted that he succeeded in restoring $1.5 million in public health prevention funding in the budget, along with a policy change that expands the role of pharmacists in public health prevention services.  Rep. Lewis also elaborated that two of the House Progressive Priorities were included in the House Budget, including an “Access to Counsel” pilot program and increased funding for the MBTA and RTAs.


Kate added that she continues to work on the Opioid Crisis. Narcan training, event in memory of her son Monday 7pm in Westboro. She also got a policy change for men civilly committed to have visiting hours.



Kate: take every opponent seriously. From her unenrolled opponent on Facebook: “So can we bring back the patriarchy now? Take the vote away from women. There are too many bat shit crazy leftist women in the women group, the only solution is to take the vote away from all of them. The ones that are not crazy depressed by and large agree that women need to take one for team USA. Of course I am still voting for MTG for president “


Jack: primary opponent. Will make concrete asks but not to take folks from NH. Will be putting out endorsements.


Kate: Dues are optional for the elected.

2:37     Membership Doug

Doug: After reviewing our by-laws and state charter, we didn’t follow our normal process last month regarding Associate members. In the future, Folks need to be present and state their desire to be an Associate Member and answer: Why do you want to be an Associate?  What would you like to accomplish? How will you volunteer/contribute?  Will you abide by the Bylaws and pay the dues? They can be nominated at a following meeting where they can answer any additional questions and be voted on. We will allow those nominated last month to address the group and answer the questions.


According to the State charter, a member must work 40 hours every 2 years, attend ½ the FDC meetings, support Democratic candidates, can’t endorse those running against Democrats, and can’t have been convicted of crime-beyond a misdemeanor.



Kim: was an associate years ago and would be coming back. All about the FDC mission, currently working on Framingham Coalition for Bodily Autonomy. She’d like to help with membership and will adhere to bylaws and pay dues.


March in Boston Pride, June 8th with the Framingham Coalition for Bodily Autonomy as they join Repro Equity Now. To sign up: https://secure.everyaction.com/UXoe-qZxBkOEhn0sstgOLg2


Then be sure to join our Facebook page for more info on gathering as a group for this event.



Lori: Motion to accept Kim Comatas as an Associate Member, Larry 2nd, passed unanimously


Doug: Mary Kate & Dave will be considered nominated for Associate Members and once they attend and speak they will be voted on.


Adam F: I’ve been part of the group, on school Committee, and my priorities match mission statement. Solar should be part of every project. Tentative agreement coming on 11K educations.


Adam S: We should have the by-law committee look at dues. The felony restriction is in the state charter.


Dave: I’m a Life-long Democrat and committed to the party. Right now there is no more critical time. MWBB shows his commitment to putting Dems in Fed office. Will abide by by-laws and pay dues.


Tracey: The only reason this is necessary is because Mary Kate, Adam, & Priscila created a problem. But she is in favor of Dave becoming an Associate Member.


Larry: Motion to accept Dave Magnani as an Associate Member, Kathie 2nd, passed unanimously


2:55     Reports from State Dem Committee: Norma Shulman, Parwez Wahid, Kathie McCarthy

Parwez: MA Dems will hold 2 meetings for new delegates 5/23 & 5/30 at 8pm

Norma: Dem Organizing hub today 4pm-AZ. Group meets every 2 weeks.

Norma: Please answer for Warren Campaign by text: Are you going? Will you support Warren?

Kathie: Good regional meeting, she will be co-chair disability outreach subcommittee.

2:55– 3:30       Sub – Committee Reports

Financial Audit Committee

Doug: From our by-laws:  ARTICLE 5: SUBCOMMITTEESOne subcommittee shall be the Financial Audit Committee that shall conduct a biennial audit of the financial affairs of the Committee following the election of the Treasurer.”


Mel, Jeanne, Joel volunteered to service.

Civics Education – Acting Ch. R. Hooper-Hamersley

Rozzy: Need a chair to raise awareness. Tilia showed interest.

Legislative Subcommittee – Audrey Hall

Audrey: There is a meeting Thursday to discuss the charter. Please attend and show your support for changes to charter. We will be planning a Legislative breakfast this summer.

Environmental – Larry Stoodt

Larry: It is great that we are funding the study to get the panels installed. FDC was instrumental along with Energize Framingham. We got 450 signatures to bring back 3 items. We still need funds to do the project and to make sure future projects include environmental consideration. We need to work on getting Framingham to adopt the Opt-in building code. Our neighbors Ashland, Natick, and Wayland have already approved it. We would like to bring an expert into a future meeting to present. Resolution to be voted on next meeting. No environmental bills are getting out of committee.  Framingham needs a Chief environmental officer; the ordinance didn’t get implemented, and Shawn has no authority.


Patrick: Mayor coming to district 4 meeting, and Patrick will be putting in another plug for solar. Trees & heat need to be addressed as well.

Tracey: Need commitment for solar on all new roofs.

Audrey: 6/3 legislative committee will be meeting

Adam: City Hall is short staffed. $2M in savings, only $500K to the solar panels on Farley.

Communications – Adam Steiner

Adam: Thanks to Parwez and thanks to Heather for joining. Stop replying all!

Programming – Rozzy Hooper-Hamersley

Rozzy: In the future, we’ll be inviting Larry to speak on the environment and Grace will come back to speak on Framingham Coalition for Bodily Autonomy. Organize don’t agonize. There is a way to help that each of us do to get the Dems elected in Nov.


Ad hoc committee to work on engagement will be formed- Barbara F. Barbara L, Tilia, Norma, Samantha, and Audrey volunteered.

Bylaws – Mel Warshaw

Mel: Once constituted will meet Monday 5/27 and discuss the ability to add 2 members to the executive committee.

3:20 – 3:30 Announcements – from members, future events

Kathie: 5/23/24 Thursday 2pm Honoring Senior Heros at the Callahan Senior Center. Cynthia Villanueva will be honored.


Adam: 5/22/24 Wednesday 7pm District 4 w/the Mayor at Blocks

3:30     Adjourn

Katie: Motion to Adjourn, Unanimously passed.