FDTC Minutes of June 11, 2017

Framingham Democratic Town Committee

Framingham Green 136 Maynard Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Meeting Minutes – Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 7:00 PM

Call to Order: Chair Beverly Hugo called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.


  1. Announcements:

Happy Birthday to Chris Lorant! The lanyards and badges for attendance have been ordered and will be here by the next meeting. Rosamond Hooper-Hamersley has some ACLU Freedom Agenda cards. Please fill one out and return it to Rozzie.

2. Attendance: Members: Elsa Aviza, Chris Broyles, Jeanne Bullock, Carmen Chico, Jack Duffy, Patrick Dunne, Linda Fields, Adam Freudberg, Beverly Hugo, Michael Hugo, Barbara LeDuc, Jack Lewis, Chris Lorant, Stephanie Mercandetti, Joan Rastani, Margareth Shepard, Norma Shulman, Jim Stockless, Cheryl Tully Stoll, Parwez Wahid, Mel Warshaw. Lifetime Members: Phil Ottaviani, John Stefanini. Associate Members: Robert Case, Jim DeSimone, Barbara Fontes, Kurt Fusaris, Jim Hansen, Gwendolyn Holbrow, Rosamond Hooper-Hamersley, Ohad Klopman, Douglas Lawrence, Mia Lin, Nancy Marchand, Ray Marchand, Amanda Northrup, Vanessa Poindexter, Summer Shaud, Larry Stoodt. Guests: Robert Cassidy, Brian Dorfman, Setti Warren, Yvonne Spicer, Priscilla Sousa.

3. May 21, 2017 Minutes: Secretary Barbara LeDuc Approved with one abstention.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Margareth Shepard Approved unanimously

A total income of $90.25 and no expenses increased the 5-13-2017 balance of $2,822.32 to $2,912.57.  Annual dues are now being accepted.

5. Beverly announced there will be at least two vacant positions for full FDTC members to be filled by election at the September meeting.

6. Report from the State House: Rep. Jack Lewis
a) Jack now has an official office & phone: 24 Beacon St. Rm. 443, Boston, MA 02133;  617-722-2460; Jack.Lewis@mahouse.gov.  Congratulations to Jack, who asks that you feel free to contact him for any information on bills or hearings.

b) Voting takes place on Wednesdays.  Thus far this year the House has passed H. 1038 The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, H. 3736 An Act Relative to Language Opportunities for Our Kids, and H.3034 An Act Limiting the Use of Prison Labor. H.1305 The “Safe Communities Act” hearing was last Friday and was heavily  attended. There was much favorable testimony but the Governor will probably veto it.

c) Spilka’s bill, S.1048 An Act Establishing a Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program will be heard Tuesday at 10 AM.

d) There were questions from FDTC members on the recent drop in the MA bond rating. Also, due to a lack of funding, the 9C cuts from last December are likely to be retained. A member noted that some MA tax refunds have not yet been sent out.

7. Mayor Setti Warren of Newton and candidate for Governor of Massachusetts spoke to the FDTC on his plans to combat economic inequality and restructure our state economy and budget. The mayor spoke at length, giving clear answers to many members’ detailed questions about our need to increase state revenues to maintain the level of services Massachusetts residents should expect.

8. Subcommittee reports:

– Civics Education Subcommittee report was given by Mia Lin on plans for upcoming events.

– Communications Subcommittee Mike Hugo reported that the new website will use a WordPress platform.

– Legislative / Advocacy Subcommittee will meet next week. The letter to Rep. Harold Naughton Jr. supporting H.1305 The Safe Communities Act was sent (see below).  Rank Choice Voting was voted into the Party platform at the convention.

– Outreach Subcommittee: no report

– Programming Subcommittee: Jim Stockless reports they are planning a separate venue and time for a large “City candidates’ night”

9. Candidate statements: The following City candidates spoke briefly on their goals:

Priscilla Sousa: Mayor
Yvonne Spicer: Mayor
John Stefanini: Mayor.

Cheryl Tully Stoll: City Council, at-large

Jeanne Bullock: City Council, District 2

Robert Case: City Councilor, District 5
Cheryl Tully Stoll spoke for Cheryl Gordon: City Councilor, District 5

Brian Dorfman: City Councilor, District 6
Doug Lawrence: City Councilor, District 6
Phil Ottaviani: City Councilor, District 6

Margareth Shepard: City Councilor, District 7
(Margareth’s campaign kickoff is Tuesday 13th evening at Masonic Lodge on Concord St.)

Jim Hansen: City Councilor, District 8

Beverly Hugo: School Committee, District 1
Jim Stockless: School Committee, District 4
Adam Freudberg: School Committee, District 4

10. Bob Cassidy, chairman of the state party Disability Outreach Committee, announced there will be an emergency meeting on June 19 to discuss the unsatisfactory conditions for
disabled attendees at the recent convention.  Access numbers for the June 19 meeting /
conference call will be sent to all DTC chairs.

11. More Announcements

– Joan Rastani noted that MetroFest (the fabulous food truck gathering) will take place on June 17.

– Summer Concerts on the Green will begin on June 23. Norma has a sign-up sheet for volunteers.

– The proposed Schedule of Meeting Dates for 2017-8 was presented and is attached below. Secretary Barbara LeDuc will inquire (again) by email to see if members are interested in changing meeting nights in the future.

All business being concluded, the meeting was adjourned at 9:07 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara LeDuc, Secretary

May 30, 2017

Beverly Hugo, Chairman
Framingham Democratic Town Committee
1 Catherine Rd.
Framingham, MA.  01701

Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
Chairperson, Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
24 Beacon St., Room 167
Boston, MA. 02133


Re: Resolution by Framingham Democratic Town Committee, Safe Communities Act

Dear Representative Naughton,

On May 21, the Framingham Democratic Town Committee (FDTC) met and discussed the proposed Safe Communities Act sponsored by Senator Jamie Eldridge (S.1305) and Representative Juana Matias (H.3269). These bills, which would ensure that state resources are NOT used for federal immigration enforcement, is co-sponsored by our Metrowest Representatives Jack Lewis, Carmen Gentile, and Chris Walsh.

At the May 21 meeting, the FDTC voted to urge you and the Committee on Public Safety and
Homeland Security to support S.1305 / H.3269.


Beverly Hugo
Chairman, FDTC

Dr. Barbara LeDuc
Secretary, FDTC

2017-2018 Meeting Schedule

Meetings will be held at Framingham Green, 136 Maynard Rd. unless otherwise noted.

Sun Sept. 17, 2017 7:00 PM
Sun. Oct. 22, 2017 5:00 PM at Heritage Framingham 747 Water St.
Sun. Nov.19, 2017 7:00 PM
Sun. Dec. 10, 2017 4 to 7 PM   (Holiday Party)
Sun. Jan. 21, 2018 7:00 PM
Sun. Feb. 11, 2018  7:00 PM
Sun. Mar. 18, 2018 7:00 PM
Sun. Apr. 8, 2018 7:00 PM
Sun. May 20, 2018 7:00 PM
Sun. Jun. 24, 2018 10:00 AM   (Breakfast Meeting)
Sun. Sept. 16, 2018 7:00 PM