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Monthly Business Meeting
March 18, 2018, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Framingham Democratic Town Committee Meeting Agenda of March 18, 2018
136 Maynard Road
7:00-8:45 p.m.
7:00-7:05 Welcome and Announcements–Beverly Hugo, Chair
7:05-7:10 Secretary’s Report-Barb LeDuc-a. Attendance b. Approval of Minutes of January 2018
7:10-7:15 Treasurer’s Report-Mel Warshaw (Interim)-a. Financials b. State Committee Meeting Report
7:15-7:20 Reports from the State House and Capitol Hill-Legislators in attendance
7:20-7:25 Mayoral Report
7:20-7:45 Candidates and Campaigns
7:45-7:50 State Convention-Parwez Wahid
a. Delegate Workshop-3/31 Framingham Library (Costin), 3-5.
b. Waivers, Fees, Deadlines, Add-On Delegates
7:50-7:55 Mid-Term Elections-Norma Shulman
a. Signature Drives-3/14, 3/15, 3/18-Framingham Library
b. Volunteer Opportunities
7:55-8:15 Subcommittee Reports–
- Civics Education-Pat Dunne
- Communications-Mike Hugo
- Legislative/Advocacy-Kurt Fusaris
- Outreach-Maria Robinson
- Civility-Maureen Dunne
- Stephanie Mercandetti Memorial-Senator Dave Magnani
8:15-8:20 MNW Alliance Update-Barb LeDuc, Norma Shulman, Mel Warshaw
8:20-8:25 Vote to Remove Members, Pursuant to FDTC Bylaws and State Charter
8:25-8:30 Election of New Members-Speeches and Vote
8:30-8:35 Appointment of Nominating Committee
8:35-8:40 Hospitality-Rosamond Hooper-Hamersley, Barb Fontes, Maria Robinson, Cindy Rubin
8:40-8:45 Charity-New and gently used books for Hoops and Homework-Grades K-6
Next Meeting-April 22nd-Annual Reorganization Meeting-Election of Officers!